
A Double Life











“Mummy I think he’s dead. Daddy~”




You giggled at the sight of Yongmin attempting to wake Yongguk up; the young boy was now furiously poking him to no avail. It certainly did surprise you this morning to wake up wrapped up in Yongguk’s arms despite it being early on a Monday morning; usually the B.A.P boys had an early morning workout on a Monday to start off the week, so to see him still in bed came as a slight shock, thinking that he might have overslept you prepared to wake him up but a text from their manager halted your actions:


‘________, make sure you give Yongguk a long rest over this week break, you kids have fun but not too much fun ;)’


Ignoring the slight blush that crept up on your face you grinned upon reading that Yongguk had a week break, truthfully it been several months now since he had spent quality time with you and Yongmin and even though Yongmin understood what his daddy did made him very busy he still missed him and occasionally threw fits about his dad’s absences, but now he had an entire week to spend with you two and you couldn’t wait to tell Yongmin.


You let Yongguk sleep until the late morning, not telling Yongmin that his daddy was asleep upstairs not only to surprise him but to let Yongguk rest too. You made the usual Sunday breakfast that consisted of pancakes and scrambled eggs making extra for Yongguk.


“Mummy why are you making more?”


A small voice interrupted your cooking and you looked down to see your precious Yongmin peering up at with inquisitive eyes, “Well then honey what would daddy eat then?” you answered glancing down at him and attempting yet failing to cover your smile upon seeing Yongmin’s face light up like a Christmas tree.


“Daddy’s here at home?” he squealed jumping on the spot before he sped out of the kitchen, you chuckled hearing him thunder up the stairs as you placed some pancakes and scrambled eggs on a plate before placing that and a cup of coffee on a tray, you then turned and traced Yongmin’s steps and upon arriving in your bedroom you arrived at the scene before hand; Yongmin furiously attempting to wake Yongguk up.


“Maybe you should jump on him instead honey” you suggested, suppressing your giggles as Yongmin stood back to get a running start, he ran and literally flew in the air before landing on Yongguk’s stomach with a big ooof which caused Yongguk to wake with a start at the slight pain and shock of the sudden attack.   


Still drowsy from sleep Yongguk peered down to the weight on his stomach to see his three year old son Yongmin beaming at him, “Daddy!” he screeched and launched himself again onto Yongguk’s chest causing another ooof to protrude out of Yongguk’s lips but despite that he couldn’t help but giggle along with his son as he grabbed him and pulled him into a hug ruffling his hair and placing kisses all over his face causing him to shriek in protest.


“Yongmin did you miss Appa?” Yongguk asked his voice huskier than normal due to having just woken up.


“Of course I did!” Yongmin cried, outraged at the thought that maybe he thought he hadn’t, “Didn’t we mummy?” he said turning back to you.


It was then that Yongguk turned his attention to you, still standing in the doorway carrying a tray of food, you still had your duck pyjamas on and you still had your bed hair but to him you had never looked more beautiful. You ventured in and placed the tray on Yongguk’s lap and lent down to his waiting lips to place a kiss.


“Good morning” you said against his lips, placing three more before pulling away and proceeding to walk around to your side of the bed where Yongmin had snuggled down under the duvet, Yongguk watched you go biting his lip to contain his smile.


“Hey there beautiful” he replied before taking a sip of his coffee and sighing in contentment as you made yourself comfy.


It was a Kodak* moment, the three of you in bed; you and Yongguk on the side on the bed with Yongmin snuggled between you two in the middle. You all stayed like that whilst Yongguk ate his breakfast, mucking around, laughing and just generally catching up on everything you’d both missed in each other’s daily lives. Yongmin gave you both a very detailed description of a ladybird that he and his little playgroup friend had tried to catch and you and Yongguk filled each other in on what had been happening at work.


By the time Yongguk had finished his breakfast and you had all finally found the motivation to get up it was early afternoon and probably a bit too late to properly get out and do something practical. “Pyjama day?” Yongguk suggested which Yongmin excitedly agreed for all of you and after you suggest that you all watch a movie he ran downstairs to pick one and knowing that you would have a good ten minutes you and Yongguk used it to your advantage.


