Chapter 7 - Tonight


You are looking at Top and you realize that maybe you start to admire him.

“So.. What can I do? Is that really important? But.. I’m so sorry. I need several times to find the new one for you. I really hope that I can fix it, but I realize it is so dangerous to bring it to the service store”

“Haha... don’t over reacting. We can fix it. My friend is really good with fixing things. Let’s meet on the front door at 11 PM, bring that broken handphone and just come with me. He should be there around that time.”

Top is smiling at you again. You feel shy. “Alright. It’s my mistake, I’ll come with you.”

You go downstairs with nervous feeling and suddenly you are bumping to GD’s body.

“Yaaa!! Where are your eyes, ahjumma?”GD is yelling at you.

“Ups..Sorry...”, you are running to your room, but GD is pulling your cloth.

“Where do you want to go? Haha.. I think we need to talk.”, GD is showing his weird smile, pushing your body and bring you to his room.

He is turn on the table lamp and direct it to your face like a police who want to do some interogation to the criminal.

 “What now?!!” You are angry.

“Don’t forget, from now.. you are become my personal assistant. I’ve already told manager hyung and he is okay with it. So, you!! Tomorrow, just  follow us. We will be perform our come back stage in ‘Inkigayo’..and I need you to help my stylist team.”

“Damn mana oppa! How can he agree with this alien” You said in small voice.

“What did you say?”

“Hm...Nothing. How about this house? There is no one will take care of it.”

“Sssst!! Just hear me from now, okay? You are the one who said that we need to share the money together to buy the new handphone for Top hyung, isn’t it? I’ll buy it and you don’t need to pay for it as long as you become my assistant for one month...”



“Damn it! I’m falling to this alien’s trap. I can’t tell him about my secret plan with Top oppa to fix the handphone tonight. What should I do?”

“Don’t worry. It is not 100% loss for you. You can learn about celebrities style and you can also meet some idols in the back stage.”

“What? REALLY?”, Now, your mind is totally fresh. Maybe you can use this opportunity to meet Se7en too. You have a new objective now and it is definitely not for buying the new handphone to Top anymore.

“Tomorrow, bring all of these jackets to the car and don’t forget to use beautiful dress and put some make up on your face. I don’t want my stylist look so ugly in front of public.”

“I don’t like make up. I don’t have beautiful dress either.” you said

“That’s why I hate a poor girl who don’t have a sense in fashion. Look at you now, your bare face like ahjumma and your fashion... Oh My God! I don’t want to say it, but you look like a clown...”

“So what? I’m not an idol like you, I don’t need to be look so good in front of many people..and by the way, have I ever tell you that you are like a crocodile today? Look at your skinny cloth with that green motif, you look like a crocodile.” You look at GD from top to down. GD is nervous because of your strong stare.

“I don’t like your fashion too. You are so ugly until a cockroach wants to cry!! Huh!” you are leaving GD’s room and slam the door hardly.”

“Oh My God! How can that Sailor Moon girl’s give critics to my fashion? I am a man with high fashion!!” GD is yelling and look at to the mirror. “Am I really like a crocodile?”


----Garden (Front Door)---

It’s already 11 PM. You are waiting in the front door.

A red Ferrari car is arriving in front of you. Top uses his black sun glasses, help you to open the car’s door and hold your hand.

“Where we want to go?” You are so nervous and shy.

“Just come with me..”Top is smiling.

You ask so many time about the destination, but Top is only driving the car. This is your first romantic time to enjoy the night road with elegant car and super handsome man ‘TOP’!!

Now, you are arrive in front of a building.

“Where is it?”

“Stay in the car, okay? I need to give my handphone to my friend.”

Top is calling his friend and 15 minutes later, Seung Ho from M-Blaq are running to him. You just looking at them from the car.

“Hey, what’s up, man! What’s wrong? I’m just finishing my dance practice...”

“Sorry to disturb you in this late night.. but I need your help to fix my broken handphone.” Top give the handphone to Seung Ho.

“Hahaha.. Are you kidding me, man? I’m good at fixing things like computer or bicycle, but for this? I’m not sure.”

“I trust you. Why you can’t? Just learn to fix some gadgets from now. Okay? The data inside this hand phone is so important for me.”

“Actually, Bi hyung forbid us to leave the dorm at  the night, but I’m secretly coming outside just for you. How to pay me back, hyungnim?” Seung Ho is smiling and tapping Top’s back.

“I’ll treat you with nice food later, okay?”

“I’m fatter because of you!  How about to introduce some girls to me? Maybe... 2NE1 members? Hehe..” Seung Ho is laughing and suddenly his eyes meet your eyes that looking from the car.

“Who’s that girl? Is that your....?” Seung Ho is smiling at Top.

Top is calling you to coming.

