Chapter 7

Misconceptions of You


Abby sat down at the kitchen table dramatically as she pounded the keys on her phone.

Rachel came over and placed a plate of eggs in the center of the table. “Jonghyun still texting you?” she asked, laughing as she sat down across from the youngest.

“Yes, he won’t freaking leave me alone.”

“I hear a proposal coming in the near future,” Alyssa sang as she sat down and grabbed a slice of bacon.

“Shut up Alyssa. Why won’t he stop talking to me?!”

“You’re the one that hasn’t stopped texting him yet,” Rachel pointed out, scooping some eggs for herself.

Abby frowned and threw the phone down on the floor. “I don’t want to see that thing for a week!”

“What, the phone or Jonghyun?” Alyssa smirked.

“I said shut up Alyssa,” Abby mumbled.

Rachel’s phone buzzed in her pocket and she grinned when she saw ‘Key :-)’  pop up on the screen.

    Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to go to lunch with us today. We know this great café and

    were planning to eat there today when Jonghyun suggested you guys come! :D By the way, if you do come…

    don’t tell Abby that Jonghyun is coming.

“What are you so happy about?” Alyssa asked, devouring another slice of bacon.

“Can we skip our plans for today and go to lunch with SHINee?”

“What plans?” Abby asked sarcastically.

“Well, do you want to go to lunch then?”

“Not if Jonghyun is going.”

“He’s not. Key made sure to mention that.”

“Alright then, we can go,” Abby said with a smile.

Alyssa nodded, scooping some eggs onto her plate. Rachel handed the phone to Alyssa under the table so she could see the message. Alyssa looked up at the eldest and grinned at her when Abby wasn’t looking.




(Abby’s POV)

“Oh my gosh! Where the crap are they?! We spent thirty freaking minutes getting here and they’re late!” Rachel exclaimed, texting Key again furiously.

Seriously, didn’t they learn last time not to be late?

“Oh! There they are!” Alyssa said a bit too loudly. Some of the older people turned around and glared at her loud outburst.

I looked over as they came towards us, only to see Jonghyun with them.

I quickly turned back to Rachel. “You told me that Jonghyun wasn’t coming!”

She shrugged and scooted over so we could all fit at the table.

“You’re late,” Rachel mumbled, glaring at Key.

“Sorry…” he said, embarrassed.

“Key, you said that Jonghyun wasn’t going to be here,” I told the diva as he sat down next to Rachel.

“When did I ever say that?” he said, looking at me with curious eyes.

Jonghyun sat down in front of me and I kicked his leg, hard. “Why are you here?”

He winced from the pain and glared at me. “Yah, I was the one that invited you guys.”

I hesitated. “You were?”

“Yeah, didn’t Rachel tell you?”

“No. She said that Key told her you weren’t going to be coming.”

Jonghyun shrugged. “Well, thanks to me, you’re here.”

I groaned and turned away from him. “So, what’s good to eat here?” I asked, picking up a menu.

“The dolsot bibimbap is really goo—” Jonghyun started.

I turned back to him. “Was I talking to you?”

“Ouuuch,” the table hummed.

“He’s right though, the dolsot bibimbap is awesome,” Taemin chimed in.

I ran my eyes down the menu and found what Jonghyun was talking about.

    Dolsot Bibimbap

        Rice topped with beef mushrooms, bean sprouts, radishes, carrots, watercress and a fried egg in a sizzling stone bowl, usually mixed with red

        pepper paste, served with seaweed soup.

Wow… that actually sounds amazing.

I glanced up at Key who was helping Rachel read the menu.

“Hey Rachel… when are you going to learn Korean?” I asked.

“Yeah! When are you?” Alyssa said, folding her menu up and placing it on the table.

“I can teach you!” Key suggested.

I saw the blush creep up on Rachel’s face. “Okay,” she said softly.

A waitress came to our table then to take our orders.

When she got to me, I asked for what the others had recommended. I glanced over at Jonghyun who grinned at me.

“I knew you would go with that,” he told me when the waitress left.

“Shut up. It just sounded really good,” I mumbled, turning away from him. “So, how did you guys find this place? It’s really cute and quiet.”

The restaurant was small, with an elderly feel to the place, and soft classical music was playing in the background.

“Actually, our van broke down here once,” Minho began. “And since Taemin was starving, we decided to come in here to eat while we waited for a tow.”

Taemin tittered. “You’re welcome hyung.”

Alyssa giggled and looked at me. “Oh my God, he is so adorable! I love him!” she said in English.

“I could get him to go out with you,” Key snickered.

“Ahhh! I would love you forever! Please do!”

“What?! What’s going on?!” Taemin asked, confused about what the two were saying.

“Hey Taemin, you should go out with Alyssa,” Key said bluntly.

“WHAT?! I didn’t think you were serious!” she yelled.

“Obviously I was,” he grinned.

“Ummm, Igottagotothebathroom,” Alyssa said quickly, standing up and rushing to the ladies’ room.

The table burst into laughter when she left.

“Even if I didn’t understand the last half, that was quite entertaining,” Rachel said, laughing at the spectacle.

