Chapter 6

Misconceptions of You

AN: So I decided to make the texting a little bit more easy to understand making it like a normal phone: the person who's side of the story you are on is on the RIGHT and the person who is talking back to your side of the story is on the LEFT. Happy reading! ^.^

WARNING: There is mild language, but for our subscribers that are under age for M rated chapters we didn't rate it so those subscribers can read still.

Rachel’s phone buzzed, and she smiled, knowing that Key was texting her again like he had been for the last four hours.

“Rachel, do you have any 2s?” Alyssa asked her friend.

Rachel grumbled and gave the cards to Alyssa, then picked up her phone to read the message.

“Abby, do you have any queens?” Alyssa asked.

“No. Go fish.”

“This message is in Korean…why would he do that?” Rachel mumbled as she looked at the message.

“Is he trying to teach you?” Abby asked, and then turned to Alyssa. “Yah, give me those 2s you took from Rachel.”

Alyssa frowned and reluctantly handed the cards over to Abby who squealed happily when she put the match down on the table.

Meanwhile, Rachel studied the Korean characters, trying to make out some of the words.

“What’s it say Rach?” Alyssa asked, seeing the confusion on the eldest’s face. “Oh, and it’s your turn again Abby.”

“Right. Rachel, do you have any 5s?” Abby asked the girl.

Rachel ignored Abby’s question.

“Abby…I think this is Jonghyun texting…” Rachel finally said.

“Psh, yeah right. Answer the question.”

Alyssa grabbed the phone from Rachel. “Let me see!”

She quickly scanned the screen with her eyes then looked up at Abby. “Abby, I think he’s talking to you. Well, actually, I know he’s talking to you.”

“Hell no. That dinosaur best leave me alone before I smack him.”

“How are you going to smack him through the phone?” Rachel mocked.

“Shut up Rachel,” she mumbled and looked down at her hand of cards. “Come on, do you have any 5s?”

“No, go fish; and read that stupid text message,” Rachel said, scolding the youngest.

Abby reluctantly took the phone and read

It’s Jonghyun. I know this is a weird question to ask… but why do you hate me?

“What the crap?! Why does he care so much about why I dislike him?!” she yelled out in anger and handed the phone back to Rachel.

“You aren’t going to answer him?” she asked.

“Why do I have to justify myself to him?”

Alyssa burst into laughter. “I see who wears the pants in the relationship.”

“Alyssa, shut up, or I will smack you since you are sitting right in front of me.”

“Abby,” Rachel said, “do you have any 7s?”

“Damn it!” She yelled and handed over the three 7s in her hand.

Rachel smiled and put her new match on the table. “Do you have any 8s?” she asked Abby again.

“You’re asking me again?!”

The eldest nodded with a grin.

“Then no. Go. Fish.”

The older girls laughed at the maknae.

“Why do you get so angry at just the thought of Jonghyun?”

“Because I hate him. And stop saying his name…”

“What should we call him then?” Alyssa asked curiously.

“I don’t know…’you know who’?”

“Abby, he’s not Voldemort,” Rachel said, shaking her head with a small smile visible on her lips.

“Are you sure about that?” Abby asked.


“Abby…you’re always like this with boys. Whether you hate them or not, you’re rude to them,” Alyssa said matter-of-factly.

“So? What should I do then?”

“Talk to him!” the two said simultaneously.

“But I don’t like himmmm,” she groaned.

“Remember when you said that 10th grade year about Andrew, then we dared you to bite his ear during a game of truth or dare? Remember how after that you became best buds?” Alyssa asked, grinning at the thought of Abby biting his ear again.

“Oh God, don’t remind me…”

“Yeah! I totally forgot about that! But he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was! Maybe it’ll be the same way with Jonghyun!” Rachel exclaimed.

“That was so disgusting,” Abby said, ignoring Rachel’s comment. “Don’t you ever make me bite an ear again…”

Rachel handed Abby her cell phone again. “Answer him.”

“Should I tell him the countless reasons why I hate him?” Abby smirked as she took the phone.

“Doesn’t matter. Just text him back to show that you got the message,” Alyssa said, sighing. “Rachel, do you have any kings?”

Rachel shook her head. “Go fish.”

“Shoot…” Alyssa mumbled as she took a card off the stack. “What did you say to him, Abby?”

Abby chuckled and picked up her hand of cards. “Nothing.”

