The Goukon

"REALLY?! Wow~ At such a young age? You must be very smart!" 

Sulli looked at his face and saw that he looked worried..

"I guess you want me to keep this a secret?"

He nodded as an answer.

"Your secret is safe with me! I'm a very quiet girl!" Sulli said proudly.

She was shocked when Takumi suddenly laugh out loud.

"wh-what?!" Sulli said embarrased.

"HAHAHA! I'm so sorry SeoRa-sshi! I-I can't help but to laugh!"

"b-but why?!" she replied, already flustered.

"qu-quiet girl... BWAHAHA!!"

"YAH! what's wrong with me saying that! It's the truth anyway!"

"I-It's because---" he stopped talking and laughing at the same time..

when their neighboring table let out a huge *ahem*..

he quickly stood up, paid and came back to Sulli and said..

"Let's Go.." with a serious face..

Sulli was confused as to why he did this and then suddenly,

Takumi quickly held her hand and took her outside..


Takumi suddenly stopped running and let Sulli's hand go.

There's that pain again.. Why is this happening to me today?!

She looked around her and asked..

"uh.. We're here?"

"Huh? No! but we're close!"



They talked and laughed out loud while going to xxx Hotel. They also stumbled upon some stores and checked them out..

Everything seems so perfect, until...

"OhMyGosh! it's already 9PM?! My mom is so gonna get mad at me for not being at the Karaoke place!"

Sulli noticed that time flies by so fast when she is with Takumi, that she even forgot that she escaped from a Goukon..

"No need to worry SeoRa-sshi, we're already here!" Takumi said while pointing at the hotel across the road they are standing at..


They immediatelly ran inside the hotel as fast as they can.. and when they were  about to go inside their rooms Sulli feels sad that they will part like that so she decided to bid farewell first..

"Uh.. Good Night Oppa(?) right?"

Takumi chuckles. "Yeah, I think so! Good Night SeoRa-ah! See you next time! ^^" 

after he bid farewell he bowed down and went inside his room.

Sulli's heart fluttered by hearing him say 'See You Next Time.' She can't help but to smile! She turned the door knob and found it locked. 

She finally remebers that she doesn't have the key or the V.I.P card to their room.. So, she tried to knock and....


THANK GOODNESS her sister didn't go anywhere and opened the door..

{inside their room, at their living room}

"So... umm.. ho-how was the G-Goukon, Sulli-ah?"

she said so nervously while preparing for recieve a DYNAMIC explosion from her sister!

Sulli gulped and replied.. "I-It was fine.."

Seora was SO SHOCKED that her sister DIDN'T SHOUT AT HER and even said THAT THE GOUKON WAS FINE?! she had like an O_______o Expression..

"OH! and Unni.. can you tell me more about SHINee tonight?"

Her sister had an even more SHOCKED expression and asked while kind of shouting..


she's so shocked because usually Sulli doesn't really give a damn about the SHINee members, and now this kind of development happens?!

"ah. I-It's because.. you know..AH! I admire them because even here in Japan they're SOOOO popular, that's why I'm curious..ehhe."

her sister was hesitant at first but was glad because her sister finally appreciates SHINee!




Her sister talked and talked about SHINee and Sulli just listened carefully and admired them very much! 

(authors note: WHO WOULDN"T? xDD)

Their Conversation went on and on until 12 Midnight.. SeoRa said she'll call it a night because she's already tired..

Sulli remembered the things that happened that night and she fell asleep with a smile on her face..


----------CHAPTER FOUR END----------

just don't read this part if you don't like HINTS OK?

I know, I know.. You're all like "WTF, AUTHOR?! ISN'T THIS SUPPOSE TO BE A TAELLI FANFIC?!"

Just be patient Guys~ as what 'EXOTICTS' says "Just Keep Calm and Roll Like A Buffalo!" xDD 

JUST WAIT and "He" will appear at the next chapter! YEY~ ^^



sorry for the grammar by the way..

pls. PM or comment me for clarifications, Arraso? ^^


AliciaLoveeKey: I will~ I think I'll update this everyday! ^^

destiny93: Thank You~ ^^

endofcapacity: THANK YOU! >:)

PrimroseEverdeen: HAHA. I'm sorry but just wait and see~ :D

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GOOD NEWS! I'll be updating everyday~ :D


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KimJongMin #1
Chapter 8: awwwwww!! so sweet...
Sulli_Aira #2
woah~this story is awesome^^
i just love it when taeli is fallin inlove with each other^^
and BTW i love your story
please make some more fanfic about them~ :) <3
Thanks AliciaLoveeKey and miss_lollipop!!

I'll try my best!!!^^
Omo! such a beautiful story! I luve it!! I even cried too~ will you make another short story for them? Please? I hope I have a sis like SeoRa...
I love the endingggg!! So nice ~ GreatAuthor. Hope To See More Nice Story MadeByYou ^^
Thank You PrimroseEverdeen, JungIceberg and destiny93~ for reading this fanfic till the end! ^^
destiny93 #7
Wow~ love the ending <3 :D
cute ending ! loves it !
Update soon, author!
This story is nice