“How long has it been since we snuggled like this?” you asked playing with Yongguk’s hair as he your arm.


“Too long” he muttered before turning on his side to meet your eye. You both lay on your side facing one another, noses touching and you were both content to stay that way, occasionally sharing sweet kisses that conveyed how much you loved the other.


As Yongguk opened his mouth to say something he was interrupted by a small body that jumped on the both of you causing you both to flinch with shock simultaneously before bursting out into laughter as Yongmin sat on the both of you clutching Finding Nemo between his little hands beaming excitedly at the thought of being together as a family for the first time in a while. Rolling your eyes at the choice for Yongmin had wanted to watch that every day now for the past week, you wriggled away from Yongguk before climbing out of bed to place it in the DVD player, Yongmin had ran out the room only to return with Himchan; a stuffed pink bunny rabbit that said person had given to Yongmin on his 1st birthday.


This time with Yongguk in the middle so you could wrap your arms around both you and Yongmin you all snuggled down to watch the film, laughing, smiling and in Yongmin’s case crying even though he knew that Nemo got home in the end. As Finding Nemo finished Yongguk couldn’t contain his excitement to see Yongmin’s next choice, Transformers.


Oh boy’ you thought as you glanced over at the two of them, eyes glued to the screen. Halfway through the film your eyes widened as you noticed how late it had become, quietly sneaking away from the boys you glanced back at them to see their eyes still glued to the screen, they suddenly cheered as the sound of an explosion went off, ‘like father like son’ you thought as you chuckled and made your way downstairs to prepare dinner.


Sundays’ were lazy days and you hardly ever cooked anything fancy on Sunday’s, peering into the fridge you noticed the lack of food you had, ‘Hmm I’d better go shopping tomorrow’ you thought. With the lack of food in the fridge and the lack of effort on your part you decided in call for Chinese, whilst waiting you cleared up the kitchen; washing the dishes from breakfast not noticing a figure entering the room until a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind.


You smiled as Yongguk kissed your head before resting his chin on your shoulder watching you ruthlessly attack a pan with a sponge, “Where’s Yongmin?” you asked placing the pan on the side.


“Still upstairs” Yongguk murmured in your ear “He wanted to see how it ended, but I wanted to see you so I left him there”. You leant back against him as his arms held you tighter and his head dipped down to run kisses along your neck and jaw line. You sighed in contentment before turning around in his arms and wrapping your arms his neck.


“Well I’m glad you did” you smiled.


“I love you” Yongguk whispered, a ghost of a smile on his face as he pecked your lips, “I love you more” you replied before bringing his neck down for a deeper kiss. Your lips moulded together perfectly, Yongguk ran his tongue along your bottom lip asking for entrance which you hurriedly gave him, it had been far too long since you’d kissed liked this. His tongue reintroduced itself to your mouth as he slowly backed you up against the sink, his fingers beginning to crawl up inside your shirt to rest on the hot skin of your lower back, your hands playfully tugging on his hair as you both battled for dominance.


Just as things were beginning to heat up the doorbell rang causing Yongguk to growl and you pulled away only to giggle at the annoyed look on his face, “Later” you whispered pecking his lips before wiping bubbles on his nose from the sink and running off before he could catch you.


“Ya! Women you’re going to get it later” you heard him yell as you opened the door and greeted the delivery man, paying him before taking the food and wishing him a good evening. Walking back into the kitchen where Yongguk was wiping the bubbles off his face, you placed the food on the counter and asked Yongguk to retrieve Yongmin from upstairs.


 The kitchen opened up into the dining room so you quickly laid out plates and cutlery as you heard a roar and a squeal from upstairs. Yongguk reappeared with a struggling Yongmin on his shoulder; as he placed him down in his seat Yongmin stuck his tongue out at him so Yongguk roared again and poked him in his side which caused him to squeal and the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.


“Okay you two calm down” you said taking your place next to the head of the table, where Yongguk sat and opposite Yongmin. The three you shared a hearty dinner, you and Yongguk content to just eat in silence and play with each other’s feet under the table whilst Yongmin yammered on and on about talking cars and evil 6 year olds with braces.


As Yongmin’s bedtime approached he begged and pleaded with Yongguk to call the boys of B.A.P who were still currently at the dorm as they were all leaving for home tomorrow with the exception of Daehyun who had caught the earliest train to Busan. After pouting and pulling off the puppy dog eyes for a solid minute, all which had been taught by his mother, Yongguk Skyped the other members and it was Himchan who answered.


“Wahh is that my little Yongminne? Ya! Guys look who just called us” Himchan bellowed through the iPad screen and seconds later three other tired yet smiling faces joined Himchan’s, all squashing in to fit on the screen. Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo all greeted their ‘nephew’ with smiles on their faces and then Yongguk for not letting him see him often enough.


“Ya! It’s not my fault” he protested, Yongmin just sitting in his lap and giggling at their antics. Hearing all the commotion you wandered over from the kitchen and peered over Yongguk’s shoulder at the iPad in Yongmin’s hands only to be cheered and greeted with a series of “Noonas” and “_______s’”.


“Hey guys” you greeted with a smile leaning further over Yongguk’s shoulder to get a better look at them.


“________ I swear you get prettier every time I see you, no wonder Yongguk stopped bringing you to practice” Himchan said with a wink causing Yongguk to glare at him before threatening to end the call, “I was just joking and nice pyjamas by the way” he commented as the rest laughed agreeing with him.


“Just because you’re jealous” you replied sticking your tongue out at them. You carried on talking for a few more minutes before unfortunately saying goodbye and having to literally drag Yongmin to the bathroom for a bath, leaving Yongguk to talk to the boys.


After Yongmin was in the tub, bubbles piled high Yongguk appeared, “Baby I got this, go and sit down” he said before pushing you out the bathroom and closing the door behind you. You stayed put for a few minutes listening to the giggles emitting from behind the door, smiling softly and thinking of how you were the luckiest women on earth you padded back downstairs and not knowing what else to do switched the TV on and began flicking through channels.


Now dressed in clean race car pyjamas Yongguk carried Yongmin into the living room and carefully placed him down before disappearing into the kitchen to fetch his milk, “Minnie are you glad daddy’s home?” you asked as he tiredly snuggled into your side as a cartoon played on the TV.


“Mhmm, daddy said we’d go to the park tomorrow” he muttered his eyes glued to the TV screen.


“Come on little man time for bed” Carrying a mug of warm milk in one hand Yongguk lent down to pick up Yongmin in the other who immediately snuggled into the crook of his neck, “Mummy can you come with us?” he whispered tiredly, “Of course honey” you said standing up to follow them.


You all climbed up the stairs together before entering Yongmin’s dim room, the curtains were closed meaning that the only light source came from the small bedside lamp beside his bed where Yongguk placed his milk before carefully placing him down. Yongmin crawled under the covers not forgetting to grab Himchan and Zelo, another stuffed bunny, before he snuggled down. You let Yongguk sit on the bed as you stood behind him, hands softly rubbing circles into his shoulder blades as you watch Yongmin drink his milk.


Once finished, Yongmin yawned tiredly and turned over into a more comftable position, whispering your ‘good nights’ and ‘love you’s’, you and Yongguk each placed a kiss on his temple before quietly leaving, making sure his night light was on before pulling the door to, you then proceeded to walk downstairs hand in hand before eventually plopping down on the sofa to finish watching the news.


As the anchorman said goodnight you sighed in boredom, “You bored baby?” Yongguk asked looking over at you with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile, “Yeah the news does that to me I guess” you replied, “Well why don’t we go to bed” he suggested with a raised eyebrow turning the TV off.


