Chapter 4: Eternal Maknae's Turn

Sorry Sorry It Took Me So Long

--Ryeowook’s POV--

            It was twilight. Ryeowook sat on the swings in a tiny park, pushing himself with his legs.

            My toes can barely touch the ground on this thing. Aish! Another bad thing about being a shortie… A-wha? Stampede? Earthquake?

            The ground was shaking. A flood of girls came pouring into the park. What are they running from? He heard a one of the girls squeal,“Aigoo! He’s so cute I want to take him prisoner in my house!” Then, he realized they weren’t running from anything. They running were to him. He sighed, exasperated. He was not in a mood to deal with giddy giggling fan-girls right now. He needed peace and quiet to think.

            “Aaaah!” He saw a girl shoved to the ground by the crowd. He stood up immediately in alarm.

            “Taeyeon, are you ok? Ok great, catch you later! OMG, that’s Ryeowook!!!!!! Omooooo!” What looked like the girl (Taeyeon’s) big sister barely glanced at her injured sister before keeping up the chase. He frowned at her heartlessness and raced over to help the girl up. She had a bloody skinned knee and scraped palms.

            “Are you ok?” He asked, concerned, as he helped her sit on the curb.

            “Huh?” She looked up, surprised.

            “I’ll go get some wet paper towels… Don’t move, kay?”

            She nodded, and he hurried to the restrooms to get them. He returned quickly and dabbed them on her knee. It looked painful. After he was done wiping off the blood, he got a good look at her face. She was really pretty… heheh. She noticed him looking at her and smiled up at him gratefully. By this time, the fangirls had already formed a semicircle around the two.

            “Be careful next time, all right? I appreciate that you guys wanted to see me very much, but please don’t hurt anyone, arasso?” he said, addressing the fangirls, who were nodding like bobbleheads.

            He turned to Taeyeon and bowed to her. “Mianhae, you got hurt because of me.”

            She blushed and shook her head violently. “Oh no, it’s just that my sister… she’s a huge fan. She dragged me here when she found out you were here, and we got swept away by the crowd. It’s really no biggie. I’m glad my sister got to see you.”

            Ryeowook frowned, remembering her sister’s behavior. She emerged from the semicircle and approached them. “Come on Taeyeon, we should get going, it’s pretty dark.” She turned to Ryeowook and bowed, “Kamsahamida for helping my sister.” He nodded coldly, anticipating what was next. He was right.

            “Oh, and by the way, could I have an autograph and a picture with you?” He dreaded saying yes, knowing that doing so would unleash a torrent of fan-girl requests. He spotted a weak spot in the semicircle, a chink in the armor, and was about to run for it when he remembered Taeyeon. Her sister was trying to drag her to her feet, and it was obviously hurting her. He pulled out a band-aid from his pocket and gently stuck it on her knee. Then, he lifted her to her feet carefully and easily. He realized that she was even shorter than him. She had a fit, petite frame and looked like a fairy. Ryeowook caught himself staring. *creeper*

            “Silly little girl,” Taeyeon’s sister was saying in a high-pitched baby voice. “If our baby can’t handle being in a crowd, she should just stay home and be safe, arasso?” Taeyeon ducked her head, embarrassed and attempted an indignant look to cover her shame.

            “Yah, just because she’s young doesn’t mean she has to be treated like a baby! She’s her own person too!” Ryeowook exploded, fists clenched and trembling with angry energy. He realized everybody’s shock at the outburst and walked away quickly, deeply immersed in thought.

           Why did I say that? And why did I feel such a connection to myself when I blurted that out… Oh, that was stupid. I think I scared all of the fans by snapping at her sister. I’ve never met this side of myself before. Why is this such a sore spot for me?


--Taeyeon’s POV--

*While walking home* (Well, more like limping/stumbling)

            Wow, that guy seems to understand me so well. He sort of seemed to be referring to himself when he was defending me. This is so weird, I never thought I’d have something like this in common with a Kpop star.

            Hmm. Just what kind of person is he? Must do some research on Super Junior…

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