The White Rose

I Think I'm Sick

Author's Note: Hello Everyone! Just so you know, the story is coming to and end soon, I kinda dreamt about the ending a few days back and I guess that's why I have managed to write a few chapters this week! Thank you to my readers who have supported me all the way! xx

This Chapter's in Jaeri's POV!


I woke up to a bell sounding and the feeling of my chest being stabbed. It sounded like those small bells that made you think of a fairy. But when I opened my eyes, I knew it wasn't a fairy. Every inch of me hurt.. I could barely move. I couldn't remember anything that happened before I woke up here. It was too dark for me to see anything, despite this I got up, wincing in pain as I felt every inch of me screaming for mercy and an alarm had gone beserk in my head. But for some reason I wanted to get up and walk. I finally stood up, though I thought my legs could give way any minute. I took a step forward, my footsteps made no sound, though I knew the floor was completely solid. I called out, only to have complete silence.

"Hello?" I called again, still no sound.

I kept walking, I felt cold and confused. Something wasn't right, but I walked anyway. Was I looking for someone? The coldness gradually disappeared, and I began to feel warm. Yet, it didn't seem to reach me emotionally. On the inside I felt as empty as ever, but I wasn't shaking from the coldness of my dark surroundings. As I continued walking, the warmth did begin to fully swirl in me, and at that moment, it felt like everything was going to be alright. I smiled to myself in comfort and carried on walking.

I spotted an orange glow, it was calling to me soundlessly, as if it wanted me to go near it. I knew I didn't hear anything, but it beckoned me. Its presence was warm, just like the heat it was giving out, making me feel safe. I stopped right in front of it, it was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, but I didn't touch it just yet, I let my hand wander around its gentle warmth. It was beautiful and it made me smile. I reached out and a flash of orange light greeted me the moment my fingertips touched it, completely wiping out the black surroundings.



"It's okay now.. you can open your eyes!" a guy said.

I couldn't see his face, but something about him was familiar. Something about this place seemed familiar. I looked at him, he seemed like he was in high school, his skin was fair and pretty. His short blonde hair seemed to make a bell go off in my head, but still, I couldn't figure out who he was.The theatre seemed crowded and the movie credits were playing.. but why was it that I could only hear the two of them? The girl had her hands over her face, hiding shyly. I could tell the guy was smiling, though for some reason, I couldn't really see his face.

"There there.. the movie's over!" he smiled, pulling her hands away. As he did this, I felt warmth enclose my own hands..

I felt my heart skip a beat and my head go light when I saw her face.

That was me.. It couldn't be..

"Oppa, that was scary!" she said, whacking the boy's shoulder. He smiled and got up from the seat, pulling her playfully with him.

"Let's get some ice cream then. It'll take your mind off everything" he smiled as he walked to the alley where I stood. Who was that boy?

I was close enough to see his face, but it was all blurred out.. Even when he walked up to where I was, even as he got closer, I still couldn't make his face out, as if I couldn't even see it. Right then, he walked right into me, I had my eyes closed, expecting the impact, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see myself face to face with the girl he was hanging out with, she was staring right through me. It was like looking into the mirror.. Then I realised we weren't wearing the same clothes. I waved a hand in front of her, no response.

"Jaeri!!" I heard him call. I swirled around in response to my name, however, he was looking right through me as well, holding his hand out to her.. 

"Coming!" I heard her call, she stepped right through me, placing her hand in his, as they walked right out of the cinema.

As their hands touched, the same gentle warmth greeted my hands.Who was that? What on earth's happening? That girl couldn't possibly be me, I have no recollection of any event of that sort happening in my life.. Especially that guy. I couldn't recognise him, but the other me seemed to know him, in fact, they seemed to be really close, the way he treated her, she probably felt warm like I did. But it couldn't be right.. I couldn't remember the last time I felt like that with someone, of if I ever did with anyone for that matter. 



I felt myself being squeezed, as if I was being into a tube, another flash of orange light took over my vision, completely taking me off guard, I felt myself fall back onto the cold floor I stood on previously and before I knew it the same darkness had engulfed me again. I rubbed my eyes, and whipped my head around, looking for that orange light, but I couldn't see anything.