“This is my good friend, Yoo Seung Ho”

“Annyeong haseyo. I’m ~~~~”

“Annyeong.. do you know M-Blaq? I’m Seung Ho, the leader of M-Blaq.” Seung Ho give his cool pose to you.

“It is not a good time to show off. She is a foreigner and she doesn’t know anything about korean idol” Top said.

“Are you kidding me? We are not just korean idols, we are hallyu stars. So, you are really never heard about M-Blaq?” Seung Ho look disappointed.

“I heard about some idols like Beast, then..”

“Beast? What?? You know them but you don’t know about us...? How can this happen?”Seung Ho is showing his sad face.

“Just accept it, man. Beast is more popular than M-Blaq” Top is laughing.

“I am Choppin Seung Ho and I will never give up competing. By the way, please watching our performance in Inkigayo...and bring this cute lady with you, okay?” Seung Ho said.

“Well, if I’m not lazy. Haha” Top said.

“Oh..come on..! Well, G.O text me to come back to the dorm soon. See you tomorrow. I’ll try my best to fix this handphone too. Annyeong!” Seung Ho is running back to the dorm.

“Thanks buddy!!” Top said.

Now, you and Top are sitting in the car. Top is turn on the radio, put a disc that playing Big Bang’s songs and giving you his jacket. “Don’t catch a cold, okay? How about hang out for a while? Is there any place that you want to go?”

“Oppa, are you okay? How can an idol can be free to walk at the public area?”

“It’s okay, it’s a mid night and I bring my mask, don’t worry about that.”

“Actually, I want to fix a broken necklace.. Is there any right place that still open to fix it?”

“We’ll see...”

It’s already 1 hour, and both of you can’t find any store that still open in that time.

“I think, I will find it later. Are you hungry? How about eating?”


You just smiling at Top.. “Just driving this car and following my route”

Now. the car is stop in front of a 24 hours mini market.

“How about eating some cups of ramyeon?” You hold Top’s hand and bring him to that market.

“It has been a long time since the last time I ate ramyeon at the mini market like this”

“How long?”

“It has been so long. During our first debut time, me and other Big Bang members are always go to this kind of place to eat. However, we never try to go to this place again after we become famous. It is difficult to go outside without the disguise” Top said.

Both of you are enjoying the night, sit near with the glass window of the mini market while eating hot cup noodles.

“Here we go..” you said. Since the cup is really hot, you just open one of your hand gloves to hold the fork and put it on the table.

Top is quickly eating his food.

“Slow down. Are you really that starving?” you laugh.

“No. But, this is fun. Our manager forbids us to eat any kinds of fast food or instant noodle. So, it’s a rare opportunity to eat it”

“Ups.. sorry.. That because of me”

“Don’t worry, it is our secret. I enjoy it anyway, especially because now.. I’m eating with you.” Top just finish his eat and then looking around the market. He found a hand phone’s chain in the shape of star that hanging near with the cashier.”

Now you just finish your eat and come to Top.

“What did you bought, oppa?”

“Here..It is for you. I think it’s cute”

“A couple hand phone's chain? So cute. It reminds me with the moment of us when looking the stars at that night.” Your face are totally in a blush now.

You give it back to Top. “No. It’s not good. I don’t want to take something from you. You are too good and it is too much for me.”

“No. It just a simple present. Please just accept it as a present because you have been so well in taking care of our house and accompany me tonight.”

“Well.. thank you. But.. there are two chains here. One for you and one for me?, okay”

Top is only quite.

“I... I mean... I can’t use both of them. Don’t misunderstanding.” You look panic and shy.

“Haha. You are so funny. No worries, I’ll take one of it for me. Wait until my hand phone has been done to be fixed, and I’ll put it on there.” Top is smiling.

Both of you and Top are walking to the car.

“Oppa.. by the way, can I ask you something?”

“My pleasure..”

“What is the important thing on your hand phone that you are really want to protect? I’m just curious..hehe”

“A photo.”

“What kind of photo?”

“It’s just memorable for me.” Top is open the car’s door for you.

You feel nervous now. “Don’t tell me that he want to save a photo of my blue hat that he has been used as the phone wallpaper before..”

“Hey, can I borrow your hand phone for a while? I need to call someone.”


Top is go outside the car and take a distance from you.

“Hello? Seung Ho? It’s me. I forget to tell you, but could you help me to save one of photo on my phone’s memory card.”

“Well, brother. What else?”

“There’s a photo of a girl that I’ve taken from her back in the airport”

“What? Are you kidding me? Is that what you call as important? Crazy man. Well, that’s Top... you are always be unique and hard to predict. I’ll help you for that.”

“Thanks, my friend. I’ll call you later.. annyeong.”

From inside of the car, you look at Top through the window. “Who is the one that he call? Is that a girl that he calls as Princess?” You look a little bit disappointed.

