Chapter 3

I love you, not him... (re-written ver.)



“I ruined it all, Seungho, I let Joon pull me onto his lap and them Mir saw and he thought” I paused to sniff, tears running dry and a wet patch on Seungho's t-shirt. “he thought we're together but why? Why did he get upset if all I am to him is a friend? Why di-” I was abruptly shushed, pulled away from the comfort of his embrace and held at arms length, his eyes hard but understanding.


“I'm sure it was all a massive misunderstanding, just try and speak to him to explain what had happened. I'm sure he can forgive you” he said, letting me go and standing up.


“I tried to explain but he just walked away, you saw that earlier” I said, standing up alongside him.


“hint at Joon that you don't feel comfortable when he hugs you etc, he'll come round I'm sure, once Joon stops doing it, Mir might listen to you”


I nodded. Maybe that would work.


“Joon can be stubborn, you know that, but you'll have to do this yourself, I cant help you anymore than this” He said we should go down and watch some TV, to ease my mind a bit and keep me occupied on something else for a while.


* * *


I sat on the sofa, elbows resting on my knees and chin on my palms. Seungho was next to me, eyes glued on the TV, whatever was on I couldn't tell you, I hadn't been paying attention from the start.


The door swung open and the others came in, Mir followed by Joon, G.O and lastly Cheondoong. I stood, wanting to ask Mir straight away to talk, despite my shaking body and racing heart.


“Mir, can I-” I started, but I couldn't finish because Joon swept me up in a crushing hug, swaying side to side with me I the centre of the room.


As I pulled away from his body I noticed Mir leave, the others confused to what was going on. Seungho glanced at me and I sighed, mumbling to myself, I guess next time maybe?







Sorry for a short chapter D: But theres only one more after this! Once this is done i'll be doing a 100 theme challenge with 100 korean artists hopefully I should start getting the chapters up for each theme soon, but I can't promise D:

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cute T^T
So sweet and the ending is really xute too! ^_^
so adorable!!!
teen_TOP98 #4
I like this story... ^_~ hahaha wooo!