As the food arrived, Alyssa came back to the table and buried her head in her meal, not daring to look up at Taemin for the rest of the course.

“So Abby, you’ve been texting Jonghyun hyung a lot?” Taemin asked, a smile forming on his lips.

“Against my will.”

“Mhmm, sure. You were the one that didn’t stop responding,” Jonghyun said.

“Because if I did stop answering, you would have spammed my phone!”

“I thought I already was,” he grinned.

“I hate you.”

“I love you too.”

All conversations ceased and everyone looked at him.

“Well if you’re saying that, then we should just go get a marriage certificate!” Alyssa exclaimed.

“I—I didn’t mean it that way!” he stuttered.

I glared at him. “Even if you did, I would never fall for you.”

“I told you that I didn’t mean that! It was a joke!”


“Wow Abby, in love with Minho and marrying Jonghyun. What a ,” Alyssa snickered in English.

“Shut the heck up Alyssa,” I mumbled to the girl. I glared at Key and Rachel who were laughing their heads off.




The eight of us walked out of the café about an hour later and stood awkwardly outside the doors.

“Well, we have to get going guys,” Onew told the other members. “Remember, we have a schedule at 3.”

The boys groaned and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I get to say goodbye to that stupid dinosaur.

”You have to go now?” Alyssa pouted.

“Aw, don’t worry, we’ll see you again!” Taemin smiled at her.

I glanced over at her and saw her melt at his words.

We began to say our goodbyes and Minho walked up to me, pulling me into a quick hug.

“Wh-what was that for?” I stuttered when he pulled away, trying to hide my blush.

He chuckled. “Can’t I say goodbye to you too?” he asked and went to hug Rachel.

I deflated a little bit and proceeded to hug the rest.

“Do I not get a hug?” Jonghyun asked me when I skipped him.

“No,” I told him firmly.

“Oh, come on, it could be the start of our friendship!” he said enthusiastically.

“What friendship?” I scoffed.

“Just hug him Abby. He’s not as bad as he seems,” Minho told me.

I looked at Minho’s handsome face that smiled at me and nodded like a stupid fangirl. “O-okay.”

Mentally ‘face-palming’ myself, I reluctantly hugged Jonghyun.

Why on earth did I agree to something so stupid?

As I hugged him he tightened his grip on me and I tried to pull away.

“Yah! Kim Jonghyun, let me go!” I yelled.

The stupid dinosaur laughed. “Not until you hug me back.”

“That will never happen!”

“Come on Abby, just hug your future husband,” Alyssa told me, trying to hold back her laughter.


My traitor of a friend went behind Jonghyun and grabbed my limp arms, putting them around his torso.

“I’ll kill you when we get back to the hotel.”

She laughed and I sighed, giving up and hugging the dinosaur back.

“There you go! Now, was that so hard?” he asked me.

“It was horrible,” I spat turning away. “Can we go now?” I asked Rachel, who was still saying goodbye to Key.

She laughed and nodded. “Alright. Come on Alyssa,” she said, grabbing Alyssa’s arm and dragging her away from Taemin.

“Bye!!!” Alyssa yelled cutely back to them as we walked away.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at it. “Really Jonghyun? Spamming my phone already?” I mumbled as I opened the message.

    I love how you hug me when Minho tells you too. >_<

I began to type a response to him, but then I remembered what Rachel said about me always answering him, even when I don’t want to talk.

I sighed and closed my phone.

“You alright?” Alyssa asked me.

I smiled at her and nodded. “Yup!”

“So, what are we going to do now?” Rachel asked.

I shrugged.

“Sleep!” Alyssa yelled.

The two of us laughed. “No!”

“But why?!”

“It’s not healthy to sleep as much as you do! I’ll tell you what. If you two can stay awake as long as I do tonight, I’ll let you go to Lotte World tomorrow,” Rachel said.

“REALLY?!” Alyssa and I squealed.

“Yeah, if you pay,” she snickered back.



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onewbby005 #1
Chapter 11: Is Jonghyun trapped! Oh no!!! Have Abby go save him and then cuddle...kekekeke is that too much?
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 9: Aigooooo, this was too cute!!
onewbby005 #3
Chapter 9: I just started and its soooo cute! Taessa is literally the cutest couple ever and why is my onew bear being such a meanie :'( update soon! Authornim jjang!!!
AnimeKitty #4
Chapter 8: You're back!!!! :D Taessa is too cute!!!
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
Chapter 8: And btw the text messages never changed colors js.
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
Chapter 8: WHOOOOOOOO!!! TAESSA!!!! VAICBAJFBAOD totally seems like something "character alyssa" //robot voice// would do! XD LMFAO. Yayyyyyyy! Updatteee~ NOW UPDATE MOARRRRRRRRRRR. Lol jk but can't wait for the next updateee wheeee~
ljoesaranghae_11 #7
ljoesaranghae_11 #8
I feel so clever my lovely stranger(: ♥
Wow ljoesaranghae_11, you are just too clever. :P
ljoesaranghae_11 #10
And...sorry for typos. My fingers are to big and long for my phones KEY.board.