Secrets Revealed

I'll get over you

Sungjong was already drying his hair when he heard a loud crash come from the room across his.

Another crash was heard and the shuffling of feet resonated throughout their dorm.


 “Punk! Why did you punch me?!”

“Because you don’t know how to keep a promise!”



Woohyun and Sunggyu was trying to hold Myungsoo back while Hoya and Dongwoo did the same to Sungyeol


“This is all your fault! Stop blaming me for having a screwed up head!” Sungyeol broke free from Hoya’s grip then lunged towards Myungsoo


“Yah! Stop it!”


Sungjong arrived after putting a shirt on. He was taken aback when he saw how the supposed ‘lovers’ were now sprawled on the floor, with Sungyeol on top, beating the life out of Myungsoo


“Hyungs stop it! Please!” Sungjong hugged Sungyeol from the back just as he was about to land another punch on Myungsoo’s face


Sungjong was surprised himself of what he did. He didn’t know what to do so he just acted out on impulse.


Sungyeol touched Sungjong’s hand gently, signaling him to let go, which he did.

“You’re lucky Sungjong saved that pretty face of yours” he let out a grunt before leaving the room

“You have some explaining to do… after we place some ice on that face of yours” Sunggyu and the rest of Infinite left, except for Sungjong


There was an awkward aura surrounding them. Neither  one dared to say another word, if it weren’t for Dongwoo who went back to check on Myungsoo.


“I’m sure you guys will sort it out” being a nice hyung he went back to hug Myungsoo and gave him a tap on the shoulder



Myungsoo and Sungjong was sitting on the couch while Sunggyu sat on the floor.

“So tell me what happened?”

Myungsoo was hesitating if he were to confess his sins or not. As he was contemplating, his eyes fell on Sungjong, who was holding a bag of ice on top of his swollen cheek


 ‘I messed up big time, how am I supposed to patch things up? Sungyeol hates me and Sungjong is keeping a distance from me’


“Myungsoo! KIM MYUNGSOO!!”  Sungjong decided to press the bag of ice harder which made Myungsoo flinch


“Hey! That hurts!”

“Well, you weren’t paying attention. Now tell me what happened? The rest of the guys went to talk to Sungyeol”  Myungsoo was looking else where as he tried to evade the question


“Look, we need to get this problem of yours fixed because I don’t want this to be the cause of other problems within our group”


“I screwed up” Myungsoo let out a sigh

“ I-I brought a girl inside our dorm…”


“WHAT?!” Sunggyu’s eyes disappeared in an instant while Sungjong dropped the bag of ice in shock


“I didn’t exactly brought her here…”


“Who is she?” asked a teary eyed Sungjong


“My ex-girlfriend” Sungjong punched Myungsoo’s face as head straight to his room


Sunggyu couldn’t say anything else but shake his head


“She came here to ask me to take her back… I said no”

“Then why did you let her inside our dorm?”

“I didn’t want anyone to know about this, so I decided to let her in.”

Sunggyu nodded his head to let Myungsoo know to go on with his story


“I told her I loved somebody else and that I couldn’t take her back. She said she understood but, before we part ways she asked if I could give her one last kiss, which I did. The kiss turned into a heated one and next thing I know we’re already in the bedroom. That’s where Sungjong came in and caught us.”


Sunggyu tried his best to remember everything.


“What surprises me is that Sungjong didn’t tell on you” Myungsoo nodded his head in approval

“I guess that’s because he knew that I might get into trouble if he did”


There was a minute of silence before Sunggyu spoke


“You do know you’re hurting Sungjong, right? I knew that you and Sungyeol were just faking your relationship to see if Sungjong hasn’t gotten over you” Myungsoo couldn’t believe that Sunggyu knew, he knew all along and he didn’t say anything


“I wanted you guys to fix this on your own. I don’t want to meddle into someone’s love life when I’m already having problems with my own. You have to talk to Sungjong about this, he has the right to know. Also, you have to apologize to Sungyeol, after all you’re his best friend”


“I know” Myungsoo hung his head low as a wave of guilt wash over him


“What was the reason you two got into fight?”


“He told me he was falling for Sungjong”

“Him too?!” asked a surprised Sunggyu

“What do you mean hyung?”

“Woohyun told me that lately, he feels warm everytime he’s around Sungjong”

My first update after a few months..

I don't know when I'll be able to update again... but, I just want to say Thank you so much for being such an awesome, nice and patient reader/subscriber ^_^

I won't feel this motivated if it weren't for you guys <3


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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 9: Uhmm this is really nicem.. what got me to read this is woojong comment but then its a troll XD its ok yeoljong is cute too but its such a huge twist
shazreeza #2
Chapter 9: Nice story of myungjong! Update please..
Chapter 9: Omg update soon please please !!!!!
Chapter 8: ha the table's turned!
oh why i can't wait to see the endless jealousy and heartbroken myung muehehehehe he needs to experience the pain he gave to jong earlier.
but i hope when it comes the time where jong and myung end up together, yeol wouldn't really get heartache :")

i'm anticipating the next update. thank you ^^
Chapter 7: oh gosh, that was a total shock :O
woohyun fell for sungjong too?
i wouldn't surprised then if later on hoya fell for jong as well lol :))
Chapter 6: tadaaaaaaaaaa and yeol fell for jongie :333333333
ahahaha take that, the handsome prince, kim myungsoo *evil laugh*
Chapter 5: omooo what was that? what did the last lines between myungsoo and yeol mean? *gasp*
Chapter 4: as much as i want myungjon end up together, but the way he confessed at jong while he's still with yeol really made me wanting to print my palm to his handsome face. aish that kim myungsoo -___-
oops, sorry if i'm too carried away by the story *bow* ^^
Chapter 3: booooo kim myungsoo -___- feeling something's off when you're around sungjong eh. pft. where have your mind been when he confessed to you? aigooo *massaged temples*
Chapter 2: yadong hahaha i like that couple name.
anyway i love how hoya was so concerned towards sungjongie ...