I touched my hands, it was still a little warm. It was so dark that I couldn't even see my fingers if I held my hand in front of my face. I couldn't find a wall to guide myself, only space, still air and the cold hard floor. I walked cautiously again, thinking about what I just experienced from that orange orb of light. Nothing was making sense. It probably wasn't a memory that I saw, since I couldn't recognise anything about it.. Then again, it felt like I was there before but without any recollection of it, whatsoever.

I felt my mind's wandering come to a jolting stop. I was completely thrown off when the familiar stabbing pain came to me again and I thought I heard another bell. When I felt myself focus I realised I was standing in front of a glowing leaf, floating in front of my eyes in mid air. I looked at it curiously, I held my hand out in front of me again, but I still couldn't see my fingers, though I could feel the coolness of the glowing leaf's presence, and inch away from my finger tips. This frustrated me even more.

It called to me, it sounded like bells chiming lightly this time, unlike the orange glowing orb which beckoned me with gentle warmness. Was I supposed to touch it? I held my hand out to it once again. Before I could take a step forward to touch it, another sharp pain ate into my chest, at the same time the leaf snapped itself right into my palm, emitting a blinding green light as I heard another bell chime.



I opened my eyes again. This time I was in a field, I looked down at my feet and realised I was floating above the tall grass.

"This is wonderful!!" I heard my voice say from a distance.

My head snapped to the direction of which my voice came from, I realised it was my other self again, though I looked a little different. At the cinema I was wearing a floral mini dress but this time I was in a pair of denim shorts and a chequered shirt. I was running from someone, I expected to see that blonde haired guy again, but this time, I saw another boy running after me, I couldn't make his face out either, but he definitely wasn't the guy from the cinema, he was bigger and his hair was flat. But he looked younger, he too, seemed to be someone I was familiar with, but couldn't recognise..

"We should head back to the tree!" the boy called. "He'll be looking for us!" 

He? Who's he? 

"Alright!" the other me chimed.

She ran back to where the boy was. He seemed to be a young teenager, perhaps around 15 or so. Then it dawned on me that the other me was a lot younger than the one that I saw previously from the orange light.. I followed them until they met yet another boy, who was probably the same age as the flat haired boy. 

"Jaeri-ah, are you hungry?" he asked. This boy had spikey black hair, he had a lean build and a relatively comical voice.

"Dae!" the little me said as she linked arms with him, walking off.

As he ruffled her hair, I felt a gentle gust of wind circle through mine gently. But when I looked around to where the wind had drifted off, there was no sign of any form of wind blowing through anywhere..

"We'll see you tomorrow!" He said, waving to the flat haired boy.

"Yeah! See you here!" he called back.

"As always" little me smiled..

As always? I looked at both boys. Again, I couldn't remember who any of the boys were, or when I had even been to a place like this.. Something about this place meant somehting to me, almost sentimental, but I didn't know why. It felt important to me, but I don't remember seeing this place at all. I watched as the lean black haire dboy and myself disappear down the dirt road, disappearing behind a fence at the end of the field. Right then, the flat haired boy turned around and similarly like before, he walked right through me as if I wasn't even there. 



The moment he walked through me, I was into the green light once more before I could turn around to see where he was heading to. I felt myself get lifted off the ground I had been standing on for a few seconds before landing face flat onto the cold floor again. I looked up just in time to watch the blackness eat up the last of the green light. 

What was all this? Why was everything familiar, yet I couldn't have any recollection of them actually happening in my life? Who were those boys? 

"What's happening?" I felt myself say, only to hear nothing coming out from my mouth. I sighed, feeling my warm breath escape my mouth but not a single sound was heard. 

As I walked on, I thought about how this could be the strangest dream I could ever have. But it felt like everything was real, the pain I felt when I first landed up in the cold stale darkness, the gravity of the floor as I walked, the warmth of the orange orb. It was real, but nothing seemed to make any sense. I tried to think of how I landed up here, but I couldn't seem to find a suitable reason, for I couldn't remember anything. When I thought I was close to a conclusion, I felt my thoughts vanish again. 

I felt something calling me again like before, this time I was determined to unravel the situation. I looked around for anything that glowed, but I was still in complete darkness. But I could feel it calling, this time it felt like a distant static, sharp yet distinct and clear. I looked above me, and right above me was a glowing golden orb. I reached up for it, but before my fingers could touch it, the orb whisped away.

