Chptr3: Alone... never again

Hello To My Love

Ok, guys so I'm having a problem with the speech, AFF shows dots instead of dashes, so just cope with it, will you? nomu nomu thank youu~~ promise to finish the chapter soon, comment and subscribe and send lots of l o v e ^.^
P.S. The second picture is EeJoon - handsome, ain't he? *.*
P.S.2: The third pic (the girl) is JiYun - cutie pie ^.^



  • No BUT. Deal with this immediately, I don’t care what you’ll do, you’ll come and take her away if you have to, but I will not marry a child like her! – His words were so cold, so sharp, they made my heart bleed.

Suddenly the room felt so small, as if the whole world had crashed into it. I couldn’t breathe; my heart was pounding so fast that it was going to burst out of my chest any minute now. SiWon was looking at me in the eyes, speechless… but I couldn’t say if there was pain in his eyes or maybe pity…

  • You chose me, didn’t you! – I yelled at him, and immediately regretted my tone and pressed my hands over my mouth, so that I wouldn’t say anymore.
  • What? I did… - he was surprised, his voice shook a bit, when my tears started to slowly flow down…
  • Your mother said that you chose me among all the others… - I tried to calm down but the damned tears were disturbing me… - you did it, why don’t you want me now? – I expected him to say something… but no, he remained silently staring at my swollen face…
  • WHY!? – I cried as loud as I could.

He was startled by my cry, looked me in the eyes for a brief moment and after that lowered his head and ran outside…

So here I am, alone again, alone as I have always been. I thought that here would be different, I thought that maybe he would help me feel like a human again… but no, he also left me… just like my real parents did… I wonder am I really this bad…


I ran… it was the only way to get rid of everyone and everything. Of the way BaekHee looked before, how her tears… God why does every single tear of hers make my heart bleed!!! Why do every time I look at her I feel calm and like I have found the place I belong to… WHY!! – I heard her cry in my head again. It was soaked in pain, pain that she wasn’t supposed to feel!! She was so fragile, so small… how could I hurt her… I… I’m a monster!!!

I felt like the high-speed train, I ran without stopping, a few paparazzi tried to follow up but gave up soon after. I ran every time I was angry, sad, happy… you see, running for me is like a way of life. Maybe because every time I ran I wished I could run away from the whole world that surrounds me, away from my bossy parents, away from the suffocating glam of the modern world. Sometimes I just wanted to go to a small house on the seashore and stay like that forever… no contacts with the outside world, no intrigues, lies… only, today something scared me… A thought crossed my mind – that I would live anywhere, as long as SHE was with me!


  • Noo, daddy nooo… I also want ttoo… - the last memory of my real parents popped up in my head… we were on a holyday in the mountain.

Dad was trying to turn me into a snowman by burying me beneath the snow… Mom was laughing loud and was shooting us with the family camera… I still remember her cheeks, red because of the cold, her disobedient hair… I remember that on this day I thought she was an angel… She was so beautiful, I’ve always wanted to look like her, but now I’m the complete opposite. My hair is short and brown, my eyes are smaller than hers, I’m shorter than her, she was so tender and I’m so clumsy… And that’s it… that’s my last memory of my real family… And then everything turns pale and at some moment I end up adopted in some province in Korea… My new parents loved me a lot, took care of me, gave me all kinds of toys… and so until they had their own child… then BaekHee was left in the corner and no one cared if I was hungry, if I had money for school or if was sick…

I got mad because I was sitting here closed up… Dusk was falling outside… I wished I could watch the sunset from somewhere and, though I didn’t know the place very well, I grabbed a sweatshirt from the hanger and crashed the door behind me. It wasn’t until I put it on when I realized that the sweatshirt wasn’t mine but SiWon’s… but it was too late to go back now… Where to now?? In front of me a boy and a girl were walking and constantly teasing and hitting each other. Maybe they were slightly younger that me… 16 or maybe 17?? The girl had straight long hair which was so shiny… she was thin and short (ha, I wasn’t the only short person in here!), next to the boy she was like a child… just like me and SiWon… ahhh what am I doing, I have to stop thinking about him… I concentrated on the boy… of course I was looking at then in the back and couldn’t see their faces… but judging on his muscles he was definitely older than the girl…

  • EeJoon!!! I told you to stop… - Whaaa… they, they were talking in Korean!!!

