The 5 Princes

I Think I'm Sick

Author's Note: Hey everyone! Here's another update! Honestly I haven't thought through the entire process of the story, but usually I write as ideas come to my mind then I'd polish it up. But I hope this fan fic gets better and better!! Thank you so much for subscribing and commenting!! xx

This chapter is going to be in Seungri's POV! Enjoy!! 


I scratched a star into the floorboard, at each corner of the star, I wrote a name:

Jiyong - Demon of Fire

Taeyang - Demon of Light

Seunghyun - Demon of Water

Daesung - Demon of Earth

Seungri - Demon of Air


"They were in this too?" I heard JaeRi whisper. So she hasn't forgotten the other three. I smiled at this. 

"You remember the other Oppas?" I asked, although jer answer was obvious.

"We all used to play together. When we were kids. Taeyang was in our kindergarten, Seunghyun in elementary, Daesung in middle school. Do they know eachother Oppa?" she asked. 

I shook my head. I knew everyone because JaeRi had lead me to them, though not intentionally. We both grew up together, and hung out with the same people, except for Jiyong. He was different. He didn't see JaeRi like the rest of us did. 

He was in love with her. 

It wasn't right for a demon to fall in love with a mortal. All 5 of us probably knew that, but Jiyong was the only one to ignore it. It was either that or the fact that he met her in high school, while she had met the rest at an age where falling in love was as digusting as getting bugs crawl down your pants.

"Why do you know everything about this then?" she asked.

"Because I grew up with you, and you lead me to them" I answered simply. I felt her eyes on me, curiousity emitting from her glossy black eyes. 

"You spied on them, didn't you?" she said, her eyes narrowing. "That's where you were when Umma and Appa couldn't find you at night." she continued. "You went looking for them"

I was. Since we were kids. "It started out as curiousity, but after it happend to both Tae and SeungHyun, I made it a point to look out for every friend we got into contact with." I told her.

"But how did you know there were 5 of you?" she asked.

"There was a prophecy, that every 1 billion years, the 5 demons of different powers would be born. Apart, they were just demons tainted with individual gifts, but together with a master gem, they were stronger than any force in the universe, strong enough to throw the demon king and queen off the throne." I recited from one of the old scripts that I carried around with me. 



I had come across many books, but I had never came across one so peculiar. I reached for it and immediately, shivers ran down my spine. 

"This one's a really old fairytale book" the old lady behind the counter said as she drank her tea. 

"How much is this?" I asked.

"You can have it, I found it here when I was cleaning out this place when I first started this shop. It's useless junk." she waved.

"Kamsahabnida" I said and left with it.

It was a week after Seung Hyun disappeared. Just like Taeyang. Everything still did not gel together. 



"History has it, the first few generations of princes were successful in getting rid of the king and queen, however, had died in the process, and the demon world remained as hell raisers. As the generations passed, the princes were unsuccessful, so the current demon king and queen have been reigning over our world for over 4 Billion years now. They've been getting stonger and stronger, and more clever. This time, they weren't taking any chances of the princes attacking, so they destroyed the master gem which they hadconfiscated from the previous generation, and the current 5 were sent to a different world to separate them, and would be taken back to their world once they have fully matured. They wouldn't know eachother, and the different elements mature at different ages, so they'll never meet." I ended.



I noticed taeyang had changed. He seemed to have skin that was too radiant and it was weird for the sandbox to have this strange glow. He never stayed back in school to play with the rest of us anymore in the final year of kindergarten. 

"I have to be home before dark!" he would say.

"Wae??" JaeRi asked.

"My umma wouldn't like me to run into trouble." he answered.

But run into trouble, he did. I remembered the glowing light being a dead giveaway as he was taken away from his home. I just thought he was being kidnapped but thugs, but then I realised his kidnappers were not human either. They were twice as big as a normal person and twice as fast. But I was faster. I hopped silently from roof to roof, eventually watching them disappear when they reached the park. 

The light was gone, so was Taeyang, and we never saw or heard from him since. 


"But it doesn't make sense.. Why can't they just not have the princes be born?" JaeRi asked.

"That would be possible, if demons were born like humans." I told her. 

"How are demons born then?" she asked.

"A demon is born at every occurance of a natural disaster." I explained, remembering what I've read in my book.



"At the occurance of every 1000th earthquake, an earth demon will be born..."

"At every 400th tornado, an air demon is born..."

"The moment the 100th tsunami hits the earth, a water demon will be born..."

"In the darkness of every 300th solar eclipse, a light demon is born.."