Alyssa snatched the phone and opened up the message. “’Who doesn’t hate you?’... Why did you respond with that?!”

Rachel did a face palm. “Why Abby…?”

Abby shrugged. “It’s about time that cocky basta—jerk realized how many people don’t like him.”

“Nice save,” was Rachel’s response to the stupid answer.

“Mm,” Abby agreed, standing up. “Who wants some water?”

“Me,” they both replied in unison.

Abby got her friends some water, and when she turned back around, the three glasses in her hands, she saw Alyssa peaking at her cards.

“I quit the game,” she said as she passed the cups out and sat back down.

Alyssa laughed mischievously and took a sip of her water.

The phone buzzed again.

“Oops, your future boyfriend texted,” Alyssa said.

“Ew. Don’t even joke about that. What did that dinosaur want?”

Alyssa opened up the message. “He said, ‘I don’t care about why everyone else hates me. I’m asking you.’ Ooooooh, can I take back that comment about who wears the pants in the relationship? Because he totally does after that comment.”

“It sounds like he owns you,” Rachel laughed, adding on to Alyssa’s last remark.

Abby growled, ripping the phone out of Alyssa’s hands.

                                    You don’t know me, or anything about me for that matter.

                                                                        So why do you care?!

Alyssa read over her shoulder and started humming Miss A’s ‘Bad Girl Good Girl’.

“Shut up Alyssa,” Rachel and Abby told her.

She grinned at the girls and they all waited for a response.

Finally, he texted back and said,

I honestly don’t know why I care…It just bothers me.

“Oh good Lord, why me?” Abby mumbled.

“He totally digs you,” Alyssa said, laughing way too hard.

The phone buzzed again. “’Key wants his phone back, can I have your number?’” Abby read. “Ha, hell no.”

She handed the phone back to Rachel.

“Why not? He wants to talk to you. Like we said, maybe he isn’t as bad as you thought…” Rachel said as she took the phone.

“Doubtful. It’s late,” Abby said, looking at the clock which read 1:30am. “I’m going to sleep.”

“Okay, night,” Rachel said softly.

“Good night my love!” Alyssa squealed.

“You’re so weird…” the youngest mumbled as she left the two in the kitchen.

Abby walked to her bed, happy that she was already ready to sleep, and threw herself on the comfortable mattress.

A few moments later, her own phone began to buzz on the dresser. She sighed, searching the desk for the phone in the dark and finally grabbing the clunky piece of junk.

It’s Jonghyun.

“Who the crap gave ‘you know who’ my number!?” she yelled.

“Racheeeeelll!” Alyssa hummed.

“No! It was Alyssa! And I told you Abby, he’s not Voldemort!”


(Abby’s POV)

“Psh, he might as well be Voldemort… he keeps coming back like him.”

Why? Why the crap did they give him my number?

                                                             I don’t want to talk to you.

                                                            So please, just let me sleep.

You haven’t answered why you hate me yet…

                                                                 Jonghyun, what’s my name?


That’s not my fault! You never told me!

                                             You’ve met me before… and I introduced myself

                                     at the super market that first night. You should know.

I was about to pass out from exhaustion that night!

I don’t remember anything that happened!

                                                                    Uh huh, sure you don’t.

So, what is your name then?

                                                                                 It’s Abby.

Abby? That’s such a weird name…

                                                   No, it’s American. Would it be very nice

                                                         if I told you your name was weird?

No… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.

                                                           Whatever. Can I go to sleep now?

Not until you answer my question.

                                                            Fine. You’re annoying and cocky.

                                                 You think the world revolves around you and

                                                            you piss me off because of that.

                                              You also think that you’re funny when you make

                                                         smart alec remarks, but you’re not.

                                           And lastly, when we were using your practice room

                                                   routine to learn Sherlock, you were being

                                                     your typical, dumb self and danced

                                                sloppily, left out parts, and completely did

                                                 stuff wrong… so I learned parts of it wrong.

                                                  Thank you very much, Kim Jonghyun, from the

                                      bottom of my heart, for making me learn the dance twice.

I smiled at myself, happy to finally tell him all that… something I’ve been dying to do for years.

It took a few minutes for him to respond and when he finally did answer, it was three words…words that made me want to punch him:

Is that all? ;D

                                                                            Can I punch you?

Please don’t. Promotions are coming up.

