Heart to Heart

The First Thing I See


        Lovelies~This is the end, I hope you like it. Sad its over T_T; but I hope you liked my first chaptered work! Thanks to all my readers and subscribers~ o(≧▽≦)o


Narrator POV

            Yoseob felt time come to a halt, and his breath catch in his throat, as the hand on his wrist tightened. Yoseob didn’t turn around, couldn’t turn around, and couldn’t break from the hold. He felt rooted to the spot. The hand that was wrapped around his wrist gentled its hold and began to rub small circles on the soft skin on the inside of his wrist.

            “Don’t leave.”

            Yoseob felt the breath that had been trapped leave his chest on a shaky sigh. He couldn’t bear to turn around, wasn’t sure what he would discover if he did. So he simply stood there, his back to Kikwang, unable to speak or move. He heard the sound of the blanket rustling, and Kikwang sitting up on the couch, but the warm hand remained wrapped around his wrist.

         “Yoseob, look at me.”

          Yoseob shook his head fiercely, but made no move to break Kikwang’s hold.

          “Please, Seobbie, look at me.”

           Yoseob felt that voice tug at his heart, and as if his brain had relinquished control of his body to his heart, he turned slowly to face Kikwang.

           “Di-did you hear what I said?” Yoseob asked breathlessly, desperately hoping that Kikwang had heard, half hoping he hadn’t.

            Kikwang smiled, his eyes disappearing into smiling crescents. “Do you want me to have heard?”

           Yoseob didn’t answer immediately. He struggled with himself for a moment. No more lies.


            Kikwang’s smile grew even wider at his answer, and Yoseob felt an enormous weight being lifted with that smile, like cage doors being opened for the bird inside. Kikwang continued to hold Yoseob’s hand. “So you heard everything I said that day?” he questioned. Yoseob nodded.

            “I would never regret my feelings for you Yoseob.” Kikwang said fiercely, his eyes pleading with Yoseob to believe him. Yoseob felt mesmerized by the look in Kikwang’s eyes, entranced, so that he could look at nothing else. “I wanted to tell you a thousand times, tell you every day. But I was afraid, afraid of so many things. That you would reject me, pity me, that I would ruin things, or that I wasn’t enough. I couldn’t bear that, Yoseob.”

            Yoseob, who had been silent throughout this entire confession, finally found his voice. “I would never do that to you Kiki. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

             Kikwang reached out and took both of Yoseob’s smaller hands in his, holding them gently, preciously. Yoseob felt compelled to continue, to say everything that had been trapped inside him for a week.

            “I’m sorry I hurt you Kikwang. I was just confused. You said you loved me that time when I was sleeping but you would never tell me. I wanted to hear it so badly.” Yoseob looked down, unable to stop the flow of words now as poured forth in a rush. “I didn’t know what we were. Sometimes I feel like we are really close, closer than anyone else. Then there are days when you treat me like everyone else, or like I’m just an acquaintance.” Yoseob stopped, finally taking a breath, daring to look into Kikwang’s eyes again. Kikwang’s eyes had tears glistening just beneath the surface, and Yoseob felt his own eyes begin to swim as he looked into Kikwang’s face. “I want to be special. Your most important person.”

            “You are Seobbie. I would do anything to be everything for you,” Kikwang said softly, reaching up to pull Yoseob down into his arms. Yoseob fell softly, willingly into Kikwang, needing that closeness, that connection, no matter how brief. Kikwang wrapped his arms around Yoseob’s small waist, and reached up a hand to his silky blonde hair. “You know, before I met you Yoseob, I never knew. Never knew that I could look at someone and smile for no reason,”Kikwang murmured into Yoseob’s ear, his breath making the other boy shiver slightly. Kikwang pulled back, so that he was once again staring into Yoseob’s eyes. “I love you, Yoseob. More than anyone. I’m sorry I didn’t say it aloud until now, but I’ll make up for it. I’ll say it every day, every minute. I love you.”

           Yoseob grinned as those words washed over him like a warm wave. He threw his arms around Kikwang’s waist, burying his face in Kikwang’s chest. “I love you too, Kikwang. More than anyone.”

            Kikwang smiled down at Yoseob, and reached to gently cup his face in his hands. Kikwang lowered his lips to Yoseob’s, gently, sweetly. As their lips meet, they exchanged hearts, and the very air they breathed. As they pulled away, Kikwang grinned at Yoseob and pulled him so that they lay on the couch, with Yoseob nestled to Kikwang in the curve of his arm.

           “I can’t believe you were staring at me sleeping for so long…creeper.” Kikwang joked. “Ouch,” he laughed as Yoseob nudged him in the ribs.

           Yoseob pouted cutely at Kikwang. “You were staring at me in my sleep for a long time too, Kiki, don’t act all innocent.”

          “You caught me.” Kikwang grinned, turning his head slightly to kiss Yoseob on the nose. “That’s just because I love your sleeping face Seobbie.”

          Yoseob felt his cheeks warm up. “I love your sleeping face too. It makes me feel special that I’m the only one who knows so many of your expressions. I want to know everything about you.”

         Kikwang smiled softly, his hand reaching up to softly caress Yoseob’s cheek. “Me too. I love you, so much.”

         Yoseob smiled back at Kikwang, pressing his lips to Kikwang’s softly, “Me too, Kiki,” he whispered. He snuggled deeper into Kikwang’s arms, home at last. He closed his eyes, inhaling Kikwang’s scent.

        “You sleepy, Seobbie?” Kikwang questioned. Yoseob merely murmured in response. Kikwang laughed, “Okay, let’s take a nap. Then when I wake up, your face can be the first thing I see.”

         The two fell asleep, hand in hand, heart to heart, and dreamt of waking up to each other.


End~(*´▽`*)/~☆ ~Chuuu

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Lele20459 #1
Chapter 1: Fo cute. Thx this fic rly lightened my mood,and generally made the kiseob community lighter. Soo many angst fics nowadays it's getting hard to find fluuf fics but here it is
Chapter 3: So cute!
I like it <3 <3
Write more about KISEOB.
AWWWWWW SO CUTE!!!!! I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE!!! You're very expressive and descrptive!!! sooooo cooool! <3
tasha_1102 #5
aww~.. so sweet.. Love it !!
p/s : PLEASE write more Kiseob fanfics.. ^_^
"I would do anything to be everything for you"
Killed. Me. You are so......
Thank You :,)