"Hey! get back here!!" I felt myself say, even though I knew now that I wouldn't hear anything. 

I felt too weak to run, but I ran after the orb anyway, its static energy seemed playful, which reminded me of someone, yet I couldn't remember who it was.. As I caught up to it, I stretched my arm out to grab the orb, as my fingers felt the tinge from the static, a flash of yellow light sliced through the darkness.



"Catch me if you can Jaeri!!" I heard a new voice say.

I found myself lying ina sandbox, as I sat up, I was right in the middle of kindergarten kids digging away in the sandbox. As expected, none of them seemed to know I was there, though their plastic shovels occasionally went through me and one walked right through me from behind. I could see their smiling faces as they conversed with eachother, but there wasn't any sound that escaped their lips.

"Ya!!! I'll catch you!!" I heard a familiar voice scream in delight.

I spun my head round, as I thought, I had heard another little me. This time, I was much younger again than before. I looked up at the school building and realised it was my kindergarten. I felt relieved when I realised there was somehting I remembered, but I felt it was strange that I did not recognise the playgroud at all. Kindergarten me had been chasing a little boy with slightly long black hair. His skin seemed to glow a little, which reminded me other golden orb which I had chased. I decided to concude that the boy and the golden orb were probably similar in nature.

I watched as little me smacked the boy hard on the back. As that happened, I felt a little static surge through me from the palm of my hand. He seemed to have winced from pain, which made me realise that I was unable to recognise his face or make out his features even though I was only a few metres away. There was something about him..

"Don't hit me so hard!" the boy whined.

"Sorry!!" little me smiled. "I'll see you in school tomorrow, he's waiting for me by the gate!" 


"Alright! See you two tomorrow!" the little boy said as he ran right through me to play with the rest of the children in the sandbox. 

I stood up and followed little me to the gate, apparently, 'he' was that same lean black haired boy I saw at the field. 

"Let's go home Jaeri" he smiled.

"Mm! Play with me and him tomorrow okay? You didn't come to the playground today!!" little me pouted. 

Why was I never referring to anyone by their names??

"Alright, we'll all play tomorrow! But for now let's head home! I think umma is cooking something fantastic!" he beamed as both of them walked right through me. 



I got back into the darkness. I staggered back from the force and saw the blackness seal the light away in front f me. I felt my head getting heavy as I took in deep breaths. I was getting more and more confused, even though I thought I was about to understand what was going on. I began walking again, nothing but silence and darkness surrounded me again. Just when I had accepted that silence reigned in where I was, I thought I heard the sound of water dripping from a tap at the back of my mind. 

I spun around again, in hope to see something, but of course, there wasn't anything there, but I still sensed the sound, like a drop of water landing carelessly yet gracefully into a body of water. As I ran, the sound seemed to grow clearer in my mind, though not any louder in my ears.

There, I saw what seemed to be what I was sensing. Drops of illuminated water fell from above and then disappeared before it hit the floor. As the drop disappeared, the bell chimed in my head once again, almost as if I knew it was coming, the stab came into me again. I watched as two more droplets repeated the same cycle while I caught my breath. I held my hand out shakily, waiting for the next droplet, as it fell, a refreshing feeling gushed over me, like I had just jumped into a pool of water. The moment the drop of water hit my palm, blue light swam over me like a giant wave. 



I felt refreshing coldness surround me again, though this time I was sure I was actually in a body of water. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a pool. At the bottom of the pool, sat a boy who was glowing, the roots of his hair seemed to be a light turquoise, similiarly to the water the fell in the darkness beforehand. His eyes were wide open and didn't seem to have trouble breathing. 

I paused momentarily from studying him, realising that I was breathing perfectly fine despite being underwater. I was merely floating in it, not even threatening to sink or float to the surface. I looked at the boy, who smirked to himself, his eyes looking at a little girl who was holding onto the edge of the pool. Her eyes were tight shut and even if she looked terrified, she remained motionless, like she was concentrating.

'Another little me..' I thought to myself.

I made my way towards her, and realised I was right. I looked at the boy nearby, who seemed to be having no trouble at all, though little me seemed to be struggling with keeping her breath. Something was strange about that boy. Little me hoiseted herself to the surface. 

"Ya! come up!" I heard her call from the surface of the pool. "You win!" she said. 

As she said this, the boy smiled and swam to the surface as well. 