                                                                        Do you think I care?

No, but I know you wouldn’t like seeing all the

ads on AllKpop with my bruised face,

since you seem to hate me so much.

                                                Actually, since I would have done the damage,

                                                                    I would love to see that.



He stopped responding after that and I was finally able to close my eyes, beginning to fall asleep without him bothering me.


Of course! Right as I'm falling asleep, he texts me!

I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen.

Sorry, Minho stole my phone and read the conversation.

He got a good laugh out of it… but he says that we’re childish.

                                                                             I’m not. You are.

You’re the one fighting with me like a 5th grader

and holding a grudge against someone you don’t even know.

                                                    You’re the one who is going along with it!

I read back through our conversation and realized how stupid we were being.

It’s Minho. I took his phone because, at the

speed he was typing, it seemed like he

was going to make the phone explode. ;P

Also, you guys are both being childish about not being childish.

My heart fluttered. Minho is texting me?!

                                                     Yeah… I just realized how stupid this all

                                         sounded when I read back through the conversation. =P

Just saying… if you were trying to succeed

in making the hatred between you and

Jonghyun mutual, it didn’t work. He is very

intrigued by the fact that you stood up to him. -_-

                                                                             Darn… I was afraid

                                                        something like that was going to happen.

Well, it did. Good luck with that! =D

Anyway, I realize that you want to sleep,

so I’ll let you go now. Goodnight Abby.

I sighed really loudly and smiled a goofy grin as I texted Minho back.

                                                                                 Goodnight. ^.^

I placed the phone back on the nightstand and pulled the fluffy comforter over my body and next to my face, cuddling with the warm blanket and squealing inwardly like a fangirl.

Oh my God, Minho just texted me. Minho just texted me… I repeated over and over in my head until I fell asleep.

So I just have to say... I DO NOT HATE JONGHYUN!!! Actually... he is my bias... So it kinda breaks my heart to write all these arguments, but it is rather entertaining to imagine this happening, so I don't feel that bad. =P

And, thank my silent co-author/editor, stranger14, for making that lovely poster for us! =D I'm so excited about it!

School is starting on Monday, so updates might not be as long/as often... but we'll see. You can thank stranger14 for constantly bugging me about writing or else I would forget (if you follow my stories on both of my accounts then you know what I mean when I say I take FOREVER to update).

Anyway... maybe next time we can get stranger14 to say something... maybe.

Comment, suggest, subscribe!



Or maybe this time. :D

Well... this is odd. I don't normally write author's notes, but I just wanted thank you for reading our story! I hope we're updating quickly enough for you! I don't normally write the chapters themselves, so I'm always bugging darkkeltha to write them. I'm always eager to see what happens next! XD It's almost like being a subscriber who can actually fix the grammar mistakes that eat away at my soul as I'm reading... Okay, well, maybe that's a little too dramatic. Anyway, I will definitely continue to force darkkeltha to update regularly during the school year and keep the chapters a reasonable length. I absolutely despise short chapters. Especially when someone hasn't updated for a really long time and he/she updates with a chapter that is literally 1-2 paragraphs. -_- Please keep reading and tell others about the story if you like it! You may not hear from me again for awhile, so until next time! C:



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onewbby005 #1
Chapter 11: Is Jonghyun trapped! Oh no!!! Have Abby go save him and then cuddle...kekekeke is that too much?
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 9: Aigooooo, this was too cute!!
onewbby005 #3
Chapter 9: I just started and its soooo cute! Taessa is literally the cutest couple ever and why is my onew bear being such a meanie :'( update soon! Authornim jjang!!!
AnimeKitty #4
Chapter 8: You're back!!!! :D Taessa is too cute!!!
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
Chapter 8: And btw the text messages never changed colors js.
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
Chapter 8: WHOOOOOOOO!!! TAESSA!!!! VAICBAJFBAOD totally seems like something "character alyssa" //robot voice// would do! XD LMFAO. Yayyyyyyy! Updatteee~ NOW UPDATE MOARRRRRRRRRRR. Lol jk but can't wait for the next updateee wheeee~
ljoesaranghae_11 #7
ljoesaranghae_11 #8
I feel so clever my lovely stranger(: ♥
Wow ljoesaranghae_11, you are just too clever. :P
ljoesaranghae_11 #10
And...sorry for typos. My fingers are to big and long for my phones KEY.board.