(One-Shot) 'King' Min Seok (sequel to EXO-M's angel-devil hyung, Kim Min Seok)


Oh, he's 'KING' Min Seok alright...


The sequel to: (One-Shot) EXO-M's angel-devil hyung, Kim Min Seok [Complete]


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bhzscv #1
Chapter 1: Omooo top xiumin is the best <3 im happy you got your queen <3 enjpy jongdae-yaaah ;)
Katira_Elise08 #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha lay lol he was hilarious! And yes~ this way great and I rlly loved the ending! XiuChen <3
Woah woah woahhhh I LIKE IT
The gif is so cute
Lol but I never would've thought Xiumin would be like that xD
But still this was really good ~
asdfghjkl :D: XiuChen!! Xiu tops yay!!! *-------------* omo, Chen´s so cute *0*0*
oh yeah minseok tops xD
cowcanfly #6
I been lead by links after link for this story and its not even written yet! argh the frustration ! LOL jk...sort of, the first chapter was really..hot! Click subscribe and on stand-by... ;D
uyeahhh cant wait seeing chen being punished by cutie baozi kkkk~
starkey #8
I couldn't imagine xiupao topping... But it's xiumin and I need every xiumin fics out there