Chapter 5

The Phone Booth

“What are you doing?” Jungah asked as she watched Yixing rummaged through his backpack. The older boy didn’t answer as he looked through his backpack. He took out a newspaper, throwing it onto the side before clearing out of the way. He then grabbed the newspaper, separating each page one by one and laying it flatly on the open space on the floor.

“Done,” he smiled and sat down, the newspaper blocking his body from touching the ground itself.

“You’re going to sleep?” she questioned as he leaned against the window, straightening his legs out in front of him.

“Mm,” he nodded, closing his eyes. “You should too. It’s almost 1 in the morning.” As he received no response, he opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at the younger girl still standing in front of him. “Uh, are you not going to sleep or what?”

Of course the girl wanted to sleep, she was exhausted. The problem was, the space of the booth was small. There was no way that two people can fit if they were in a sitting down position. “I can’t,” she mumbled. He looked around and an ‘oh’ left his mouth as he came to realized the situation. “Come here,” he said, and patted the space in front of him.

“W-what?” the girl was taken aback.

“You’re tired. It clearly shows. And the only way for you to sleep is if you sat in front of me,” he explained.

She hesitated for a moment or two, before slowly making her steps over towards him. “I’m not going to touch you,” he assured her, and stretched out his legs just wide enough for her to fit. The girl looked at him, exhaled deeply before placing herself in between his legs. He chuckled lightly at her awkwardness and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her back.

Jungah let out a squeal as she felt herself being pulled back, while he took this chance to lay her head onto his chest. “It’s comfortable this way for you to sleep,” he whispered, and reluctantly let go of the arm that encircled her. “Goodnight.”

She mumbled back a goodnight, and fluttered her eyes closed, relaxing to the movement of his chest heaving up and down.

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omg i love lay!
Chapter 10: THis story is beyond sweet!! Oh my God!! ❤ *curled up because of the sweetness
Chapter 10: T^T... So sweet!!! Why can't all these type of story be real!!! T^T.. I wish I met my future boyfriend like that... Thanks for the amazing story!!! =DD
Chapter 1: mind to have a cover photo author-nim? I'll add this to my fanfics album in fb. (an album of fanfics that i've read and on-queue) :)
Chapter 10: Hi! A friend recommend this to me! It's so beautiful! <3
kimhyemi #6
Chapter 10: asdfghjhksiowixbhsjdsiswiqszxb <333
Chapter 10: <3 I loved this!!!
Chapter 10: omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg :3 adorable
emiex145 #9
Chapter 10: omg this is so adorable <3 i loved it ahhhhh ^^