Is this the end?

Will you love me, baby?

As Donghae finally made it into the house, he gently put Jessica down on his couch. After that, he ordered the maids to go get him the first aid kit immediately. Then, by himself, he took care of Jessica, from this to that. I have to say, Jessica was pretty surprised by how lovely Donghae is and how he is so good at taking care of someone . 

" Feel any better?"- Jessica was brought back to Earth as she heard Donghae.

" Huh? Oh yeah. Much better, thanks."- Then she goes back to dreamy land while Donghhae was still busying caring her injured foot. Suddenly, Jessica's phone went on. But because of her incident, Donghae was the one who answered the call. 

Soon after Donghae hung up, he sent a death glare towards Jessica, which of course freaks the hell out of her. She tries to moved as far as she can away from him, but the further she gets the faster he runs. Finally, Donghae was able to catch Jessica, grabbing her elbows tighly, he looked deep into her eyes. 

" Did you or did you not have a boyfriend before me?"- He asked her, seriously wanting to know the answer. But instead of giving him what he wants, Jessica just keep trying over and over to get her hand of his grip. SInce it is caused massive pain. It is so painful that the only reason she's not crying is for Donghae. Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, she blew up.


Suddenly, Donghae's eyes were all widen, though his eyes were still glaring at Jessica, it's a bit better now. He started to let her go, and landed hard to the ground. At first, Sica didn't know why he's like that, but then she realized. She just told him the story she should never speak. Right that moment, was the time where she regrets most. She knew that this shouldn't be told and yet because of her anger, she ruined it all. 

After that, several times she tries to touch Donghae to see if he is "back", but whatever she does, he just kept pushing her away. Then finally, one of them managed to talk.

" Who told you...about her?"

" No one. I...I..just knew."

" Then how did you know her name?"

" I...I saw it behind one of the pictures."

" I see...Jessica?"

" Yes."

" From now on...don't call me oppa, don't be in front of my face, don't do anything. And most of all, don't touch my stuff."

After that, Donghae slowly stood up and walked away. Little did he know, Jessica was left behind with tears on her pretty face. This isn't right. I shouldn't be crying, i did the wrong thing. Fine, if that what he wants, I'll give it to him.

Is this the end of  their relationship? Are Jessica and Donghae even going to get married like their parents told them to?


Late at night.

Everyone in the house was really worried when Jessica wasn't at home, and it's almost supper. The butler already ordered the guards to find her, but even after 2 hours of searching, they had no results. Donghae, on the other hand, didn't know about that. And just like last time, he " locked" himself inside his room, and didn't allow anyone to come near. Not even the door. 

Anyway, as he was laying on his bed, he decided to watch the TV. Before he noticed, his favorite furniture in his house suddenly became his enemy when it aired the show that his so-call wife has to be star in, Wild Romance. And it also had to be the scene she was having fun and smiling. As much as he wants to switch the channel. Seeing her smile makes him weak. Like it melt every single muscles in his body. 

" You really are an angel..."

*Knock Knock*

For some reason, even before the person outside knocked on his door, Donghae was already standing in front of it. And as he opened to answered, he saw his butler breathing like there is no tomorrow. Donghae immediately helped the butler, making him feel a bit better. FInally, he was able to speak.

" Mas...Master. Have..Have you seen mistress?"

" I don't know and I don't care."

" Why not? Mistress has disappeared."

" Like I said , I don't care. Now where's my diner?"

" As you wish,  it is downstair."

Rudely pushing the butler to a side, Donghae stomped his way into the dining room. Have to say, Donghae wasn't that surprise to noticed there were two dishes on the table. Without even care about the other dish, he quickly made his way to sat on his chair and heartlessly eat his food. But then, he "accidentally" looked to the other side, and he felt a bit lonely . For the first time after his big broke up with Eun Seo, Donghae was finally "able" to only thought about another girl in his mind. All that memories with Eun Seo suddenly were pushed out of the way, and made space for this lovely lady.




At a high class apartment building.

So this where Jessica went, back to HER house. THe one that she bought in case of anything happends. And it looks like she is going to stay here for a long long time. Since she brought along her luggages. It been a while after the last time she stayed her. Everything was still there, where she placed them. Jessica sighed then went to unpacked her stuff. 

FInally, she was finish with luggage number 1. Now, onto the second. But soon as she openes it, dozens of picture alnums suddenly appared. Ah, these are the ones where she kept her good memories. And when she decided to open the first album, it just got to be the one that she wishes to forget most. 

" You'll forgive me, right? I never meant to hurt you. I stil have feelings for you, Jae Bum...I still love you."

( A/N: This is a very short and very awful chapter. I don't get why i put in so much drama. But I love it, so please support! ^^)

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Whit12332100 #1
Chapter 4: Plz update I love HaeSica .
This is awesome.....update pls....
Sweet:) update^^
Jessica LOVES Donghae~ :D
HaeSicaistheBest #5
aaa bridal syle.. i love it update soon please keke
Update soon!
I can't wait to see haesica progress :)
Updaaaate :)
Haha super ~ UPDATE T-T
Ahhhhhhhhh *shouting* it was awesome . Update soon , but thx for making the first chapter...
The ending was so cute!! ^~^
Update soon pls!!!
Your story is so cute!!