Top is go inside the car. He turns on the radio and Big Bang’s song “Tonight" is playing after that.

“It is a nice song.” You said.

“Yeah.. I really like it”.

“Now, it’s time to go home..”. Top is want to drive his car, but then, he stop at the side of road. Top is look at one of your hand is shaking.

“Are you cold?”

“Well, I think I left one of my gloves in somewhere.”

“Put your hands on my pocket now.”

You look confuse. Top is pulling your right hand and make it warm inside his jacket’s pocket.

“What do you feel? Is that better?” Top asked.

“Ye..yes”. Now you can feel warm because of Top’s hand.

You and Top don’t realize that from the outside, there’s a reporter who just taken the pictures of both of you.


-To be Continued-


The secret behind the story:


----GD (P.O.V)---

After GD leaving You in the terrace while you wash his cloths (look at Chapter 5).

GD goes to his room and closing the doors quickly. “Why I feel nervous? My heartbeat is very fast. That just an accident, but for a second, I feel she is cute. She is not a bad person anyway. Maybe I’m the one who over reacting”.

Now GD is going to the kitchen and open the refrigerator.

“Hm.. there are some apples. She said that she hasn't eat anything yet. Well, it’s okay for me to bring her some foods”.

GD is cutting some apples. “What kind of food that will be liked by her? Would she like these apples? Aaaaah... whatever!! I just need to give it to her. It doesn’t matter she like it or not as long as I try to be a nice guy...”. GD is smiling softly.

Top who just go inside from the garden is looking at GD.

“Why?” he asked.

“No..thing. Hey, by the way...Looks like you were having a good time with her. “

“Don’t get me wrong, we’re just...”

“Just..? what?”

“It’s not a big deal anyway. Trust me, it’s different with what you’ve imagined.. hey, hyung... why you look so upset? Are you jelous?”

“Haha. What are you talking about? What are you doing now? Look! The way you cutting it are really bad.” Top is look at the apples on the table.

“Pardon me, sir. An apple is still an apple even the shape is not that good”

“Wait a minute. It’s very unusual to look you eat apple with cutting it first!”

GD is be quite for a second and  holding his breath.

“Well, I want to give it to her! What’s the problem with that?”

“To her? Who? Is that ~~~~?”

“I’m just showing my sympathy for her. She doesn’t eat anything since the morning because of me.”

Top looks a little bit surprise with GD.

“Let me help you to cut it. Look at my technique!” Top is trying to take the knife from GD’s hands and stand behind him.

“Hyung!! Waeeee!!” GD is showing his cute mad face.

Seung Ri who suddenly want to come in, look at both of them.

“Hyung!! Look!!” Seung Ri is calling Tae Yang and Dae sung.

“Why? I’m still reading” Tae Yang said.

“Hyuuuuung..” Seung Ri looks panic.

Both Tae Yang and Dae sung are getting closer to him.

The three of them are looking at GD and Top through the small opening from the door.

“HAAA!! What are they doing? It’s weird!” Tae Yang said.

“Don’t you think both of them are not really good lately?” Dae Sung said.

“No. It’s even worse. Looks like GD hyung wants to kill Top hyung!!"

Both Dae Sung and Tae Yang are hitting Seung Ri’s head. “Stupid!!”

Top is getting the knife from GD.

“See? This is the way to do it!” Top is showing his confident smile.

“Yeah.. It’s better for you to give it to her too. GD looks mad. He bites one of apples that hasn't been cut yet and then go to the music room.

“This is the first time I see Ji Young did something for other person after a long time. Well, I’ll send it to her room now.” Top is going up.

At the music room, GD is playing his piano. But in every minute, he stops his playing. He plays it with the wrong rhythm.

“Arrrgh.. my head is totally in a mess now. Why I let Top hyung to give those apples to her? Why I feel upset? Well, she is not my friend anyway. Why I need to care about her? Maybe I’m just feeling guilty for today.” He said.

Besides, Dae Sung, Seung Ri and Tae Yang go inside the house and they heard the sound from GD’s piano.

“Bad rhythm.. It’s gonna be a world war III for today..” Tae Yang said.





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I love the fic. :)
Chapter 8: Can you please update!!!! I love the story!!!
Chapter 8: hey ! update update update ya !
Chapter 8: update update~
Please update update update~~~ :D
Haha.. Finally, I can update the next chapters again. Please support my fanfics yaa.. Thanks for the readers... ^_^
404almighty #7
what a nice story.. XD
maybe that girl'll be with Top? They'll be a nice couple..
But, I can't imagine if she's with GD..
And I also can't imagine how cute GD become a grumpy guy >___<
Wait for the next chapter! hehe..
Sure. It will be updated soon.. =) Thanks for reading. ^^
wow i love your story! keep it up ;D
i can imagine how's GD's face when he is being called as alien! HAHA !
please update soon~~ ^-^