And So It Begins

Put It in Your Pocket


Chapter 1 – And So It Begins

“Jonghyun!”  I knew it was my mother calling at my door the instant I work up.

“Jonghyun, it’s time to get up.”  I groaned internally, giving her no sign I was awake, and prayed silently for the sounds of her receding footsteps.  You would think that after 18 years she would learn that I didn’t have any desire to be woken up at who knows how early on a Saturday.  My mother had a fabulous talent for waking me up in the most irritating way and leaving me in a bad mood for half if not rest of the day.  I knew I would feel guilty later for thinking like this because I really did love her, but at the moment, I couldn’t care less.

“Jonghyun, I put breakfast on the table.”  I still gave her no response and finally heard the sounds that indicated that she was walking back downstairs, probably to the kitchen where my father was most likely eating rice, kimchi, and cucumber soup like he does any other morning, preparing to entertain her with same stories from work.

“Happy birthday, Jonghyun.”  I whispered to myself. How mundane. I rolled onto my back.

Get up. Go to the bathroom. Eat. Get shower. Brush teeth. Do chores. Wash face. Go to bed. Repeat.

Definition: Mundane.

Even my birthday was going to be like all the rest, and it made me feel irritated all the time, and I didn’t know why.  I mean, I didn’t have a bad life.  Parents who loved me, decent grades, and friends who made me laugh, but I still felt as if something was missing.  Something that locked my happiness away.

But whatever, it was time to get this day over with.

[A/N] To my subscribers, thanks so much for subscribing to my story! I’m sorry it’s taken so long.  I actually have the idea all planned out, but I wanted to read a certain point in the story before I started posting any chapters.  I reached the point I wanted to, sort of, but it’s all written in a notebook, and I haven’t transferred it to my computer yet to be edited.  Anyway, this chapter has been ready for a while, so I decided to go ahead and post it already.  It would also probably help if I would quit coming up with new ideas, ack.  I’m sorry it’s so short too, but I wanted there to be a separation here, more than a line break.  Enjoy?

Angsty!Jonghyun is based off my 15/16-year-old self.  Also, I enjoy wordplay a ton and making up clever chapter titles so yeah. Watch out for that. 

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Chapter 2: Please update soon this sound realy good
youngforever #2
Sounds nice for first chapter.. ^^ please update soon..!!