You Promised

I Think I'm Sick

Author's Note: This Chapter's going to be in GD's pov! Same principals as the first chapter, italics are flashbacks! (: I hope you've enjoyed the first chapeter! Thank you so much for subscribing! (:



'What are you doing?!' I hissed. I could see the tears going down her face.

"Get away from there!" I snarled again.

She looked confused. If she stayed here any longer they'd find her and she wouldn't be safe. I unconciously reached out to pull her away from their trap. Her breathing got heavier as she stepped back and hiccupped, I could hear her calling my name desperately. 

I'm sorry for leaving just like that.

I wanted to protect you.



"Wae?" she asked, I knew she was probably going to hate me either way.

I can't let you love me. 

I can't let her love someone who will possibly threaten her life.

JaeRi-ah, you need to forget me.

"Because I won't be able to save you anymore" I simply answered, a tear falling to the ground. 

I sped off into the night before she turned around, before she could see what I really looked like.



Maybe it would have been better to tell you the truth from the beginning.

I love you, JaeRi.

I threw my fist into the mirror, only to have it liquify under my fist. I could see her through the ripples of the mirror, rooted to the ground. What's keeping her there? She had to get out of there. I would lose her forever if she stayed. My eyes were stinging.




"why don't you ever call me anymore" she pouted.

"I can't". I answered quietly as I watched her from the corner her bedroom window.

"I must be crazy," she smiled to herself. "I keep imagining that you're here with me, talking to me" she smiled to herself, letting a tear escape.

"I'm right here." I whispered under my breath. 

She reached from under her pillow and in her hand, was a photo of us.

"I miss you so much.." she whispered, crying. "I should have told you how I felt that night" she repeated for the upteenth time. 

Everytime I heard her say it, my heart would shatter again, and I would regret everything that happened.

"I love you" she said.



But that was the only way I could see her. I had been on the run, and I was exhausted. I had been running for my life since that night. It's been 3 weeks since the attack, I could only visit her this way for a mere 20 seconds before I had to bolt again. It was dangerous for her to be alone, but just as dangerous if I was by her side.

I couldn't touch her.

I couldn't let her see me like this.

I couldn't bear to lose her after she found out what I was.

Yes, WHAT I was.



"I'll surrender myself" I told them, I hung my head as I approached them in the park after she was asleep. "Just don't touch her" I hissed as I glared up at them. They were almost twice my size, horizontally and vertically. I could fight them off easily, but they'd kill her. 

"The prince admitting defeat for a mere mortal." one of them snarled.

"How disgraceful to our kind, the King would be furious" the other added.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW." I roared. She was a mortal, but she meant everything to me.

I had to protect her.



"Please JaeRi," I begged, tears threatening to fall. "I know you can hear me. Get out of there!" I bellowed at the mirror. I knew she heard me, as she always did when I spoke at the mirror. It was the only way I could keep her safe, I couldn't go anywhere else..  It was the only way for me to be with her, even if she couldn't see me, I knew she could hear me.



"I must be crazy" she wishpered to herself.

"No you're not" I answered.

"You're in my head. It's like you were never gone" she cried.

"I never left your side." I told her. 

'liar" She sobbed. 

I stopped, I was a liar, a coward, I was watching over her through a mirror from a different world all together, for goodness sake. 

"YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LEAVE" She screamed before falling to the ground, covering her  ears. A few seconds later, Seungri was by her side.

"Ya, you're talking to yourself" he said, shaking her gently as he cradled her in his arms.

"Oppa" she cried. 

"I'll kill him for hurting you" he growled under his breath, and as if he knew I was watching her, he looked right at me in the eye, glaring.



She was standing right on the portal. I couldn't let her get in, her human form can't withstand the pressure. She would die. Even if she did survive the portal, she'd be broken by the time she reached my world. Then they'd kill her. 

Because I loved her.

My parents could not accept the fact that I was in love with a mortal. That I wanted to stay in her world, to be with her and protect her forever. I made a vow to go home and leave her forever. In return, they were to leave her alone. But I had to pay the price when I got home.

They were going to marry me away.



"NO!" I hissed.

"It's for the sake of our kingdom and you, Jiyong" my mother said soothingly as I glared at both my parents across the dining table.

"I will not marry that wretch" I seethed through my teeth. My fangs baring as I grinded my teeth together.

"Kwon Jiyong, do you not care about our kingdom's future?!" My father roared, ready to strike me from across the table.

"You sent me to their world in the first place" I growled. "I grew up there, and you expect me to care for this kingdom."

"You WILL marry princess SeoHyun. And you will forget about this mortal!" My father ordered. 

I sat on my chair, rigid, when I heard what he said next.

"If you do not do as I say. She will not be spared."