Whaaaaaaa… I wanted to cry again!!! Great, great…

  • JiYun, you look taller today, you haven’t overeaten Nesquick, have you? – teased the boy and ruffled her hair.

She started jumping around him, trying to reach his hair, but he managed to avoid her…

  • Annyeong – I shouted… both of them turned around surprised…
  • You!! – Both yelled and rushed towards me!
  • You’re Korean – said the girl…
  • Oh, and you’re pretty… - added the boy, and the girl slapped his head…
  • What are you doing here?
  • What’s your name? – Asked EeJoon and I was about to answer, but they kept on asking without giving me an opportunity to answer…
  • How old are you?
  • Will you stay here?
  • What school do you go to?
  • What’s your sign?


  • Hey! – I yelled.

They both startled and looked at me surprised…

  • I’m BaekHee… nice to meet you… I’m almost 18, I moved in here yesterday… and I’m Aquarius…
  • Oooooh!!!... – both exclaimed…
  • You’re coming with us… - the girl grabbed my hand and dragged me to somewhere…

After half an hour on foot we were on the roof of a building, surrounded by crisps and coke… We were watching the sunset… unbelievable, isn’t it? How did it happen - exactly the thing I needed… I already explained my situation and EeJoon couldn’t believe that he’s living in the same neighborhood as the “great” SiWon…

  • Whaaa… I’m living in the neighborhood of Korean football’s star… God, you must love me very much… - JiYun frowned and hit him.
  • And what’s so special about him? Don’t you see how he treats our BaekHee! – she pulled me closer to herself and hugged me – Relax, we’re with you…
  • Thank you… - I murmured and smiled.

We sat on the roof until the moon showed up… Ahh this must be freedom… but I was a bit sad that there was nobody to worry about me not getting home…

  • What time is it? – asked JiYun…
  • Almost 12… - answered EeJoon lazily…

JiYun ^.^

  • OMG, EeJoon, you know my parents… why didn’t you tell me I should go earlier!!! – she started yelling at him…

Those two were so cute…

  • Yaaah, relax, you’re with me, right, what can happen… - awww in boy-language that meant “I won’t let anyone touch you – you’re only mine”.

I laughed.

After about 15 minutes we were already walking JiYun home…

  • BaekHee, do you want to hang out with us tomorrow after school?
  • Well I… yeah, it would be great…
  • Alright, alright, come on, get in, I got tired of your face… - said EeJoon and grinned at her.

She looked at him angrily and hid home.

  • Oh well, it’s obvious that I’m only going to send people home today… - we made just a few steps and in front of me I saw a very angry SiWon.

He had crossed his arms in front of his chest and was looking at me straight in the eye. He was obviously really angry. I hid behind EeJoon, and SiWon hurried towards us… he was just about to pull me when EeJoon stepped in front of him…

  • SiWon, I’m a big fan of yours, may I have an autograph? – he quickly took a sheet and a pen out of his backpack and handed them to SiWon…

He signed quickly…

  • Whaaa… thank you… BaekHee… Bye – and he ran far away…

SiWon grabbed my elbow and started dragging me to the house. He slammed the door, furious. God, was he that angry?!

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2 new subscibers - yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and another short part of chapter 6


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awww :3 update soon , author-nm :)
Ooh... 0.0 I wonder what's going to happen now! >.<
Awww loved the moment b/w Baekhee and Siwon! :)
update soon!
Omg... I understand how she feels in some weird way >.<

Update soon please!~
omg!! loving this so much~!!!
Siwon... are you ok? o.o LOL
Eejoon and JiYun so likes each other~ :)
Update soon~! ♥
Updated the last chapter, comment please ^. (edited the last added actually)
LOL, this is getting good~! ♥
update pleaseeeeee
omg!! please update soon!! ^__^
i likey this!