Bad News

Happy Virus Behind the Scene


          "Chanyeollie!!" Baekhyun screams my name on top his lungs. "I'm not deaf, you know Baekhyunnie." "Get out from bathroom now. I though you die or something in there, beside you're not the only one who need to shower right now. I'm full of sweat after all of those practice right now." Baekhyun nags on me. He's my roommate, and because of that we need to share the bathroom. I usually take a long time to shower, because I keep distracted by my own thought (or my beautiful reflection in the mirror) . Baekhyun is not very patience person sometimes, but he's one of few people that I considered as nice person. "Yah, Park Chanyeol, if you don't get out on three seconds, I will forced get out from the bathroom. "Go ahead then, Byun Baekhyun!" I said as I get out from the bathroom "Aiish!!" He mumbled some word and grabbed towel before entering the bathroom. I smiled at him showing my pearly white teeth. "You're really creepy sometimes, Chanyeollie." "Thanks, Baekhyunnie. I'll take that as compliment." I winked at Baekhyun. He just responded with slamming bathroom door.


          "Wow, Kyungsoo that smells really nice!" I said as I entered the kitchen and saw lunch that Kyungsoo made for the us. "I remembered the beef ribs that Suho hyung buy for us and I thought beef ribs stew would be good for boost our energy after all those practice. "And I made some honey-lemon tea for your hoarse voice, Chanyeol." Yeah, Kyungsoo is really thoughtful person. He's the one who take care for all of us like our own mother, that's why we called him Umma. "Thanks a lot. I bet this taste really good." I said (still showing off my national treasure teeth) to Kyungsoo. "Well, I'm not so sure about that." said Jongin or known as Kai. "I swear I saw Sehunnie put something in there." while pointing at Kyungsoo's beef ribs stew with terrified expression. "Don't worry, I already taste it. And I think it taste just fine." said Kyungsoo and it make us relieved. Who knows what our innocent-but-not-so-innocent Sehunnie put in there? I still remembered he made chocolate fried rice, don't ask how it taste. I remember our member have upset stomach for a week. Or when he forced Luhan hyung to drink red pepper paste bubble tea, one of another Sehun's dangerous experiment . Oh, poor Luhannie hyung. He fainted right away while Sehun stand there with dumbfounded face. "Huh, w-wh-why? What's wrong?" he said while stared us and that's really make Kris hyung angry and confused at same time. We really don't know what to do  with our maknae. Even our angelic K leader Suho hyung. Kris hyung was ready to send Sehun to North Pole with Fed-ex but Sehun excited though, he said he will go and met Santa and ask him a lot of present. We face-palmed together. Suho hyung even banging his head non-stop to the floor (he lost his memory for two days).


          "Guys, I got bad news for all of you. Please have a sit" said manager hyung after we had our lunch. "What is it hyung?" Xiumin hyung asked while we anxiously wait for his answer. "Your debut might be delayed for a month. We need to film another teaser. Well, you still will debuted, but the company need more promotion." he ended his word. I can see disappointment in every member face, especially Suho hyung. He already waiting for seven years but the long-awaited moment is delayed. After manager hyung left, all the member seems discouraged and silently entered their rooms.



          "Umm, Chanyeol-ah! What do you think about our manager's word?" Baekhyun asked me in our bedroom at night. "Well, I  think it's the best way to promote EXO. We are big group after all, and aiming for worldwide market too. At least it's seems like what our company thought." I replied Baekhyun and smiled to help ease his worries. Baekhyun relaxed a little bit hearing my words and decided to sleep. "Good night, Chanyeollie. I'll turn off the light." He whisper and patted my head. After Baekhyun asleep, I stared at the ceiling as I lying down on my bed. "It's weird how I can conviced other people when I can't conviced myself." I thought. 



Channie in deep thought


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this story might be hiatus for time being thanks for understanding (deep bow)


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AlicePark #1
love this!!!
a happy bird instead an angry bird xD
so cute...
don`t worry...
at least you uploaded...
read you ",
yeol parents is really bad! a really bad person don't deserve your love, Yeol-ah, it's a good thing that you loved your Chunnie hyung than your parents.... and Baek..he's really cute.. hahahahhaha.. anyway, update soon.... Hahahaha
AlicePark #3
I hate Chanyeol`s parents...
oohluhan #4
update ! :D
This chap is so cute !! They are like family now !! Channie , if you cant find a true happiness from your own family , you still have your groupemate , especially baekkie , always be by your side !!
D.O expression hahahaha=))
awwww so cute....hahhaha
awwww, sehun so cute..
new subscriber here... :D
and i'm smiling like an idiot about Kyungsoo's kitchen as his territory hahahhahahahaha... daebak, author-nim :D
AlicePark #10
Kyungsoo`s kitchen xD