"At every 500th volcanic erruption, a fire demon is born.."

I couldn't believe what I was reading, but being curious, I read on.

"In every natural disaster, the lost souls belonging to those mortals who have lost their lives collide and produce a soul of the relative demon. The demon soul then disappears into the heart of the disaster as it ceases and is then reborn in the body of a demon that has materialised in the demon world. In the event where the collided souls fail to reach the portal in time, The soul is then stuck on earth and a demon prince is born."



"Wow, you five are really rare." JaeRi observed.

I could tell JaeRi was having a hard time absorbing all this. But she wanted to know. I knew too well she wanted to know everything because of one thing.

She wanted her Jiyong.

"We're not born by choice of the king and queen. Demons do not belong on earth, and we are only able to be detected once they've fully matured. Taeyang and Seunghyung were unlucky, since they mature at a young age, I guess they never had enough time to fully understand the entire picture of it.



"I can stay underwater fora long time!" Seunghyun boasted while we played in the pool like we did every week with him. 

"You're on!" I heard JaeRi accept.

Jaeri drew in a breath before dunking her head in, Seunghyung didn't even need to take a breath, he just went for it. I watched them both underwater, my goggles squeezing my head. JaeRi had her eyes closed, but Seunhyun had his wide open; glowing a radiant sapphire blue as he sat cross legged at the foot of the pool. I noticed that the roots of his hair was a seafoam green, his hair danced in the water, making the color obvious. I knew then he was like Taeyang and I was like him too. But he didn't glow, nor could he jump as far or run as fast as me. No one could. So what was he?

As JaeRi rose to the surface, I watched as Seunghyun smirk and kick himself up effortlessly to the surface while I popped up for a breather myself. 

"Woah you're good!!" JaeRi smiled. 

"I'm talented in water" he replied cooly.

"I can't wait to play with you again in the pool next week!" I remembered JaeRi shouting as we waved goodbye as we went our sepearate ways. 



Again never came.

I remembered how we had gone to the pool like we did usually, only to find out that it was closed and going to go under renovation the next day. That same night I remembered scaling the walls again and noticed how messed up the place looked. The place looked like there had been a huge fight, like all hell had broken loose the night before.

Apparently it had, since we never saw Seunghyun again. I couldn't understand it back then, but now, everything had made sense to me, and it was only a matter of time till they find me as well. As I read more of the book, it turned out to be more than a mere coincidence, especially after Daesung had disappeared too. 



"Wow!" Jaeri smiled. "Oppa, how come we can't grow sunflowers in our garden?" she asked.

"He probably bought it." I said simply.

" Anni!! It's from my garden at home" Daesung grinned. Strange guy, his umma probably did the gardening for him.

"Ya, why don't you grow an entire garden for her too while you're at it" I teased as Jaeri smiled as she played with the sunflower Daesung had given her. it was massive, almost as big as her face.

Either that or she had a small face..

"I can do that" Daesung replied immediately. "I have great gardening skills!" he added.

 I didn't believe that he did, but flower after flower, I thought it was strange so I decided to go to spy on him and his 'gardening skills'. True enough, he had all sorts of flowers growing in his backyard. What was he, gay!? Then I noticed, after the days went by, that he never used tools as he planted something, he was merely using his hands.. 

"Well that's disgusting," I thought to myself. 

"Ahh, it's getting dark" I heard him say to himself, discarding the bag of seeds at the corner of the garden.

As I got off the roof, I slipped right into his garden, cushioning myself with the breeze, but landing right in front of Daesung.

"I knew someone was watching me" he sneered. I dusted myself off. "You okay?" he asked. I noticed his eyes were a deep emerald green in the gloomy light of the evening.

"Yeah." I said. "I didn't believe that you planted it all by yourself." I explained.

"I didn't think you'd survive falling from the roof" he said, looking at me suspiciously. Did he find me out before I confirmed what he was? A girly boy like him probably had many sorts of coloured contact lenses, and this green probably looked the most real.

"I'm lucky I guess?" I shrugged, trying to look as calm as I could.

"You're a ninja." He then said, narrowing his eyes. Making me sigh in relief inwardly, then again it wouldn't be much of a big deal if he knew I was a demon right? I laughed lightly at his comment.

"Come on, let's go, dinner's on me" he said.



That was the last night I saw Daesung. After that, he had disappeared, but unlike the other two, he left without a trace. I didn't know he was gone until I decided to hop onto his roof again the week after. He hadn't been attending school and JaeRi was getting sad that no more flowers appeared out of nowhere for her. His garden was a complete mess, what was once like a botanical paradise had withered and died.

