A day in the forest.

How the servant got the love of the princess ...

The Wind was playing with the leaves of the trees and Sungmin's hair which was bound into a ponytail.
Kyuhyun sighed lightly. He couldn't take away his sight from Sungmin. He was really beautiful. Kyu never saw a creature that was more beautiful than Sungmin. He thought that wouldn't possible.
And that's true.

"Kyu? Why did you come to me? What was your request?" the older one asked and looked at his servant. Kyuhyun swallowed. "My request... Yes..uhm... I...wanted to ask you...something important..for me." he stuttered and looked down on the ground. "Do..you love someone, Min?" he asked it!
Kyuhyun really asked about Sungmin's feelings!

Okay. He didn't ask clearly if the blonde-haired guy love him... But he asked, if Sungmin was in love with someone!
Sungmin caught his breath and his heart stood still.

"How can you ask such a thing?! You're a servant! You don't have to ask such things, Kyuhyun!" the princess yelled and bit his lower lip. How could he...?! The blond-haired man couldn't Kyuhyun tell, that he fell in love with him... He would think, that Sungmin was insane.
"Forgive me, that I asked you such a question. But..please Min. Tell me if you love someone.. I really has to know it..." yep, he had. After all Kyuhyun loved Sungmin. If he didn't have a chance, he would like to know it.
The princess sighed.
"Yes... I'm in love with someone... With..a man...you really good know.." Sungmin mumbled shyly and blushed lightly.

"So... It's a friend of me? I know that I don't have a chance... But tell me, who is it." he didn't thought about his last words. Sungmin blinked two times, his eyes got bigger and bigger. "Stop! You don't have a chance? Cho Kyuhyun! I think you have to tell me something really important!!" dammit. Why did Sungmin said that?

"Right.. I have to tell you something..." Kyuhuyn began and pushed Sungmin against a tree. He strocked the cheek of the princess and looked into his eyes deeply. The servant came near and near with every breath.
"I love you, Sungmin. And I can't stop my feelings for you." the brown-haired man whispered and laid down his lips on the soft one of Sungmin.
The princess heart stood still.
Kyuhyun loved him? Really?!
He finally realised the words, closed his eyes and retorted the kiss from his servant.
Some minutes later boith of them had to caught breath, Sungmin smiled lightly.

"Kyuhyun? I love you, too."

Now the trouble began...


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EunHeeLeex3 #1
Chapter 5: Noiiiiiin Sungmin geh nciht zu ihm!!U_U Renn mit Kyu weg ;A;
Omg EKyu hat nur versucht nett zu sein ;/!?....oh gott ich will nciht wissen wie er zu min sein wird, wenn sie alleine sind T-T....
Zum glück kommt kyu mit >O<!! Dann weiß man, dass min in sicherheit ist!<3

ajskdhkjashdasjdahsdjk ich hasse es, wenn die eltern bestimmen wollen, wen man heiratet ._. ....

uplaod bald wieder :D
danke fürs chappie ;)!!


ps: sorry, dass ich so spat bin >o<
EunHeeLeex3 #2
LOL 2 kyu´s xDD?? krass~~~aigooo steckt auch Ekyu hinter der sache, dass kyu ein sklave geworden ist ;A;??~
Das tut kyu wirklich weh seinen geliebten mit seinem bruder zu sehen ;A;...und dann noch heiraten >___<~ Nooo!!!;O;....
Ich mag sein bruder jetzt shcon nicht mehr :/...
Ob minnie mitgeht DX?....hoffe nicht q.q

uplaod soon ;D
danke für das chappie :3

Ekyu from Evilkyu?
Poor kyuhyun have brother like him...
Was ist Ekyu?! XD hahahaha
Der Name is ja mal geil--- aber 2 kyuhyun's?!
Meine Seite: yipppie ...!
Meine kyumin shipper Seite: noooooiiiinnn!!! Kyumin Alone!!!
Hehehehe xD
The suspense! The suspense! brb dying
Keep up the good work!
Waaaas----?!?!?! Ist Kyuhyun jetzt angeschossen... Oder nicht?! ~_~
Oh nein warum kann kyumin denn nicht happy happy betti zusammen sein..
??? Wie gemein? >_<
Und wer is der andere Mann der Sungmin heiraten soll?! XD Eunhyuk?
Das fänd ich lustig xD hehehe ... Aber nein Eunhyuk is für Donghae
und Sungmin N U R für Kyuhyun... Und will wissen wer die Frau ist... +_+

Du bist so schnell mit Updaten... Hahaha ich schaff das nicht...
Ich Brauch immer Wochen für ein neues Charpter >_< xD

Okaaaay-----!!!!! HWAITING und bring mir morgen ein. Neues Charpter!
EunHeeLeex3 #7
hoho man bist du schnell xDDD
es wird interessant :DD Ich bin gespannt was den beiden passieren wird!!Ich hoffe Kyu wird nichts allzu schlimmes passieren T-T...aber wa slaber ich u.u joseon..die zeit...da wird jeder gekillt T_____T KILL KYU NIIICHT XD!!!~~ but but I wannnnt kyumin happy end q.q<3

gooosh sie hätten mehr vorsichtig sein sollen >_< so im freien herum machen XDDDD bad boys!:3

DON´T LEAAVE KYUU!!~~ kyu ist gut enough!!!>___<

wer wohl der kerl ist, den min heiraten soll :O~
warte auf den nächsten chappie !!x3

mach weiter soo!:)

