
Funny How We Meet Again

The sound of running water woke me up. I was sleeping in the livingroom when I heard running water. For a short moment or so, I was shocked and about to call the police. I lived alone. 

But then I remembered Wu Fan. Quickly sitting up I became frozen, just thinking about the possible scenarios for my case.

Should I push him out the door?

Should I act like we never broke up?

How would he act?

I was too preoccupied imagining scenes to notice that the water was no longer running. But I did notice the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. 

I still didn't come up with a natural way to face him, so I just laid back onto my sofa and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. Just when I was deciding whether or not to 'snore' the footsteps came to a halt.

I held my breath when I realized that Wu Fan was three feet away from me. It was a pretty stupid move, though, since I had to breathe after all. And he was even closer yesterday yet I didn't hold my breath.

"Miyeon-sshi." It felt strange hearing him talk to me with such formalities, "You can." His voice sounded strained and tired, and he took deep breaths in between his words. "Sleep back in your room, I'll go now."

I sat back up and nodded towards him, knowing he had seen through my act and knew I was awake. I became worried when I saw the beads of sweat building up on his forehead.

He was frowning too, and his eyebrows were pulled together. Wu Fan leaned onto a chair to keep his balance.

"You-" I stopped, rethinking my request for hin to stay. Didn't Wu Fan say he was going already? 

What right did I have to make him stay? What influence?

He probably had people waiting for him at home. People who took good care of him.

But still, I was still worried over him. Wu Fan looked sick. I didn't want to into his life again, and act like his girlfriend, but I knew I had to make sure he was safe.

"Wait a moment." I muttered, getting up, "I'll help you get home." 

"No, it's-" He took a deep breath, "It's okay."

It's okay? 

"It's no big deal, really." I clarified, "This feels like helping a friend." 

The word friend felt odd. Wu Fan wasn't just a friend to me, and it definitely didn't feel like helping a mere friend. I lied.

Wu Fan just grunted, staggeering a few steps back with his head in his hands. He probably felt too weak and bad to argue. 

Just like last night, I quickly retrieved my keys and purse. When I realized that it was really hard for him to walk by himself, I walked towards him and tried to support him.

I was so close to him I can faintly smell his cologne over the strong smell of alcohol. My heart beated slightly faster. 

He was here right in front of me.

We walked slowly to the door, but when the door was a mere three feet away Wu Fan collapsed. He fainted.

I was shocked, but somehow I was happy. The little self centred me had wanted him to be with me for a little while longer.

I kneeled down and tried to heave him up, my happiness evaporating when his mobile phone rang.

It was from Victoria.

Even though in reality I had no right to be jealous, I did feel a tinge of jealousy when I heard her specialized and personal ringtone.

Kris oppa, it's your favorite lady! Pick up. The ringtone went. It was her voice.

I don't like her very much. I never did. My selfish side took over as I declined her call.

I can't help but smile bitterly at this familiar activity, even before I had declined her calls without Wu Fan knowing alot of times.

Sighing I placed his phone back to its original place and then managed to place Wu Fan onto my sofa. I gently put a wet towel on his forehead and piled up on the blankets. Then, I started making porridge for him. 

I don't know why I'm suddenly acting so responsible and motherly. But I just felt the need to take care of him.

Maybe it was because I still cared about him deeply.

Or maybe it was because he had afterall taken care of me like this so many times before. I faintly smiled when a memory of his feeding me chicken soup while I was sick in bed came into mind.

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There's not much to say, since we don't know (yet) about all the characers and why Kris and Miyeon broke up :D I can't wait for your updates! There's a lot of unanswered questions, but that just adds to the excitement!

Update soon mummy! I love your story :)
faddyrobot09 #2
I thought this was going to be really cliche but I like the start of it. It's interesting and makes me wanna know more of their history together.
faddyrobot09 #3
I thought this was going to be really cliche but I like the start of it. It's interesting and makes me wanna know more of their history together.
EternalHiatus #4
ooh this is really interesting! please update soon! :)
SO SO CUTE! dkjashdkjdah their relationship is slightly awkward at this moment, but I can't wait to see them get back together!

Shut up. I know you know it's incapable of me to actually support romance. ;)

XD I like your writing style and both characters are pretty cool. :D Update more and more! :)
Naoshi23 #6
aaw...jealousy eh?:( Please update soon!^^
Ahaha talented mothers are talented. :D

I wonder who Victoria is to Kris. . .continue updating! I will always support you mummy!
Ahahah you're so talented!

Mummy is so cool! LOL and she's a fast updater too Hohoho

Look forward to.more updates!
mprincess #9
kyaa, update sooon.. (: