
Behind This Smile


Kai’s POV

I go inside the classroom and the teacher is looking at me. “That was a long time in the toilet.” “Toilet?” Oh yeah, I totally forgot. I went to the toilet when I saw those two walking outside from the window. I nodded. “Yeah. Do you want to know what I did there?” The teacher immediately shakes her head. “No! Just… sit okay.” I go to ‘my’ seat. She still doesn’t know that Luhan and I have switched seats. Xiumin is confused. “Is she that dumb?” “Good for her that she still doesn’t see what has changed in this classroom.” “But… why?” “What?” “Why have you two switched seats? I’m so confused.” I laughed. “Hahaha. That’s a funny story.” But Xiumin looks serious at me. “There’s a secret out here. Tell me.” I shake my head. “I think Luhan would kill me. Looks like you have to find out yourself, buddy.” “But at least tell me why both Luhan AND Yoona aren’t here. That’s really weird.” “Eh… they’re late.” Sooyoung heard that. “They’re what?! Has Yoona detention now?!” I nodded. The girl reacted happy. “OMG finally! She finally enjoys a bit of her life! Where is she?” “I don’t know.” How can Sooyoung be happy? Nah… that’s not my business. Let’s just be happy that my best friend and his crush have many time together this afternoon.


It’s 4pm, school’s over for today. It’s time for detention. “Look who we have there!” Kris points to Luhan. “Bro!” He pats his back. “Good luck.” “Thanks.” I get an idea. “Can you two already go outside? I need to talk to him.” “Okay…” Xiumin & Kris went outside. “You have an idea,” Luhan says to me. “Of course.” “What?” “See detention as one hour to get close with that girl. You have one hour to make the first step.” “That’s hard. She likes you.” “Forget about me! Just tell all my bad sides. Everything bad that I have done. Make sure that she’s going to totally hate me. I really don’t care! Think about yourself man! This is your chance! Fighting!” Yoona’s actually not that bad to me. I’m actually beginning to like her. But I have to bully her for the sake of my best friend. She has to be hurt by me and she has to hate me. So that she realizes that Luhan is so much better. Then I’m happy. Then we’re all happy.


Luhan’s POV

I’m thinking about what Kai said while walking into the classroom. He’s right. I have to make the first step today. I only have one hour. Yoona is in the classroom too now and sits. She didn’t even look at me. Is she mad at me? I sit next to her. The teacher is here too and sighs. “You both have very good grades for my class… I’m really disappointed at you two.” Yoona sighs too. “I’m even more disappointed at myself.” She looks irritated at me. “Yah, what’s wrong?” She doesn’t answer me. The teacher stands up. “I’m going out for a while because I just can’t… nevermind. If you leave the classroom while I’m gone, there will be even bigger problems, understood?” We both nodded. The teacher walks away. Kai’s words are still creeping in my head. ‘See detention as one hour to get close with that girl. You have one hour to make the first step. Forget about me! Just tell all my bad sides. Everything bad that I have done. Make sure that she’s going to totally hate me. I really don’t care! Think about yourself man! Fighting!’ If I ruin this chance, she might will hate me instead of Kai. I can’t ruin this. Luhan, fighting!


We’re already sitting here for 15 minutes and neither of us has said one word to eachother. I have 45 minutes left to do something. I need to speak, now. “Are you still mad at me?” “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mad at you. It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident.” I nodded. “Okay.” “Do you know why Kai doesn’t like me? What did I do wrong?” “What?” “How can I make him like me?” “Whatever you will do, it will be hopeless anyway.” “What?” “He doesn’t like you okay. Give up already.” “Why should I?” “Because there might be someone out here who likes you more.” Me. “Like who? Who would like me?” “Me.” “What?” “I like you. We should be good friends.” She smiles at me. Because of her smile, I smile too. “And besides, I think that our lives are quite the same.” “Really?” “I think we should get to know eachoter well in this 45 minutes. What do you think?” “Sure. Why not? And… we have almost the same lives indeed. Do you want to know a story?” “Sure.” “It’s a very long story, it began even before my birth.” “We have 45 minutes.” “Okay. My mom met a guy, and he was very sweet. Actually too sweet. He always came to her house and he was always with our family. But my mom doesn’t like him. She always avoided him because she was too scared to tell him the truth and make him sad. But that wasn’t her best move. Because she always avoided and ignored him, he got sad. He was very sad. And he began to hate my mom. He moved to Indonesia. And we have never heard anything of him.” “Does this have something to do with you?” “Wait, let me talk okay.” I nodded and she continue her story. “My mom and uncle moved too, we moved to Seoul. My mom has got a job in the bank. There she met a guy. She loved him, and he loved her too. And he got her pregnant, of me. But… my mom found out that he already has a girlfriend. That woman was a . She always called my mom to say death threats to her. She even called my grandma to say what an awful daughter she has. That continued after my birth. My dad left us when I was 3 months old. To marry with that witch. I hate my dad. Why do I even call him dad? He left me. He left mom. He left us.” She began to cry. I was surprised and try to comfort her. “It’s okay. You can cry. Cry on my shoulder okay. My story looks like yours. And you know what? You don’t have to call him ‘dad’. He’s an . He doesn’t deserve the title ‘dad’.” “Don’t you call your dad ‘dad’?” I shake my head. “He isn’t my dad. I don’t have his blood.” When I wanted to tell her my story, the teacher comes in. “The hour is over. You can go home now.” Did I ruin this hour or not?


Yoona and I go outside. “Luhan.” “Yes?” “Thank you. You’re really sweet.” Looks like I haven’t ruin it! Yes! “No prob. That’s who I am.” She hugs me. Oh my God. “It’s great to have a good friend like you. But I have to go home now. Bye.” “Bye.” We wave to eachother. I feel like I have a party inside me. I’m so happy. I can’t wait to tell Kai this. People who are outside look at me like I’m some idiot but I don’t care. This trainee is insanely happy.

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cheysa_deer #1
Chapter 19: Great story! Luyoon till the end haha
Chapter 19: The ending was nice :)
What no EXO in next fanfic? :(
Chapter 18: Kai yahhh :"( hurry up and move on :")
Yoona and Luhan ... love ya two!!
Sunny Bunny too my Honey!!
Chapter 18: luhan kiss yoona..
luyoon happy,kai forever hurt..-____-#poor kai
Chapter 18: Yay! Luyoon!^^
Poor Kai. :(( But don't worry…you'll find someone else;))
And OMG!!~~ Luhannie kissed Yoongie!!>\\\<
Poor Kai though ;~;
LuYoon moments so sweet <3
Chapter 17: that's it kai,give up already.,nice advice jiyeOn! now more luyoon moment!
luhan! it's all your fault!! you left yoona.. and yoona already confessed to you her feelings!! not only only confessed but screamed her feelings!!! you babo luhan! now Kai who used to be your bestfriend who helped you have yoona's feelings is now fighting for his feelings for yoona!!! this is all your fault luhan!!! why do you have to leave? i hope you have great reason in coming back to china and leave yoona!!! T___T
i still ship LuYoon!!!
sorry Kai i'm not the same with sunny, i'm angry at luhan but i'm still a LuYoon shipper ^^
more LuYoon moment!!!

anyway i'm a silent reader!!! (before) now, i'm going to be noisy.. kekekekek
seoulhearts #9
Your story is awesome bruh, you know who I am xokxom