Chapter 1.

Will you love me, baby?


Jessica POV.


Aigoo. Wae do I have to meet this guy anyway?Oh yeah, ‘cause if I don’t, omma is going to cut off my head. I entered my car and drove away as my parents asked me to. On my way, I stopped by a local bakery. This place is a bit empty, or is it just too soon to open? All I bought was two pieces of mini-cake, and 2 bottles of milk. Pretty healthy, am I not? Hehe. I sat at one of the tables outside. Woah~ This look so yummy… Suddenly, a black motobike stopped by. Its smoke was everywhere. Luckily it didn’t hit my food, or else, I’ll be the one who is cutting heads.

Coming out of the car was a very familiar figure, I looked closer and realized that it’s Donghae. I waved at him, but he didn’t see. Probably because of the smoke. I tried to call his names several times, but he didn’t hear, since he’s wearing headphones. Screw him..


*we’re the girls’, we’re the girls’ generation*


“ Hello?”- I answered as I was starting to eat the cake.


“ Jessica Jung! How could you not tell me that you’re getting married?”


“ Mianhe Fany. Does everyone know?”


“ Yeah, just now. Your mom called and announced everything.”


“ Ah..Omma told.”


“ You have to go shopping, right away. We’ll have to get you a really sparkling dress and a tiara, and some lovely bouquets.”


“ Fany ah~ I haven’t met the guy yet.”


“ Waeyo? You should of meet him by now.”


“ Well, I haven’t. But when I do, I’ll call. Okay?”


“ Whatever. Say hi for me!”


I hung up as soon as Donghae walked out again. He was holding a box. Seems like a present. He was about to get on his motorbike, when finally he saw me sitting in front of him. He gladly ran to me lime a kid. His smile is so irresistible. It’ll melt every single piece of ice inside of me. OMG! What am I talking about? Wake up, Sica.


“ Hi Jess.”- Donghae said as he sat down to joined me.


“ Oh hi! What are you doing here?”


“ I’m buying a gift to someone.”


“ Oh. Is it a special someone?”


“ Yeah. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m getting married.”


“ Really? Me too. But I haven’t met him yet.”


“ Me too. She was told to be the perfect girl for me.”


“ If I don’t marry him, my head is off.”


“ So I assume that’s your gift.”- He said while pointing at my other cake and bottle of milk. They were still on the tray.


“ Oh,  anniyo. This is mine, all mine. It’s his punishment for not telling me where he is.”


“ Well, I guess I don’t need to give her this anymore since she didn’t call as well.”


“ Huh? She didn’t?”


Donghae sighed, then looked down to his cake. It is so pretty. I wish it was mine, and Donghae also. Stop imagine Jessica…


Suddenly, his phone went on. I didn’t have to look or anything. The ringtone was really loud. I assume that everyone near the neighborhood is hearing Oppa Oppa. It’s a catchy song though…


“ Yes omma. I’ll call her.”


“ Was that your mom?”


“ Yeah. She wants to know why I haven’t met the girl yet.”


“ I know. And the strange thing is that I have to get another phone for this relationship.”


“ Me too! It’s a waste of time and money. Anyway, I am calling her.”


I went back to eating, but then my other phone was on. The caller id was pretty much an enemy to me right now. I hesitated for a while then decided to answer. I excused myself, then went into the bathroom inside.


“ Where the hell are you?”


“ I’m at a bakery. Where the hell are you?”


“ I’m at a bakery, too. Wait~ What’s the name of the place?”


“ Sin..Shingu?”


“ I’m here! Okay, wait there. I’ll come to you. But where are you?”


“ Looks like I’m the only one sitting here now, my friend just went to the bathroom.”


“ Okay. I’ll be there in a moment.”


Finally, I get to meet him. He is so gonna get it. I walked straight out of the bathroom. Looking around, there was only Donghae still sitting there. Oh my god. This is not happening. No! This isn’t true. Okay, there’s  only one way to find out. I took out my other phone, again. Then dialed the only number there was on my contact list.


“ I’m out. But where are you?”


“ Are you stupid or something? I said I was the only one here.”- My heart drops right when I saw Donghae answered the call. With the same words I am hearing.


“ Okay, I see you. Do you see that street light behind you? Look there.”


“ Why? Are you it?!”


“ No. Just…Just stay there.”


I didn’t hang up, and instead I walked closer to him. He was still looking at the street light. Finally, I made it. I was standing right behind him. Right behind my fiance. Okay, it’s now or never.


“ Yah! Where are you anyway?”


“ Look back, Donghae. I’m right behind you.”


“ Wait—What? You ar—”- He immediately dropped his phone as he looked straight at me. With eyes that were about to explode.


“ He…Hello Donghae. I’m Jessica, and I am your future wi..wife.”

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Whit12332100 #1
Chapter 4: Plz update I love HaeSica .
This is awesome.....update pls....
Sweet:) update^^
Jessica LOVES Donghae~ :D
HaeSicaistheBest #5
aaa bridal syle.. i love it update soon please keke
Update soon!
I can't wait to see haesica progress :)
Updaaaate :)
Haha super ~ UPDATE T-T
Ahhhhhhhhh *shouting* it was awesome . Update soon , but thx for making the first chapter...
The ending was so cute!! ^~^
Update soon pls!!!
Your story is so cute!!