Ch.13 The Boss

The Darkness to My Light

     As night fell, we departed from the mall and said our goodbyes to each other. Taemin didn't want me to leave to leave and clung onto my arm for dear life and wouldn't let go. Onew had to pry him off with the help of Key. Jonghyung still ignored me and acted as if I didn't exist, but who cares...Certainly not me! 

     Ughh, okay, enough fun, I need to get them out of my mind, time to get to work, Heres where the watch comes in play.


"If the switch goes as planned then good, if not I trust you to do whatever necessary and get her back." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes. I understand. I assure you she will be safe." I replied.

I need to Make sure this switch goes smoothly for Boss' sake.




It was my brother's Birthday. The first one since he died, my parents had realized that too. Instead of it being the one happy day each year like it always used to be, it was the second worst day of my life, next to the day of my brother's death.

My parents yelled at me and hurt me more than ever that day. They kept saying how they wished I had died that day instead of my brother and how it was my fault it happened. They told me that they could be a happy family again if I just left. And that's exactly what I did, I ran out the door as fast as I could, tears streaking down my eyes.

Blinded by my tears I crashed into someone, I tried to keep running but the man grabbed my arm and held me in place. I tried to break free but couldn't so I just stood there and sobbed even harder. The man ducked down to my level and looked intently into my bloodshot eyes. I stopped crying for a moment and looked back at him.

"What's wrong little girl?" He asked in a completely genuine voice "Why are you alone? Where are your parents? It's not safe to be out here this late by yourself."

At the sound of another human voice, I burst into tears. I was afraid. Afraid to be hurt again. "My parents don't want me, they want my brother. They want me to die!"

"Okay, calm down---wait, what's your name?"

"Jade" I said, my voice still quivering.

"Okay Jade, Calm down I'm sure that's not true. I'm sure they love you and your brother both. So lets just--"

"NO!" I yelled "They tell me that everyday, and whenever they hit me!"

The man sat there for a minute before standing up. He held his hand out to me and said "Come, I'll buy you some Hot Chocolate"

I thought for a second and then took his hand and followed him. While we were walking he told me about himself. He told me how he was 19 and lived in a rich family with much expected of him, and how he was the heir to a large company. At the time I had no idea what that meant but I listened anyways. After we got our drinks we went to go sit at the water fountain at the park.

We sat down and he looked at me "Now that you know about me, tell me about yourself. Why is a little girl like you running around alone at night?"


"Call me Oppa, haha, I'm not an ajussi yet"

My face lit up "Oppa! Yay! Now I have three.." My face fell, "well.. I guess I really only have two... my real brother is...gone" I stopped as tears formed in my eyes.

"Come on tell oppa, He wants to make you feel better."

I started sobbing as I told him all about my life. How my parents hated me but loved my brother; how they would always abuse me but even though my brother protected me, they never stopped; how my brother died on my birthday while getting me my gift and how today was my oppas birthday, I told him everything bad that happened in my short life. 

He just sat there the whole time listening. I thought he would say something, but he never did. When I finished my life's story, he stood up. 

I jumped up and grabbed his sleeve " Oppa, whats wrong, did I do something wrong? Are you going to leave me too?! Please don't go!"

He turned and looked at me "It's getting late Jade-ah, I should get going.."

"But oppa..." I whimpered.

"Okay, If it means that much to you, meet me here again tomorrow and I'll show you something cool, but come at noon this time, the night's not safe."

A huge smile grew on my face and I started jumping around happily "Yes! Yes! Of course I`ll come! Oppa wait for me okay!"

He laughed "Do you want me to take you home?"

"Yes, please!" I shouted happily, realizing I had made a new friend.

"Okay lets go"

He started walking and I followed in suite.

The next day I went to the fountain as told but he was no where in sight, I ran around looking for him. I was about to stop in defeat when someone wrapped their hands around my eyes from behind. My Mind quickly switched to the defense techniques my brother had taught me. As soon as my vision was obscured and I processed that it was a tall male person, so I stomped on his foot, hard. The person retracted and yelped in surprise and pain.

I recognized his voice "Oppa! You came!!" I yelled happily.

"Yah I came I said I would didn't I? and what'd you stomp on my foot for!?" He questioned while clutching his foot.

I shrugged "I dunno, I thought you were someone who was going to hurt me" 

"Where'd you learn that from?"

"My brother taught me ways to protect myself so my parents couldn't hurt me that bad when he wasn't around." I informed while looking at the floor.

"Oh.." he solemnly said.

"Yah.." I jumped up "Oppa you said you would show me something, remember?"

"Oh yah" He seemed to have forgotten. "Come lets go"

While we were walking we talked about random stuff and we got to know more about each other. When he stopped we were standing in front of a HUGE mansion "Wahh....Oppa where are we?" I questioned in awe.

"My house" He said and walked up to the door and opened it, I followed behind. As I took a step in I stared in astonishment, the inside was even more grand than the out.

"Wahhh... choumul yeppuda" I whispered to myself.

"Nice isn't it? I wanted to show you some of the toys my mom collects, you can even play with them if you want"

"Chincha! Oppa your the best! "I gave him a big hug and ran off in some random direction.

"Jade-ah! Do you even know where you`re going?"

"...No..Oppa! Lead!"

He led me to a room full of antique looking dolls dressed all pretty without a speck of dust on them, each in their own glass cases.

"Go ahead, you can take any one you like to play with, I dont think my mom will mind as long as you`re careful"

"Bang YongGuk!" Some lady called.

"Ill be right back give me a second" Oppa said and left the room.

Wahhh..... Bang Yong Guk......I like Oppas name. These dolls look really boring and girly. I thought as I eyed a room off into the corner with glints of light shining off of gleaming metal. I tiptoed into the room and found beautiful shining metal wepons reflecting the light of the harsh flourecent bulbs. As my eyes scanned the room I found a pair of black steel nunchucks with red dragons etched into the sides. WAH!!!

I started swinging the nunchucks around for fun. Oppa walked in saw what I was doing and quickly ran over and grabbed them away from me.

"Lets put those away before someone gets hurt, my father likes to collect expensive weapons, which I might add, are dangerous for little girls"

"My brother used to have some of those. Yong Guk Oppa! I like your name, its nice" I gave him a bright smile.

"Thank you" He smiled back "Have you ever seen someone use them?"

"No, Oppa never showed me"

"Well let me show you"

He did some really complicated moves perfectly, I was awed by his precision.

"Wahh...Oppa Debak! Show me! Show me!"

"Here I'll show you something basic."


*Flashback End*


After that we started getting really close, everyday from then on we would meet up and he would teach me Martial Arts, I guess he felt obliged to help a little girl who needed it. I often questioned him about what his family did but he would never give me a direct answer.

Not until 2 years later did I find out that his family was one of the most feared mobsters of Seoul, but I didn't care. This man, Bang Yong Guk had changed my life forever and little did I know, that I had changed his as well.


A/N: I Hope you guys Liked it I added a little BAP in there for ya ;) haha

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)