Goo Suji, Meet husband and soulmate

A broken Heart

I walk all the way to the bus stop with Ji hee since Niel just walked off probly to go brag about his date with Ji hee to our friends. We finally make it and stop in front of all of them with their cheezy smiles and held in giggles. I smile then let it fade a little when I saw them. Yes, them...and Gong Minji. They walked towards us with her in the middle as usual, they smiled as their mini skirts flew up in the wind showing everything no one wanted to see. Well...except the boys. She shot us a dirty look then changed to a flirty one as she swicthed her gaze to  Niel.

"Oppaaa. How was your day yesturday? I saw you."

"It's sunbae."

"But oppa I made you some brownies. I know how you like them."

"I don't like brownies. I like brownie ice cream now leave."

"Well me and a couple of people are going to the movies do you want to come."

"Only if Jelly and Ji hee can come with me."

"Well we only have a limited number of people who can come."

"And why are one of those people me? You know I don't go anywhere without them."


"Tell me Gong Minji. What is your IQ number?"

She opened to speak but Niel just turned and hoped on the bus before anything came out leaving her dumbfounded. Niel was one of the most sweetest guys I know but when he hated somone he hated them and Gong Minji my friends was somone Niel hated along with her two little tails Dara and Bom.  Minji knew exactly how Niel felt about her but she still never gave up on him. Ever since kindergarden she never stopped trying to talk to him. Of course she is cold to Ji hee and I which is one of the reasons why Niel doesn't like her. Though I still felt horrible everytime he dissed her. She's mean but she has feelings too. I step onto the bus and watch as Minji and her two tails sit down behind us. Minji quieter then usual. I hear a sniff then pull out a tissue from my purse and stick my arm out behind me handing it over to her. She only gives a dirty look and stares back out the window but I saw that held in smile. The bus finally makes it to school and we all struggle to get of the bus quickly. I step off and catch Minji standing to the right of me all alone for the first time.

"Minji ssi"

I call out and she turns her head to me looking at me in suprise because I never really bothered to talk to her.

"Try putting fudge and chocolate chips on the brownies. He won't be able to resist that."

She scoffs and turns her head away not saying a word leaving me to smile and walk away happily. I walk inside class only to get in trouble for being a minute late and almost missing the oh so important new student introduction. I apologize and sit down on my acheing from falling down in the hallway after sliping on something I didn't know of which caused me to be late. Niel and Ji hee turn their bodies to face me while I get myself ready for some scolding.

"Unnie! Why are you late!?"

"Jelly this is the fifth time!"

" I fell again."

"Damnit Unnie! One more time and im calling your mother!"

"Jelly you really need to be more careful."

"I know. I know. Mianhae.."

"It's alright. I need to talk to you after school okay."

I nod and listen to the teacher talk about the new transfer student. He went on and on making me drift off into a daydream but thanks to Ji hee I didn't drift off for to long. Finally he told the student to walk inside causing my eyes to widen as wide as they could. Are you serious!?! Here comes the teasing. Niel and Ji hee turn around slowly smiling their asses off warning me they were about to do somethng embarresing.

"Guys don't you dare. It's a bad hair day."

"Everyone this is Choi Minho out new transfer student. Minho, you may sit anywhere you like."

Niel and Ji hee raise their hands to get his attention before he went to the other side of the classroom while all the females talked and squealed about his 'handsome face'

"Hey! Minho! How you been buddy! Come sit here!"

Oh no damnit! I gotta hide! I put my binder up in front of my face hiding behind it while Niel calls him over to sit next me. ! I really wish I had someone sitting here right now. I saw his face from the top of my binder and watch his confused face as he sat down in the empty seat next to me.

"Yah! Jelly were are your manners? Say hi."

He pulls the binder down exposing my hidden face. I say hello and turn a little red after he asked why I was hiding. Niel and Ji hee hold in their giggles as they watch me talk to him shyly.

"I wasn't hiding. I was just...sleeping that's all."

"Oh. Well Choi Minho."


"And you are?"

"Oh! ha sorry. Goo Suji."

"Ah~ Well your very pretty Goo Suji."

Ugh.. I wish I can stop turning so red!

"Thank you.."

I smile staring at him not knowing what to say next. Niel and Ji hee clear there throats at the same time reminding me they were right in front of us.

"Uh.. These are my best friends. Kim Ji Hee and Ahn Daniel but he likes to be called Niel."

"Niel..The random one who called me over."

"Oh yeah sorry bout that. Just act like you know me okay.....So Jelly needs a-"

"Watch! I need a...a watch I like to know what time it is since I ask for the time a lot so I need a watch so I don't have to ask anymore..."

I begin to lie before Niel could tell him I needed a boyfriend. Which I did not. But Niel always did things to scare people off.

".......Yeah.We are trying to find people who would give at least two dollars to her for a watch since her parents won't buy her one and she really needs one." Ji Hee joins in the lie helping me out.

"Oh...I thought your name was Suji?"

"Yeah I call her Jelly...Only me."

"Nice..And what do you call the beautiful Ji hee over here."

Ji hee smiles as red colors her face. Niel turns to Ji Hee cacthing her blush and lets his jelously show to Minho.

"My girlfriend. Again only me.....Only I call her that...Got it."

"Oh sorry didn't know."