I neverspoke to my parents again. I sat in my room everyday, keeping to myself, I was fortunate enough to come across a form of magic that let me keep an eye on her through the mirror in my bed chamber, but I could not use that as a portal. I needed to get to the dungeon chambers to get to the portal. I hated myself for being a coward, for not risking everything I had left to be with her in her world. Beacuse I would be risking her life as well. My father was clever, if there was a single fault in my plan to save her he'd kill her with the snap of his fingers.

She never forgot about me like I had planned for her to.. She kept to herself more, not talking to her own family, not even Seungri. He seemed pleased that I was gone, but he didn't seem pleased that JaeRi wasn't getting any better as the weeks went by. He was understanding when I first left, when she screamed to herself when I tried talking to her through the mirror.

He was outraged and he grew to hate me even more. Something wasn't right about him from the very beginning, I just couldn't think of what it was. He kept an eye on her, even when I was still around, but he never came in between us. 

I didn't fully trust him.

He didn't fully trust me either.



"Don't you dare hurt her" Seungri hissed. 

"Why would I?" I challenged. She was the only friend who accepted me, even if she didn't know what I was, she never exiled me like everyone else. Why would I hurt someone who had given me so much comfort?

Seungri Glowered at me menacingly. I recognised something about him, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

"Leave us alone" I warned, my blood boiling and my fangs theatening to show. 

Control yourself, Jiyong, you can't reveal your true identity to a mortal, not to a mortal you couldn't trust.

"I'll break you apart if you hurt her" he snarled, a low growl ripping from his chest, I thought I saw his eyes grow darker. A mortal could not possibly be threatening me. He's asking for death.

"I'd like to see you try" I smirked, before walking off into the night.



Little did I know that this day would come, to protect her life, I had to hurt her. 

I couldn't see JaeRi as much. My features were maturing and I couldn't go out. I could contract my fangs at will at the very least. But my eyes, I couldn't change their crimson color at will, so I only saw JaeRi at night when I wanted to, when I knew it was safe for us to meet. 

But that night we were attacked, I knew it was no longer safe. They came for me when I wanted to surprise her for her birthday. The day I wanted to tell her what I really was. The day I wanted to have the weight lifted off my shoulders and pray that she would still see me as Kwon Jiyong, and not the future king of blood thirsty demons. I wanted her in every way possible, to keep her forever. I wanted to tell her everything.

I wanted to tell her that I loved her.

"JAERI GET OUT OF THERE!" I yelled for one last time. My tears were falling uncontrollably.

But I couldn't. The royal guards came for me and they wanted to kill her under the command of my father. It was the day after I had the confrontation with Seungri. But I didn't think of it much, he was probably worried that she hung out with me too often. Sometimes I wondered if he suspected that I wasn't human. I just hoped that JaeRi didn't see my true form that night. My red hair, my crimson eyes, my pallid skin, that horn sticking out from the side of my head. I was a demon, and my kind despised mortals. We were monsters.

I was a monster.



I growled in pain as I felt daggers in my eyes. Breathing heavily, I looked at the mirror, I could vaguely see the crimson colors show. The final stages were nearly complete. They would be coming for me soon to take me back to that hell hole I'm supposed to call home. 

I'm not leaving. I can't leave JaeRi behind.

"GAH!!!" I howled as I held my eyes as the final stage of my transformation completed itself. The shadow under my now crimson eyes, the horn on my head, which reminded me of a disfigured unicorn, my flaming red hair, my retractable fangs, my skin that looked beyond dead. I looked horrible. JaeRi couldn't love someone like me. 



Right now JaeRi had walked away from where the portal was. I heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close" I whispered to myself. I watched as she walked home slowly, she was holding herself, shaking. But at least she was safe. 

Or so I thought..


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Chapter 21: I agree the story was such a heartbreaker but still I love it!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 20: OMG...this was too sad...great story!! My heart hurts now :(
iamasushiaddict #3
Chapter 20: Please let her be reincarnated!!! Pleaaaaseee. My heart just kept aching so much while reading the ending. Pleaaase a sequel :(((
shinsookyo #4
Chapter 20: Omo that's pretty cool!!
I'm really glad u make sequel of this story .
In final chapt, I had my tears flowing down.
So touched.
Great authornim <3
Chapter 20: omg i just caught up and i must say...LOVED IT!! ^^ pleeease do a sequel!! u just gotta!! OTL
Kchongers #7
Chapter 20: Omg! :( that was beautiful but it can't just end like that! Please continue!
Chapter 20: Aigoo...its over..
Authornim, i want a sequel. Jebal!! I want Jae ri to b alive^_^
<3 ds story a lot:)
Uo story nvr faild to reach my expctation.. Its an amazing, wonderful n beautiful story:)

Chapter 20: ahh...i'd finished reading this tonight,,,starting from chap. 1...and all i can say is...this story is daebak....!! i'm crying while reading through each chapter till the last one.....Jae ri,, you'll always be in the their heart.... :')