The Confrontation

5TAR (Story Start!)


Wow, such an emotional chapter for such a silly day, I'd say XD Happy April Fools' everyone! ^^ 


“Good luck, Eun Mi-yah! Fighting!” JiYu exclaimed as the girls dropped Eun Mi off to her house. Tae Woon gave Eun Mi a reassuring smile as she got out of the car. Eun Mi bowed to the other members and began up the path to her house. She took in a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal Eun Mi’s mother.

“Eun Mi-yah! What brings you here?” Yura exclaimed as she hugged her daughter tightly. Eun Mi laughed and hugged her mother tightly.

Eun Mi said, “Bwoh? I can’t visit my own family? Aigooo Omma…Where’s appa?” Yura put out a small smile as she gestured for Eun Mi to come inside.

“He’s in the bedroom reading. Why don’t you go talk to him? Jeuline-ssi already mentioned what you plan to do.” Yura whispered as she laid a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Go on. I’ll make a snack for you.” Eun Mi’s hands trembled as she walked over to her parents’ bedroom. Clutching her satchel, Eun Mi knocked on the door and turned the door knob. Eun Mi opened the door just a crack, and her father’s head turned to the door. Almost immediately, Jae Sook turned back to his book silently.

Eun Mi quietly walked inside and bowed. “Annyeonghaseyo, appa. I’ve come to visit.” Eun Mi muttered as she straightened herself up. Her legs trembled as she walked over to her father, cautiously giving him a hug. “I missed you, appa.” Eun Mi mumbled. “Appa…” Eun Mi called out, but Jae Sook did not respond. Eun Mi let out a sorrowful smile as she looked at the picture frame of Jae Hyun on her parents’ dresser. “I miss him, too, appa, but it’s not my fault. It was all an accident. Can’t you see that?” Eun Mi explained, tears starting to fill her eyes. Jae Sook showed no sign of response as he flipped the page to his book. Eun Mi turned away from her father and went by the window. “It’s not my fault! All these years…all these years, I have been only trying to please you. I’ve tried everything. I auditioned to WM Entertainment because of you, appa. Everything was for you, just so you could acknowledge me as your daughter once again.” Eun Mi exclaimed. By this time, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

She stared out the window and looked out the front yard. Eun Mi chuckled and reminisced, “I remember, back in America, you would always play with Jae Hyun-ah and me in the front yard. Those were good times.” Eun Mi removed her glasses to wipe her tears away. “I guess…I guess I should go now. I love you, appa.” Eun Mi whispered as she bowed and turned around to leave. However, when she turned around, she noticed her father’s head down and his book closed. Tears were dropping onto the bed as Jae Sook began to silently cry. “Appa…” Eun Mi croaked out as she ran into her father’s arms. She embraced him tightly, and in that moment, Jae Sook had placed his arms around his daughter and hugged her tightly. They both sat there together, crying in each other’s arms.

“Mianhae…” Jae Sook mumbled as he hugged Eun Mi even tighter. “I’m sorry, Eun Mi-yah…I’m very sorry.” Eun Mi laughed through her tears and shook her head.

“Aniya. Gwaenchana, appa. It’s okay.” Eun Mi exclaimed as she lifted her head up and faced her father. There was a happy twinkle in her eyes that made Jae Sook chuckle and smile. Yura silently watched from the door with a smile on her face, finally happy the father and daughter were close again. After hugging each other, Eun Mi and Jae Sook let go and walked into the kitchen where they could all eat together as a family. While her parents set the table, Eun Mi stepped into the hallway and called up her cousin. “Oppa! I did it!” Eun Mi exclaimed. Gi Kwang chuckled through the phone.

“Daebak! That’s great!” Gi Kwang replied. After calling Gi Kwang, Eun Mi texted the other girls on her way to the dining table. She sat down on the floor and said her prayers with her family.

When all the girls were reunited in the car, they all hugged Eun Mi and congratulated her. “Komawo, unnie-deul. JiYu-yah. I couldn’t have done it without you all.” Eun Mi mumbled as she ruffled her hair up. The other girls giggled.

Jeuline explained, “That’s why we’re here, Eun Mi-yah. We’re a family.” Tae Woon glanced at the girls through the rearview mirror and smiled. By the time the girls got home, it was already ten at night. They tiredly said goodbye to Tae Woon and headed up to their dorm to go to sleep and get ready for the next day.

The next morning, the girls were up and ready for the day. Tae Woon had sent Jeuline a text, letting them know that after school, they had a busy day ahead of themselves. “Kaja! Everyone, ppali!” Jeuline pushed as she hurried all the girls out of the dorm. “We are going to be late!” Jeuline shouted. “YAH! EUN MI-YAH! HURRY UP!” Jeuline was getting antsy because she had a very big test in the morning.

“Coming!~” Eun Mi exclaimed as she skipped out of the kitchen with her backpack on, ready to go. Chewing on Sour Patch Kids, Eun Mi giggled as she was the first one to get in the elevator. Hurrying out of the building, the girls almost missed B1A4 getting into their van. After exchanging quick greetings, the girls hurried into their van and greeted Tae Woon.

