My Dilemma

Dae and Night

“Chen Chen are you going to come with us?” Kris asked. I groaned slightly. I hate it when he called me Chen Chen. It was cute to everyone else, but to me I felt like a little kid. Something now everybody felt about me. I didn’t ooze iness wherever I went like Kai and Kris-hyung.

“Where are you going tonight?” I asked Kris-hyung, trying to suppress my irritation.

“We’ve been invited by Yuri-noona to a new club downtown. Apparently a lot of our sunbaes and fellow rookies are going to be there. I think it’s for a new clothing line. Ask Suho.” Kris said while going over our schedule. He was obviously busy at the moment and didn’t know too much, but a club?
I walked outside and looked around. No one was there. I put my hands up and started to dance. I knew I looked foolish but no one was around. I had never been to a club before even though all the other members had, even Tao. I still wonder how they all got in. I, on the other hand spent most of my time either working hard on school or secretly practicing my singing. My parents were like any other parents-traditional. They wanted me to work hard during high school, get accepted into a good university with a scholarship and become a doctor. I didn’t want this for myself. I wanted to be a singer, but entertainers have a short career span. There was no guarantee that I would even debut in the industry let alone surpass the general expiration date.

I couldn’t afford to think like this, not after our debut, the only feeling I should be harbouring is thankfulness - whether it was to our fans, the company or anyone else who helped us achieve so much even though we’ve just entered the scene.

“Ya Chen Chen watch out!” Xiumin-hyung yelled.

I look up and stopped. I was thinking too much and was about to walk into a pillar.

“Ya Chen Chen what were you thinking about? You have to be careful okay.” Xiumin told me.

I seethed silently. I don’t know why. Maybe it was because of what I had been thinking about or the childish factor.

“Oh, hmm.” I said quietly.

I walked out of the office building and headed towards a famous coffee shop only a few blocks away. Luckily it was crowded so I didn’t attract any attention. I opened the door and went inside.

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Thank you guys for liking this story so much. I can't wait to start my new one. Please check it out it's called Killing Me Softly and it's with Jonghyun.


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Chapter 6: I check my updates and all the chapters are up suddenly! Lol

I enjoyed reading this! At some points i got nervous, dont know why lol i just was nervous for jongdaes social life with females i guess... ><

I wissh i had met him! Lol

Thank you for writing this story!
Chapter 1: I am interested!!!

Cant wait for your next update!!!