He looks down to his books and sets them out neatly on the desk for him to study. We all turn our heads to the teacher to listen after our conversation. Finally school was over and It was time to go. I stand up holding every book I studied for the day at once and drop a couple of things making me drop more things everytime I picked one up. I growl in annoyance after the next thing dropped onto the floor and freeze seeing a hand pick up the notebook for me. I look at Minho's face and smile grabbing the book then bow causing more things to fall. He lets out a laugh then picks up the dropped things and helps me bring them to my locker.

"You know your weird for a shy girl"


"Girls especially the shy ones usually don't let other guys hold there stuff when there undying love for Lee Minho Is written all over it."

"Give me that! and im not shy."

"Oh..Is that why you were hiding behind your Lee Minho decorated binder when I sat next to you."

"Listen Lee Minho is a very handsome actor okay Choi Minho? don't think that I got the names mixed up because I am definetly not attracted to you."

"Great how bout I pick you up friday."

"Sure. pick me up the friday in your dreams."

I close my locker and leave him standing there watching me as I walk away. Ji hee walks up to me with a smile and puts her arm around my neck.

"Sooooo. How was the convo?"


"Did he ask you out?"


She her teeth and pouted. Okay I lied but he didn't ask me to go out. He asked to pick me up. Theres a difference. We stopped walking and waited for Niel to finish his conversation so we can walk home. (Stupidest thing we've ever done.) We waited for about an hour watching him conversate. Ji hee grabs his shirt and pulled him away before he could finish his sentence. I smile and follow after her.

"Guys I have a question." Niel speaks not giving his mouth a brake.


"Why do we take the bus if we live so close?"

"Cause we're lazy okay now shush."

Ji hee answers. And here goes fight number two.

"You are a mean person Kim Ji hee!"

"Oh no! Don't cry!"

"Im not gonna cry!"

"You were when you regreted rejecting those brownies. That was hard for you huh?"

"I didn't want them!"

"Uh huh. Now I have a question. Why do you talk so much?"

"Why do you eat so much!?"

"I like food!"

"Well I like talking!"

"Yeah we all know that."

"ghjoksh UGH YOU !"

"YOU !"

They both cross their arms then stick out their tounges and turn away. I walk behind them still smiling appreciateing the beautiful day. It wasn't to hot but not to cold ethier. One of the hottest days in winter.

"Daniel ah What you did to Minji earlier was kinda harsh."

"Jelly Im always mean to her."

"I know but you could've just took them."

"Knowing her she probly put some love potion or somthing."

"Aish Chincha? You know you wanted them."

"I didn't want them! and if I had said yes her 'friends' that she invited would 'call' her telling her they can't make it as if they were coming in the first place leaving us two alone and then the movie would obviously be a romantic one were they kiss leaving her to awkwardly wait for me to kiss her."

"Well I just said take the brownies you don't have to say yes. sheesh."

I mumble but he could still hear me. He lets a smile grow on his face and shake his head a little.

"Alright I'll take them happy? I'll ask her to make some tommorow."

We finally make it to out street dancing a little while Niel b boxes. I stop looking to Niel's house wondering what the inside looks like. I haven't been there in so long I forgot.

"Daniel ah lets go to your house."

"Damit jelly niel! It's Niel! and why?"

"I haven't been to your house in ten years and I live right next to you."

"Okay fine lets just drop of Ji hee at her dumpster and then well go."

Ji hee lets drop in offense and hits his arm playfully. He lets out a laugh and throws his arm around her again.

"I like you."

"Get off!"

She throws his arm off and walks next to me all the way to his house. He walks up the stairs and rings the doorbell then steps back waiting for it to open. I look down at my feet waiting and see the door open at the corner of my eye. I look up to find the smoothe haired,dark eyed older young man looking straight at me. He's actually pretty handsome. Looks nothing like Niel at all but handsome. He smiled with his eyes stuck to me.


He spoke. His voice a little low and shy but nice enough to make my heart melt a little. I smile and bow informally. Niel turns back to look at me then turns away quickly and walks in side at the same time with Ji hee. Oh great what are they thinking now? Jongyun moves to the side to let us in but blocks my way a little when it was my turn to pass him.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Goo Suji right?"

"Yeah Jonghyun you don't remember my name?"

"Yes just wasn't sure."

"It's nice to see you."

"You too. You've gotten very pretty. Have you been eating well?"

"Thank you and yes. Have you?"


"Good. I'm glad. You look good."

"Oh really? I don't think I look that good. I'm always in pajamas."

"Are you kidding me? Your hair is healthy, your skin in amazing, and if I were stuck in the house a lot I would be too. You should go out more."

"No friends. I don't talk to people much anymore."

"You have me. I know people I can introduce you to some pretty girls if you want."

".....Maybe I don't know."

"Well if you decide to you know where to find me."

He looked at me innocently then smiled and nodded. I smile back and begin to walk upstairs where Ji hee and Niel left to leaving me alone with Jonghyun. They're definetly thinking something....


He calls for me to stop before I could completely dissapear. He hesatated a little looking around a bit. I watch him waiting for him to say somthing but he just puts his finger up signaling me to hold on a moment. He left the room and came back about a minute later with a vase of yellow roses and a balloon attached to it that read 'get well soon'. He set it down then took out a rose and walked up the stairs standing next to me. He smiled and put it in front of him handing it to me. I smile back and take it out of his hand slowly as I feel my cheeks become hot. I really need to stop blushing so easily... He smiled and turned away to head back down the stairs.

I know it's only half alive and a little dry but for some reason..this rose means a lot to me...


Poster created by tynipengwyn!

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TheGermCafe #1
I love this story already!!!Please update soon I love both of ur stories!!!\(^O^)/