Chapter 43

My Present's Past

( you ‘s POV)


“Junhyung, I have to go. I’m really dead if my mom found out that I’m here in your house and you are a guy!”

“But we’re not doing anything.” He said.

“I have to go.”

Junhyung suddenly stood up in pain and grabbed my arm but he was out of balance and both of us fell on the carpet floor.

“Are you insane?!” I hissed.

He put his arms around my waist preventing me to move.

“Junyhung what are you doing?! This isn’t right. Someone might see us!!”

His face was just few inches into mine and my heart began to beats fast as he move closer and closer.

I closed my eyes waiting what will happen next…

But then I heard a laugh and when I opened my eyes I saw Junhyung smirking at me.

“You think I’m goin to kiss you?”

OMO! Junhyung suddenly let go off his arms around my waist. I stood up and I knew that I’m blushing.

“I…. I have to go.” I walk as fast as I can and open the door and saw Sulli fell behind the door.

“Were you just eavesdropping?”

“Of course not! Why would i?!!” Then she rolled her eyes and went inside Junhyung’s room.

Aish! I fixed my clothes and hair then went home.


(Junhyung’s POV)

I smirked as I saw her closed her eyes, I looked at her lips as I come nearer. I’m about to kiss her but something was stopping me from doing it. I felt that she’s trembling. Is she nervous? I think I have to stop. She’s right, this is wrong. I might lose control if I continue this. I bit my lip and smirked. Then she opened her eyes.

“You think I’m goin to kiss you?”

Why am I feeling this? I don’t know, whenever I’m with her I feel like I know her for so long and  it seems like I’m connected to her.


( you 's POV )


The next day:


“Ouch” My ears hurts, I got scolded by my mom last night. Aish!!

The alarm clock rings, I groaned as I pushed the off button of the alarm. Gahd! I don’t want to go to school today… I’m not feeling well plus my stomach hurts.

you wake up!” My mom knocks. “You’ll be late in school.”

“Ne, eomma~”

I forced myself to stand up and…

And saw a stain of blood on my blanket. Aish!!! I have my period!!!

I let out a sighed. I removed my blanket and put in on the laundry then I went to the bathroom to get ready for school.

I really hate having my period during school days because it plus it’s hard to walk and my tummy really hurts.

After eating breakfast I went immediately to school. While walking I checked my bag then I realized that I left some of my books last night in Junhyung’s house.

First class and Jiyeon realized that I’m not feeling well.

“You have your monthly period isn’t it? Coz you really look pale. Wanna go to the clinic?”

“No, I’m fine.” I forced a smile eventhough my tummy is aching and I really cant move because of the pain.

I tried to listen and cooperate with the class today  but I cant. I glanced at Junhyung’s chair. He didn’t go to school today. Is he still not feeling well?

The class ended and we are dismissed. I told Jiyeon that I wouldn’t be able to attend the play practice since my partner isn’t going to attend to.

I dialed Junhyung’s phone and it rings…

Please answer the phone… I need my books for my research homework. I was shocked when someone answers the phone and heard a familiar old man’s voice.


“Mister!! I’m you do you remember me?”

“Yes Yes, of course, Miss.”

“Mister, I left some of my book there.” I replied.

“Oh I see it was yours. You can come here today.” He said.

“Thanks, Mister! Is Junhyung there?”

“Yes, He’s asleep. By the way. I’ll be gone to do some errands again. Sorry Miss If  I cant entertain you. I’ll give you the password on his apartment.”

“Its okay Mister, Don’t worry I’ll go after getting my books.”

“Ok ok. I have to go now.” And he hanged up.


I ride a taxi and after a few minutes I arrived at Junhyung’s apartment. It really looks expensive just looking at the façade made of glass.

The elevator went up to 56th floor. I enter the code that the old man gave me then the lock clicks indicating that it was open. I carefully open the door and the cold air coming from the aircon gives me chills because it was too cold.

