The most horrible place on Earth



A/N: Sorry if there is any errors. As I said before, english is not my first language and I'm not so good with the grammar. 


Jug-eum ui bang - Room of Death - is the worst place in the world. Place that closed most dangerous people in this world. Place that can not be saved from death - there it lurks around every corner. Place that will make your life a living hell, from which never to escape.
Guarded by hundreds of lawmen prison ‘’Jug-eum ui bag’’ is a place where no one can escape, a place where nobody has the right to communicate with the outside world.
Cry echoed through the three floors of the prison. Cells and all the corridors of the building were empty. Only one place could be heard shouting, the sound of breaking glass, terrified screams, suggesting that there is a fight. Everything in the huge kitchen was broken and all prisoners had gathered around two people who were wildly hitting each other. The blood left footprints on the floor and on the clothes of prisoners who stood close to the battle. All chanted merrily when the fist of one stuck in the jaw of another. Yes, this was the fun for the prisoners in this hell. Often lead to death of one involved in the suit, which only lengthen the life sentence of the other one. The cries grew stronger and stronger. of the two prisoners were getting weaker, although both of them were filled with adrenaline. He saw how they both began to lose consciousness, and the crowd chanted increasingly, desperately praying for a little more fun.
-SILENCE! - There was a sweet but powerful voice over the shouts of the crowd and the room sank into silence. Tall man, with oblong face, brown hair and eerily dark eyes, stepped forward followed by four more, which were not ceding his beauty.
-Enough. - Said quietly one of them. You would never have thought that this guy would be a dangerous criminal with such a sweet and innocent face, with such soft and warm eyes.
All prisoners in the room looked towards the five men and backed away, leaving them time to get to the source of their show. The man who spoke first, approached the two prisoners, already dangerously staggering on their feet, threatening that any moment they will fall.
-Yuchun, call one of the guards to bring these two to the hospital wing and then sent them to set penalties. - One of the four men behind him, with curly hair, lightly touching his shoulders, nodded and quietly left the room to find guards. - And you ... - He continued, turning to the rest of the prisoners who retreated a step back in fear. - Clean here and get back in your cells.
The kitchen door opened and entered Yuchun, followed by two guards, who immediately went to the wounded who already collapsed on the ground. They lifted them and looked accusingly at the man who still stood before them.
-You know, you could’ve at least this time stop them a little earlier, Yunho. Not when we have to carry them in parts to the hospital wing. - Muttered darkly one. The so-called Yunho looked at them with his scary look, which in   the next moment was replaced with a silly grin.
"I also take advantage of this fun, you know. - He said cheerfully, and turned to his friends who were already behind him. - Let's go. - He said and laughed to the sighs that left the lips of the guard when he left the room.
And yet there is only one way to stay alive in this place. What is it? Becoming a faithful dog of the most dangerous predators in there. Becoming a slave to the five prisoners who control the entire prison. There they are the only ones who can protect you from everything, from death. But there is another problem - who will protect you from them?
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CinqLuna #1
sooo.. they are prisoner? >< *confused*

huhu.. I love it btw :)
CinqLuna #2
wow. I wonder who is the person who is fighting. and I supposed Yoochun and Yunho is the jail warden?

nice intro indeed! :D
CinqLuna #3
kind of interesting foreword~ looking forward for the chapter 1
update soon! :D