Wait for me

You're the Only One for Me

Your POV


The Beast was  performing "Beautiful" right now. And i can see many Beauties who were shouting Junhyung's name.

I should not be jealous I know this is his job. I decided to just stay at the backstage although Junhyung wanted me to sit  with the audience. My phone suddenly vibrated. Oh It's Jessie!

"Im sorry Chin.. Im really sorry.. I really dont mean it.."

Huh?! Sorry for what?!


"May i call on Miss Chin Bang to come here at the stage with me?" i suddenly heard Junhyung's voice

I tried to look at him from the backstage and i saw him looking at me. I just smiled as i gestured "I dont want to."

But he came near me and grabbed my hand.

"Junhyung.. I dont want to.. There are too many people in here!" i said

"Trust me.." he replied


"I want to introduce to you.. My girlfriend.." he said

"You dont have to do this.." i said

He kneeled infront of me and showed a ring.

"Marry me.." he said

"huh?" I was shocked and i dont know what to say.

"what?! I understand if you're not ready yet.." i know he felt sad.

"What are you saying? ofcourse i will marry you!" i smiled


- - -


I never thought this things would happen to me.

I remember the day when i was still wishing for him to love me.

I got back to our house. I saw my mom watching T.V.


"Hi mom!" i greeted her

She stood up. Then she.. SLAPPED ME.

"You told me you're going to Korea to work!"

"I do work!" i replied then i remembered what Jessie texted to me. 

"You work? As what? An assistant? A maid? My god Chin. You finished your studies just to become a maid!" she shouted

"I didn't really intended to work as a maid. But it just happened!"

"And now you're  planning to go back to Korea with that boy? Do you know what will happen to you two? He will just leave you!"

"No! he  wont do that!"

"He will! And i wont let you go with him!"

"What do you mean, mom?" i asked

"You're not anymore allowed to go outside the house."

"No please dont do this to me.."

"If you would go with him, I wont anymore treat you as my daughter."

 "No mom.."

"You're not gonna marry him and you're not going with him.."


- - -


I was lying on my bad with my cellhpone on my hand. What will i tell him?

I just cant sleep. >.<

My phone suddenly vibrated. It's Junhyung.

"I cant sleep. Sorry for disturbing you. Are you still awake? if you're already asleep. Good night then. I love you! :) "

Should i reply or not? What will i tell him? How can we meet again? Im not anymore allowed to go outside. :(

"I also cant sleep. Junhyung.. I dont know how to say this to you.. but i cant go with you in Korea."  i replied to him

"What? Why? What happened? Is there something wrong?"

"My mom dont want me for you.."

"It's not a problem.. I'll fetch you there.. You can sneak out.."

"I can't do that to my mom, Junhyung.."

"What do you mean?"


Junhyung's POV


Aish! She will choose her parents over me?

"I promise Junhyung.. I'll follow  you there.. Just wait for me.."

Im tired of this. I decided to come to their house. I know she will come with me.


- - -




Your  POV


I dont know what to reply. Then i suddenly heard that someone threw a pebble on my window. It was Junhyung.

I  opened the window.

"Why you're here?" i asked

"To fetch you.. tomorrow's the flight! Quick! Fix your things!" he replied

"But.. I.. Can't.. Im sorry Junhyung.." i replied


"I already told you.. I can't do that to my parents.." i said

"Please, Chin.." he said

I cant Junhyung.. Im sorry.. I closed the window as i rushed to my bed. It's the only way I can do. Forget about him.

I hope i wont doubt about this.. :(



Hope it's not too late Chin..

Wow~ Thanks for my subscribers~ ^-^

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just finished reading and..MAGNIFIQUE! \ M /
beast <3
MszCassie123456 #3
I just finished reading it and it was amazing! I loved the couples! you should do a story more of Kikwang and Jessie, i love tem two their cute! >.<
ChickenLover #4
I subscribed, but I haven't finished reading, so I'll give a better review when I finished. I just don't want to be a silent reader >.>; So far so good :D
ahhhh.i just finished reading this sequel! this is great!
WHAT THE HELL JUNGHYUNG!!!! Argggg!!! YOUR SUCH AN ASSS!!!!! CHIN CAME BACK FOR YOU!!! YOU DUMB ! Sorry... just got a little carried away...^^ just getting caught in the fanfic thats all hehehe
AWm so cute!!!
~nice story!i love it was shocking that kim ended with dojoon. i never expected that. also i thought yoseob and jessie gonna end together> lol XD