"Ya.. how do you do that?!" she pouted.

"I don't know," he said, in a low voice. "I was always able to." 

"Unfair.." Little me pouted.

He got out of the pool and offered a hand to little me. She reached out both her hands as he pulled her up by the shoulders. As he did that, I felt a wave gush over me as well. I watched as little me got out of the pool and headed to the shop along with the boy. 



I felt the wave wash over me again, washing me back into the darkness. I sighed once more, knowing that I reached another dead end. I still wasn't sure what was actually happening. Was I supposed to see them? If I was, why couldn't I see their faces well when I coud see everyone else's so clearly? Or were they just something I imagined? I still couldn't remember anything that may have happened in my life that was any where similar to what I was seeing. 

My chest begain to hurt even more now, so did my legs, but I guessed it was because of me walking all over. I felt weak and tired, and like I had been wandering around for no particular reason. I fell to my knees, feeling tired and exhausted. I let out another silent scream of frustration as the stab attacked me again. My heart was racing painfully but I had to force myself to keep calm.. I didn't know why I was doing it, but something in me knew I had to. I curled up on the ground, hugging my knees in the emptiness. 

"It's terrible here" I said silently to myself. 

The moment I closed my eyes, the still air had become active, I could feel something cool and gentle swirling above me. For some reason, I felt comforted by its presence. I opened my eyes to see if another object had decended upon me as it always seemed to happen. Above me, a silver orb floated, as I reached my hand up for it, I felt a gust of wind pull my up from my feet gently. My tears seemed to have stopped, even if my heart and mind felt lonely and confused. I looked longingly at the orb, something about it made me feel comforted, even though I knew the negative feelings would return once I've seen what the orb had wanted me to see. 

I reached up for it again, but it seemed to drift a way from me slightly everytime I wanted to touch it. As if it didn't want to show me what it was supposed to just yet. I accepted that idea for a few more minutes and lowered my hand. The orb had lowered itself, now it was right in front of me. It had surrounded me in gentle wind, as if to comfort me once more before it drifted nearer to my face. The moment I felt its coolness touch the skin of my cheek, a strong gust of wind blew me away into a screen of white light.



"Ya! YA!" called a voice from behind me.

I turned around, to see that familiar lean black haired boy from the previous visions. This time he seemed a little older, perhaps her was 17 or so.. He was looking up a tree and he appeared to be worried about something. I walked next to him and the sad feeling of being unable to recognise him haunted me. I looked up at where he was looking. Apparently, another me was up on the tree, reaching for a cat. 

"Hold on!" the other me said.

I noticed, I looked a little older, perhaps a year or two younger than the boy. I supposed my theory of me travelling through time wasn't too right since I was jumping back and forth into random ages. 

"It's dangerous Jaeri! Get down from there!" he called authoritatively. Then again, he sounded agitated.

Who was this guy? 

"YA!!!" I heard him yell again as he sped through me and caught the other me in his arms.

I felt my heart drop then jolt back to life again the moment the other me landed in his arms. I felt gentle wind swirl itself around me as I watched theo ther me smile playfully with the cat in her arms. The boy seemed annoyed yet relieved at the same time. He shook his head and placed her on the groud before taking the cat from her.

"Can we keep her?" the other me asked.

"We shouldn't, but no harm trying to ask umma and appa for permission.." he said, I could tell he was smiling. 



As he did this, I felt a tear fall from my eyes and I was greeted by that white light for a split second before I was back in the darkness again. I let the tears fall, one after another. I wasn't sure why I was crying. But I guessed it was alright to cry. Afterall, there was no one to watch me cry, even if there was, they couldn't hear anything or see anything since it was so dark. I was alone and helpless. 

Something in me was breaking, but I couldn't be sure what it was. My chest hurt and it felt like I was dying. I knew I definitely was. As each stab came, it came more harshly. I cried and screamed silently again when I accepted the fact that I was nothing more than a lost soul in oblivion.. I felt myself cough dryly and gasp for air as I curled up on the ground again after another stab came before the chime. I thought I ought to be bleeding to death by now, but there were no signs of blood or even an open wound. 