Standing up you both proceeded to check that all the lights were off and that all of the windows and the door were locked as well. Suddenly appearing next to you as you locked the front door Yongguk swept you off you feet, as you giggled he effortlessly carried you up the stairs careful not to bang your head or feet against anything. He nudged the door shut with his foot before placing you down so you could get ready for bed, already in your pyjamas you proceeded to only brush your teeth before reappearing to the awaiting Yongguk. Feeling slightly self-conscious despite the fact that you and Yongguk had been married for over four years now you walked over to him and he softly took your hands in his, you eyes meeting before he leant down and kissed you, softly and slowly, turning you around in the process and laying you back on the bed.


He deposited his wife beater on the floor, flashing his lean, built body before crawling over the top of you with a soft smile and you couldn’t help but blush as he placed your left leg over his hip and nestled himself between your legs.


“You’re so beautiful” he whispered, the moonlight pooling in from the window lighting up your features perfectly, he continued to your hair back as you gazed into each other’s eyes conveying all the love you had for one another, before he couldn’t help it. He had to kiss you, and he did just that.


You lips met hungrily as both your legs wrapped around Yongguk’s waist so he could move you easily further along the bed so your head were against the pillows. Your arms ghosted across his collarbone before travelling down his pecs to his abs were you felt the grooves in-between each muscle. You groaned slightly feeling Yongguk’s fingers undo the first few buttons of your pyjama top, eventually stopping for air he continued to kiss your neck, travelling down further to your collarbone and kissing searching for your weak spot.


Gasping when he kissed a particular spot in-between the groove of your shoulder and neck, you could feel Yongguk smile against your neck before he greedily attacked it making you groan at the sensation. Your hands eventually found their way to his head pulling it back up to kiss him, but he wasn’t done with your neck yet. Once again pulling away he continued his attack on your neck leaving a bright red mark at your sweet spot before exploring the rest of your neck and collarbone to try and find any more, in which he was successful.


Happy with your neck he came back up to kiss you and that’s when you felt it, despite what Yongguk was making you feel, you couldn’t help it, and you yawned. Yongguk pulled away and chuckled kissing both your eyes and nose before asking, “Is my baby girl tired?” You only yawned in confirmation and unwrapped your legs from his waist, slumping against the bed feeling suddenly exhausted despite the lack of things you did today.


Pulling the duvet out from under you both, Yongguk laid you down before rolling off you yet pulling you after him so your head laid in the crook of his neck and your legs tangled together underneath the covers. He held you close, now that the mood was gone he too felt extremely exhausted, as he tightened his hold of you he whispered “You can just make it up to Oppa later on” which earnt him a light slap on your behalf. Chuckling slightly he kissed the top of your head, “I love you _______”.


“I love you too Oppa”.


And you both fell into a deep slumber knowing that you were in each other’s arms and content and happy that you would wake up to the other the next day, after all that was why you had married each other.



*Kodak - for those of you don't know it's a photography company over here in England and I'm not sure whether they have it abroad or not but people, well I use it to describe something pretty or rememorable, something you'd want on a picture.

ta-dah! There is the second chapter, I hope it doesn't disappoint but your feedback is welcome.

Anyway it is currently 4:30 in the morning here so I think I'm going to go to sleep, night night!

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project-501 #1
Aw this is cute! :)
toowhiteforkpop #2
Chapter 4: aah so adorabubble! gukkie is so perfect!!
ailisu #3
Chapter 4: AWWW I'M IN LOVEE ;A;
ailisu #4
Chapter 3: so cute!!! <3
Ummmmm author-nim I have an idea :) how about the struggles of being married to him? Like no matter how much love there was, being that b.a.p is getting extremely popular and they are always gone, therefor there must be alot of doubt. Also, struggling with a secret indoors relationship. Since no one outside the company knows of the marriage. Hey, maybe even throw in a person that really likes bang yong guk.
Kodaks also in Canada..., I think.... Writer-nim saraghaeyo! You are amazing and I couldn't help but squeal! :)
toowhiteforkpop #7
this is really cute ^-^ update soon!
redrabbit101 #8
Please update soon ^^
I don't know why... But reading this made me so happy that I cried... Why am I so emotional!!! PleSe update soon I really the the plot... Also I see yongguk as a perfect dad!!! :D