Happiest of Days

Put It in Your Pocket


Chapter 2 – Happiest of Days

 “Happy birthday, Jonghyun!”  Each of my family members gave me the same retired greeting when my mother and I welcomed them into our home.  I could hear my father entertaining his brother-in-law in the living room.  Apparently, yet another assistant couldn’t match up to his standards.

Just like me.

A knock on the front door pulled my thoughts away from the disgusted feeling I was currently experiencing.  My mother unlocked the door, already flashing that kind of smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.  She looked so tired.

The door was opened to reveal my grandmother.  I moved to greet her when she put up her hand to stop me.  She placed the small, wrapped package in my hand, and I looked at her confused. I was too old to be receiving presents for my birthday.  She only gave me a crinkled smile and waved her hand, signing that she wanted me to open the gift.  I opened it, of course, but I felt wary. 

A locket?

Oh, great. Another mundane addition to my already over-whelming mundane life. 

I turned it over in my hands.  It was simple, really.  I could tell it was old.  The silver was smooth, faded, and worn to a darker color close to the top.  The locket itself was circular, about 2 and a half centimeters in diameter.  The clasp was located on the right side; the hinge was mirroring it on the left.  A long chain was threaded through a tiny loop at the top.  I opened it to find my grandfather’s name etched onto the left side, looking as worn and as rounded as the rest of the locket, with my name freshly carved and shining right underneath.  I felt a hand on my elbow, and my eyes snapped up to look at my grandmother.

“그것은 당신에게 행운을 가져다 줄 겁니다,” she whispered, “행복.”

It will bring you good luck. Be happy.

She looked so pleased with the gift that I instantly felt guilty for calling it mundane.

“Thanks, grandma.” And, I kissed her on the cheek.




[A/N] Kinda boring..I’m sorry. I promise that it picks up next chapter. College is eating my life. College, wat r u doin’. College, stahp. If the translation is wrong, someone correct me. I used Google, and we all know how reliable Google is when it comes to translations of Asian languages.

Also, Jonghyun’s name is shining. 

Locket used as reference

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Chapter 2: Please update soon this sound realy good
youngforever #2
Sounds nice for first chapter.. ^^ please update soon..!!