“Junhyung? Junhyung? Are you awake?”  But no one replied.

Maybe he was still asleep. I searched my book on the table where I placed it last night but it’s not there anymore. Where is it? I remember that I placed it here.

I looked under the table but it wasn’t there.

“Are you looking for this?” Someone said,

I stood up and turned around and saw Junhyung holding my books.

“Yes. Please give it to me.” I said.

“Why are you entering someone’s house without permission?” He said.

“I… I already talked to the old man and he gave me permission. Just give it to me and I’ll go.”

“Really? Do you have any proof? Or should I call the police?”

“I’m telling the truth! Give me my book!”

He raised his hand so that I could not reach the books that he was holding. I tried to jump but he was too tall.

“Give me that!!”

I jumped again and my tummy began to ache again. Oh, I almost forgot that I have my period.

Ugh. It hurts.

“Are you acting now? Just to get the book?” He smirked.

“Ahh!” As I shout in pain. It really hurts.

“Yah! Here’s your book. You can stop acting now.”

I kneeled in pain. Touching my stomach as I cried out of pain.

“Yah! Gwaenchana? you Gwaenchana?!” He kneeled in front of me and lift my face.

“I’m fine. Im fine. I just need to go to the bathroom.”



He accompanied me to the bathroom.

“I can manage myself.”


I locked the door and lean on it.  

“There’s a tissue beside the sink or you can just use the bidet.” Junhyung shouted.

He thinks I’m going to poop. This is embarrassing.

I just lean on the door for 20 minutes. Facing on the mirror with my pale face.

Then went out and saw Junhyung sitting at the end of his bed holding something.

He stood up and told me to sit. He gave me the medicine that he was holding and went outside to get some water.

I read the medicine and saw that its for people who has constipation. But I’m not constipated.

“Here’s the water. Drink it.” He said.

“I’m fine.” But he insisted. I don’t have a choice but to drink it. I cant tell him that I have my period because that was more embarrassing.

I drink it then he went outside again. I stood up then realized there’s a red spot on the comforter where I sat. My eyes widened. Omo~ What am I goin to do?! The comforter is white so the red stain can easily be seen. I tried to scratch it but the more it gets bigger.


I sit again to the bed to cover the blood stain.”Y..yes?”

“I made some tea. Let go to the living room.” He said,

OMG. How will I stand without him noticing the stain?

“Do you want to go to the bathroom again?”

“Aniyo…” I forced  smile. He was still waiting for me to stood up. He look at me confusingly and walks toward me.


“Are you alright?”

“Let’s go while the tea is hot.” He grabbed my hand but I removed it immediately.

“I can stand on my own..” I said.

I thought he will leave me but no. he was still standing in front of me waiting for me to stand up.

“Are you hiding something?” He said confusingly.


“Then lets go!” He grabbed me again but I removed it again with a force causing him to out balance and fell above me.

“You two!!! What are you doing?!!! ” We are both shocked as we heard the voice, we both looked at the door and saw the old man standing looking shocked at us. Junhyung and I immediately stood up. And I forgot that there’s a stain. The old man was more shocked as he saw the red stain on the comforter and so as Junhyung.

“Did…did you just??!!!!” The old man shouted.

“NOOO!!” Both of us replied



Annyeong haseyo~~~ Thanks for subscribing! :D

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Chapter 47: Wah, you're updating :) been waiting for this chapter
Chapter 47: thank u so much!!! Finally...
Chapter 47: I say yes! Sign the contract but do it messily in her own name. Would serve those evil doers right! ☺☻☺☻
Chapter 46: Please update Authornim!!
Chapter 46: Oh! Poor me! Who is 'them'?
yumimitsuki #6
Chapter 45: why is JunHyung so mean?There is a reason behind this right?
fatymoona #7
Chapter 44: great chapter, i like it..keep update ...x)
Chapter 44: Omo! Such a nice story.. Keep on updating
Chapter 43: Plz update it soon...its getting interesting