As I took shaky breaths to steady myself, I felt a familiar warmth from behind me. It felt almost like an embrace. A face had appeared in my head, I couldn't tell if I knew the person. Perhaps I did, a sharp chin with wonderful fair skin and blonde hair.. I could tell he was trying to comfort me, telling me not to cry. I knew this even though he said nothing and his face did not seem to register itself in my head. But I knew he meant something to me and I've met him before..


"Who are you?" I whispered.

As if in response, an orange light enveloped me from behind. 




I was in a classroom, looking around, I realised it was my classroom in high school. I heard the door open, and a high school me walked in. She sat down at a desk, and three girls scoffed and approached her.

"Ya, that's my seat you little ugly punk!" a of the girls yelled at me as she yanked her ponytail. 


"How was I supposed to know?!" other me snapped, adjusting her ponytail. 

"Look, new kid, this is MY seat" she snapped, slamming her hand onto the desk. "Next to HIM, so get lost" she snarled.

"Give her a break, Uee, she's new" a voice came from the door.

"Oppa!" Uee stomped her foot, outraged. So that was Uee.. But, who was he?

His blonde hair that covered his eyes, that lovely jawline, his voice. He walked over and looked at the other me, completely ignoring Uee. He definitely was familiar, but I never remembered him being around me..

"But I sit next to you!" Uee whined.

"What's your name?" He asked other me, completely ignoring Uee again.

"JaeRi. Lee Jaeri" other me asnwered.

"JaeRi, let's have lunch." he said simply and took his seat, other me nodded shyly. Typical of me I suppose, he seemed rather dashing. "Uee-ssi, don't stalk me like you and your friends usually do." he said, waving a finger as he leant back onto his chair.

How swave.. 

With that, Uee stormed out of the classroom after shooting other me the angriest glare ever. Other me stared at the door as she and her friends left the classroom. 

"Sit down." He suddenly said as he tapped the desk that Uee claimed to be hers, his voice more gentle now. "Don't worry about her." he added with a small smile.

I definitely knew him.. I know I did, but why can't I remember such an incident in my life?


As other me sat down at the desk, I felt the warmth swallow me again, bringing me back to the darkness. I settled for the fact that perhaps I missed the black haired boy a lot, since I saw him the past few times. Or could if be the blonde fellow as well? His presence made me feel secure, and it took away my loneliness, just like the orbs. Could it be that the glowing objects represented these boys? What were they to me? I couldn't be sure, but it felt like they were supposed to be really close to my heart. 

Even if they did, what on earth was the purpose of me seeing them? 

At that thought, I felt my chest being stabbed and I heard the bell chime again. What was happening to me? I gasped in the emptiness and fell to my knees again. I thought about it, I knew nothing about them, I remembered nothing about them. I couldn't even make sure of their faces. Why were they so familiar? Each of them made me feel like I ought to remember them. Each of them seemed precious to the other me, especially the blonde haired boy and black haired boy..

I listened out for another bell, but I heard nothing. I forced my eyes open, and in the distance, I thought I saw what looked like and illuminated white rose. I couldn't get myself to stand to reach out for it. It had wilted, even though it glowed so magnificently. As I heard another bell chime, I noticed a petal fall from the rose... I closed my eyes once more, welcoming the pain..

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Chapter 21: I agree the story was such a heartbreaker but still I love it!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 20: OMG...this was too sad...great story!! My heart hurts now :(
iamasushiaddict #3
Chapter 20: Please let her be reincarnated!!! Pleaaaaseee. My heart just kept aching so much while reading the ending. Pleaaase a sequel :(((
shinsookyo #4
Chapter 20: Omo that's pretty cool!!
I'm really glad u make sequel of this story .
In final chapt, I had my tears flowing down.
So touched.
Great authornim <3
Chapter 20: omg i just caught up and i must say...LOVED IT!! ^^ pleeease do a sequel!! u just gotta!! OTL
Kchongers #7
Chapter 20: Omg! :( that was beautiful but it can't just end like that! Please continue!
Chapter 20: Aigoo...its over..
Authornim, i want a sequel. Jebal!! I want Jae ri to b alive^_^
<3 ds story a lot:)
Uo story nvr faild to reach my expctation.. Its an amazing, wonderful n beautiful story:)

Chapter 20: ahh...i'd finished reading this tonight,,,starting from chap. 1...and all i can say is...this story is daebak....!! i'm crying while reading through each chapter till the last one.....Jae ri,, you'll always be in the their heart.... :')