“Annyeong, oppa!” all the girls shouted as they fumbled with all their things. Tae Woon chuckled and shook his head.

“Morning, girls. What’s with all of you today? You girls seem tense.” Tae Woon noted as he put his sunglasses on.

Briana explained, “Jeuline unnie has a big test today, JiYu has to give a presentation, and Min Ra unnie also has an exam today. Eun Mi and I don’t have anything today, so we’re the only okay ones.” Tae Woon let out a sound of understanding as he dropped Jeuline off first to her college. The girls all bid Jeuline good luck as she stepped out of the van and hurried on campus. When the other girls were dropped off to school as well, Tae Woon told the girls to have a nice day and he’ll see them later.

That afternoon came by quickly as the girls were all inside the van again. Jeuline and Min Ra both had looks of relief while JiYu held a scrunched up face. “I’m guessing the testing went well for you two. JiYu-yah, what’s wrong?” Tae Woon questioned.

Eun Mi laughed and answered, “She stuttered for her presentation. That’s it. And now she’s scared she’ll get an F.” Everyone laughed at the maknae’s worry. Tae Woon chuckled.

“Gwaenchana, JiYu-yah. I’m sure you did fine!” Tae Woon assured JiYu. JiYu sighed and looked down at her cell phone. “Anyways, girls, the first place you’re going is to the company building to practice your choreography. After that, you’re going to go get your hair and make-up done. Then, you will go be guest stars at Simsimtampa Radio. After the radio, you girls are free to go home at around 9:00 at night.” Tae Woon explained with a deep breath. The girls took in the information calmly as they continued doing their own thing. Bringing out her laptop from underneath her chair, Briana plugged in her headphones and began to mix some beats to compose a new track. The girls occupied themselves until they reached the company building. Taking out their textbooks and backpacks, the girls walked inside the company building and greeted the secretary. Tae Woon drove off to run some errands.

“All right, girls! Let’s get to work before Dae Hyun oppa gets here!” Jeuline exclaimed as she plopped her textbook down onto the floor of the practice room. The impact made an echo as the girls scrambled to get their homework done.

Moments later… “Oh, annyeong, girls! Still doing homework?” Dae Hyun greeted as he came inside the room, drinking from his water bottle. The girls nodded silently as they all were immersed in doing their homework.

“We’re almost done. Hold on, oppa.” Eun Mi explained, uncharacteristically quietly. After about half an hour, all the girls were done with their homework as they pushed their books aside and got changed in the bathrooms of the practice room. After getting changed, Dae Hyun pushed them to start warming up. The girls then practiced on all their different choreographies to their different songs.

After about an hour and a half, the girls had worked up a bit of sweat as they panted heavily. “Okay, that’s good for today, girls! Great job! See you next time!” Dae Hyun exclaimed as the girls bowed and left the room in exhaustion. 5TAR climbed into the van and mumbled a greeting to their sub-manager. The girls were quiet as Tae Woon drove them off to get their hair and make-up done.

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Ah! I have changed the debut date to August 31 instead of August 10 because of these updates from AFF and everything! :)


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Chapter 58: ONMG.
now i have no amazing fan fic to look forward to.
the girl's have done a really good job, and you too author-nim.
thankyou for creating us a story that brought us into it too.
hope you make another one.
this was an amazing story.
Chapter 58: wait wait.... IT'S OVER NOW?!
just like that.... it went by so fast!
but ending it like this with a concert is a nostalgic feeling.
and very touching.
i love it a lot and totally enjoyed this story from beginning to end!!
you did a wonderful job of portraying the characters and developing them as the story progress.
glad to know that eunwoo oppa is fine too!! hehehe.
thank you so much for this story completion!!
and have fun at the B.A.P concert and take that fun one month hiatus from writing and enjoy yourself!
well its been a great story! thank you author-nim for actually updating your apply fic! it was fun reading it all!
gahhh concerts seem so emotional T^T i loved brianas letter and how minra and jeuline did that performance XD
thank you once again!
(btw i think you really portrayed minras character a lot ^_^)
Allymo #4
Chapter 58: Awwwwwww I love Briana's letters to here grandma and parents. Thanks for another amazing chapter.
Chapter 57: whooo~ jinmi couple~ lol
and minchan are sooo cute~ lol
but ohhh new concept eh? curious!
Chapter 57: awww the rest of the dates were so cute!
oh god that was awkward but im glad he understands she isnt ready
poor jeuline, shes under so much stress being a leader :(
kia_fabian #7
Chapter 57: I love cnu n jinyoung dates part :)..but when jinyoung start make out with eun mi.. I just want to say O.M.G!
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 57: Hahaha trying imagining jinyoung having abs lolz
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 56: I love cnu's date part keke
Chapter 56: awwww their dates were SO FLUFFY!!!
cant wait for the other two!
;A; reading this makes me jealous... i want a date with a b1a4 member! xD