Too Fast?

Dae and Night

I squeezed between a group of girls getting ready to drown themselves in vodka to get to Kai. He was over by the DJ booth with a large group of girls, no surprise to that. Kai was always fresh with the ladies. He had something very few of us had.

"Oh hey hyung" Kai said. "Ladies this is Kim Jongdae or more famously known as Chen from EXO-M" He gave me a wink.

Thank god. I guess my ground rules reached the other members as well - no more Chen Chen.

"Wow that's so cool." One of the girls said. She was wearing a tight black blouse tucked in a red pencil skirt. "To be an idol at this age is no surprise, but so many people try and never make it."

I blinked. Was this girl serious? Throughout the night I'd been talking to so many girls and I have not had a conversation with this much thought put into it. She was hot too of course.

"Uh yeah." Stupid Chen stop stuttering. "I mean, yes. I agree it's a shame for the others you know?" She smiled.

Oh yeah she smiled.

"By the way, my name's Christine." She said still smiling.

Oh yeah she's still smiling.

Wait Christine?

I guess my face gave me away because she responded with: "Yeah I get that a lot. I don't have an accent when I speak Korean but I'm from America. I've come to Korea to become a professional photographer."

Wow. She's pretty and artistic. This could totally work.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah I was kind of surprised - I mean one of my friends is Korean-American, but he's lived here for a while so he doesn't have an accent but sometimes when Krystal and Tiffany-noona speak Korean they have it."

She nodded and motioned me closer with her finger. Oh snap - I'm not prepared for this. I mentally did a breath check. Yup she's going to hate me and possibly vomit if this goes any further.

Too bad while I was thinking I unconsciously leaned in anyway. Smart Jongdae. Real smart.

"Hey want to get away from here. The music is way too loud and I can't hear you properly."

I nodded hiding my disbelief that she didn't want to kiss me. Heck I didn't want to kiss me, especially with this breath. I took her hand and we moved the sea of people dancing. I spotted Kris-hyung taking out a box of mints and stole it as we moved up. I heard a giggle behind me. Snap she saw that.

We moved up the stairs to the terrace. It was summer so it wasn't that cold but I took my jacket off and draped it over her shoulders.


"Uh yeah, no problem."


Awkward silence followed by more silence. I'm such a ladies man.

"So you want to be a photographer?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I love art and photography but I can't paint or draw so photography it is."

I laughed. She laughed. She's cute.

"It's okay - I was always good at school but I wanted to be a singer and I thought I had what it takes. I guess that's what got me here."

She smiled and looked at me with a serious expression.

"You know Chen, oh wait do you want me to call you Jongdae? I'll just call you Jongdae. I've met a lot of people here tonight some definitely not as sober as we are now. I have to admit though you surprise me. I expected all idols to be superficial, but you proved me wrong so thanks."

I looked at her. She tried to hide her face - probably embarrassed that she said that. Her hair was being pushed to the side by the wind and the sun behind her slowly creeping out of sight.

I did the only rational thing I could think of. I got up and moved closer to her staring at her as intently as I possibly could and kissed her. Her lips felt nice. I broke the kiss and my face was inches away from hers. I could feel her sharp breathing against my lips.

I smiled.

"I like you too."


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Thank you guys for liking this story so much. I can't wait to start my new one. Please check it out it's called Killing Me Softly and it's with Jonghyun.


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Chapter 6: I check my updates and all the chapters are up suddenly! Lol

I enjoyed reading this! At some points i got nervous, dont know why lol i just was nervous for jongdaes social life with females i guess... ><

I wissh i had met him! Lol

Thank you for writing this story!
Chapter 1: I am interested!!!

Cant wait for your next update!!!
