Chapter 4

I love you, not him... (re-written ver.)


Have a long last chapter to compensate for the previous one being short :D



There was half an hour to go. MBLAQ were waiting for me in their group dressing room, because they had nothing else to do but wait, well, that and I was a bit late due to traffic on the way. I pushed open the door, tired from a bad nights sleep and constant worrying about Mir.


They instantly looked around and greeted me, Joon standing and waving his hand next to his face at me. As I walked into the room fully I dropped my bag by the door but was pulled into a torso as I turned back to the others.


Knowing who it was instantly, my mind snapped, I couldn't take anymore of this, knowing that Mir hasn't spoken to me in a week because of it.


My palms came up and pressed against his chest, pushing and pushing until I felt my body being released from his grip so quickly I stumbled backwards, breathing heavily, heart beating like a jack-rabbit.


“JOON” I shouted, making everyone in the room jump, Joons mouth dropped open, eyes wide. I straightened myself up and looked him hard in the eyes.


“stop it, please don't do that anymore. I should probably leave, good luck with your concert tonight” I turned to the door and before anyone could say anything I bolted from the room.


As I ran, the tears fell down my cheeks, falling at an angle with the speed I ran at. But why was I running? I didn't have to run, I could have just left quietly, not making a scene. But I couldn't help it, I just snapped.


There was a smaller corridor a little way down the one I was in and I took a right into it, slowing to a stop and leaning against the wall to catch my breath.


I slid, back against the wall, down to the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees and sobbing into them.


* * *


Back in the room, everyone but Joon turned to Mir. They had seen how he had avoided her for the past week and knew what was wrong. The only one that seemed oblivious was Joon. Seungho stood.


“go. She needs you the most” Seungho said, pointing to the door. Mir was speechless. He pointed to himself as if to question what he had just said.


“yes you, hurry!” he said, raising his voice only a little, but it was enough to make Mir jump up and sprint out of the room.


“what?” Joon asked, turning to the disapproving looks of everyone. Cheondoong sighed, leaning his chin on his palm.


“she likes Mir, Joon. And he likes her, but with you always smothering her, he thinks she likes you” Seungho said, sitting back down on the sofa.


Joon thought for a moment. Suddenly his face lit up and his eyes widened. He realised what had happened and felt bad for stopping the two of you from being together.


* * *


Mir ran down the corridor, looking around for her, she couldn't have gone that far, right?


He heard a muffled sobbing getting closer and as he ran past one of the halls branching from this one he stopped, making an abrupt double-take.


Backing up he peered down the hall, seeing you wrapped up on the floor. He crouched next to you, reaching out to tap on your shoulder.


* * *


I had heard someone running and hoped it wasn't Joon. He was the one I couldn't bear to see right now.


Someone tapped my arm, fingers lingering for a second.


“go away, Joon” I mumbled, shaking his fingers from my arm. My eyes widened against the darkness of my arms when I heard the voice.


Mir let out my name in a shaky breath, gripping my arm in his palm and pulling me from my position and into his lap. His arms wrapped around me protectively, a hand on the back of my head, whispering over and over into my ear I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.


I pulled back to look at him, eyes red and cheeks wet. His hands found my face and his thumbs gently wiped under my eyes, his own shiny with threatening tears.


“what, what are you doing here, Mir?” I asked, blushing from his sudden closeness.


“I'm so sorry for ignoring you all this time, I just, I couldn't take seeing you and Joon like that” he said it while his hands dropped to rest around my waist as I sat on his lap in the hall.


My hands were on his shoulders now as we sat there, me processing his words and him looking into my eyes for an answer.


“but” I started, pausing to collect my thoughts.


“why? Why didn't you like it, not that I did, but what made you so upset? I don't understand Mir, why?”


he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second before staring deep into mine. He let out his breath along with a sentence that shocked me.


“I, I probably should have told you this sooner, maybe this wouldn't have happened. I really, really like you, and I just need you to know that, no matter what your reaction is, you needed to know”


He closed his eyes again, turning his head away from me. Letting his words sink in I stared at the face he was pulling.


I let out a giggle, which turned into a loud laugh. He stared wide eyed at me, confused as to why I was suddenly laughing.


“what?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me.


“you know what Mir? I probably should have told you the same thing a long time ago, too” my laughter died down and we stared into each others eyes again, only this time, he had a small smile on his lips.


“so you, uh...” he trailed off, blushing but holding my gaze.


“yes Mir, I like you too, I was just scared you didn't like me all this time” one of his hands came up to my face, holding my cheek and pulling me closer.


I closed my eyes and felt his lips against mine, soft and sweet. Once he pulled away he checked the time on his phone. Only a few minutes to go until the concert starts.


“I need to go to the stage” he said reluctantly, shoving his phone back into his pocket.


“I'll wait for you guys afterwards, sorry for overreacting earlier” I got off his lap and stood, helping him up. He took my hand and we walked back to the room which was empty when we got there.


“If you get cold my bags down there and my hoodie is in it, also my ipod's in there if you want to listen to it” he pointed down the side of the sofa and I nodded, leaning up to kiss him before he left for the stage.


Although I wasn't cold, I grabbed his hoodie and wrapped in around me, curling up on the sofa with his headphones in. I couldn't tell you when it happened, but I drifted off to sleep with the sound of soft music playing in my ears, smile on my face. 



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cute T^T
So sweet and the ending is really xute too! ^_^
so adorable!!!
teen_TOP98 #4
I like this story... ^_~ hahaha wooo!