I couldn't be too sure about his case, just because he seemed too good with nature and had eyes glowing green couldn't mean that he was an earth demon, but I could only guess that he was. Up till now, I still wasn't a hundred percent sure if he was the earth demon prince, but I was sure about the other two.

And very sure with Jiyong.

"Wait, but you've met all of them." JaeRi said, interrupting my thoughts. "You've actually met the other princes, unlike in the prophecy" she pointed out. 

"By accident, but they didn't know my true identity." I pointed out, thinking twice about Daesung. "For some reason, they were unable to detect that I've matured."

"You can hide your features" she pointed out.

"All of us can." I said. 

"Oppa must be special." she said, finally smiling. 

"Anniyo, I'm lucky" I said as I returned the smile.

"Do you think you'll be able to defeat the king and queen?" she asked.

"I don't know.." I sighed, worried. "But when they find me, it's the end." 



"It is said that the demon princes can only be destroyed together, otherwise the ritual would not be successful." I read. This book was getting creepier by the minute. But to know more about myself, I had to read it, but the next sentence made me freeze.

"The ritual would require a human sacrifice." 

I knew I had to keep JaeRi safe. If I was right about the five of us being the demon princes, which I was, there was a high chance that they would want her as the human sacrifice. I knew the park had a portal, and she met Jiyong there so often, when Jiyong fully matures, it'd get more dangerous. I cannot trust him with her, his signs weren't showing yet, but when they do, he may end up hurting her. I can't sit back and let her get hurt, she was a mortal, but she was my family and I wasn't going to let anyone lay a finger on her. 

"Don't you dare hurt her" I hissed.

"Why would I?" he asked, oblivious. You're going to get taken away soon. How can you not tell? I glared at him, his foolishness was going to get her killed and I could not let that happen. It was obvious he was changing, I wasn't sure if it was because I had read up on it or because he was doing the worst job at hiding it.

"Leave us alone, I'll break you apart if you hurt her" I snarled, everyword seething through my grinded teeth.

"I'd like to see you try" he smirked, before walking off. 

You're going to reget it, Jiyong.



"I never imagined for all this to happen. How could I not notice?"JaeRi whispered to herself, looking into the moolight.

Her beauty was hypnotising, perhaps that was why Jiyong had loved her so much that he was willing to sacrifice everything to be with her. But she looked broken, and I would never forgive him for it. 

"Don't be mad at Jiyong," she said as she closed her eyes, still facing the moonlight.

"I didn't say anything about Jiyong." I snapped. 

"I know now, he didn't have a choice. I know why now." she said, as if she was at peace for once. "I know Seungri Oppa likes him the least among the 4." she added.

I watched as she stared into the sky, and fiddle with the anklet that Umma and Appa had bought for her. There were 6 charms on it, each of the charms, coincidentally, represented herself and the 5 of us.

A diamond heart. A gold flame. A gold water droplet. A gold leaf. A gold swirl. A gold lightning bolt.

"If only there was some way for me to help" she said, tracing over the flame charm.

"All you need to do is stay safe" I told her.

"Safe was with Jiyong" she whispered, looking at the charm. "But now, safe is with you, Seungri Oppa" she said, looking at me, letting a tear escape. 

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Chapter 21: I agree the story was such a heartbreaker but still I love it!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 20: OMG...this was too sad...great story!! My heart hurts now :(
iamasushiaddict #3
Chapter 20: Please let her be reincarnated!!! Pleaaaaseee. My heart just kept aching so much while reading the ending. Pleaaase a sequel :(((
shinsookyo #4
Chapter 20: Omo that's pretty cool!!
I'm really glad u make sequel of this story .
In final chapt, I had my tears flowing down.
So touched.
Great authornim <3
Chapter 20: omg i just caught up and i must say...LOVED IT!! ^^ pleeease do a sequel!! u just gotta!! OTL
Kchongers #7
Chapter 20: Omg! :( that was beautiful but it can't just end like that! Please continue!
Chapter 20: Aigoo...its over..
Authornim, i want a sequel. Jebal!! I want Jae ri to b alive^_^
<3 ds story a lot:)
Uo story nvr faild to reach my expctation.. Its an amazing, wonderful n beautiful story:)

Chapter 20: ahh...i'd finished reading this tonight,,,starting from chap. 1...and all i can say is...this story is daebak....!! i'm crying while reading through each chapter till the last one.....Jae ri,, you'll always be in the their heart.... :')