New Life, New Start.

Living With 6 Babos.

should i do comment replies? ><
the italics means their thoughts!


"Mister and Mrs. Kim, this is Yerin and Hyerin. They're sisters." 

"Aigoo..... Such cute girls!" Mrs.Kim exclaimed, holding in the urge to pinch their cheeks.

Yerin smiled at them while Hyerin wore a poker face.

"Let's go. We have a lot to do today." Mr.Kim smiled at the two girls.

"Bye, we'll miss you." Yerin hugged Ms.Lee, the owner of the orphanage.

"Aigoo........ I'm so happy for you girls, but I'll miss you girls so much." Ms.Lee hugged Yerin tightly and gave Hyerin a small hug. "Hyerin.... it should be time you change a little, for good... and be nice to your new parents." 

Hyerin nodded, but her face showed no emotion. I'm not changing for anyone. 


"-and we're here!" Mrs.Kim opened the door to their new home.

"Woah...... this house is so big...." Yerin gawked. This is even bigger than the orphanage!

Hyerin stared at the house. The thought of "parents" scared her. Bad memories started coming back to her. , why can't I just let the stupid memories go?

Mrs.Kim led the two girls into the house and ordered them to sit on the couch.

"Boys, come down!" Mrs.Kim cupped and shouted.

One by one, the boys gathered into the living room. 

Yerin stared at each and every one of them. They're so good looking...........

Hyerin gave each of them a quick glance, before going back to what she was looking at - the ceiling. Too many people.... 

"Boys, I want you to meet your new sisters, Yerin and....." Mrs.Kim looked at Hyerin, who was spacing out.

"Hyerin." Yerin finished for her. Aish, Jang Hyerin.... stop spacing out!

"Right, Yerin and Hyerin!" Mrs.Kim finished.

The 6 guys looked at the 2 girls and started whispering. 

"I'm Yongguk." One of them finally spoke up. He was tall and tough looking. 

Yerin gulped. He looks mean.

As if Yongguk read her mind, he flashed her a gummy smile.

"I'm Himchan~~~" The next guy introduced while doing aegyo. 

Yerin giggled. He seems cute and nice...

"Daehyun." The next guy with a mask covering half of his face said.

Upon hearing such an introduction, Hyerin teared her eyes away from the oh-so-interesting ceiling to stare at Daehyun.

Daehyun caught Hyerin staring at him and stared back. Unlike usual people who look away while looking at an attractive opposite , the two of them didn't look away. 

It seemed like....... they had something in common.

After what seemed like forever, Daehyun looked away, wearing the same expression on his face -- cold and uninterested.

"Nice to meet you ladies, I'm Youngjae." A guy with chubby lips said.

"Oh, stop trying to sound smart." Himchan rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous~" Youngjae sang.

"I'm Jonguppieeeeeee~" Jongup smiled at them, showing his cute eye smile.

"I'm Junhong, but I prefer Zelo." A very tall, pink haired boy introduced. (a/n ; pretend Zelo has pink hair in this story. ><)

After hearing the introductions, Yerin stood up and introduced herself. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yerin!" She bowed and smiled at them. She pointed to Hyerin, who was staring at the ceiling (again). "And this is my little sister, Hyerin."

Hyerin's eyes scanned the guys. Tough looking but has a gummy smile - creepy. Too much aegyo - pass. Cold and mysterious - like me. Normal. Too hyper. Too..... pink. 

"Hyerin." Hyerin finally said.

"We already know, your sister just introduced you." Youngjae rolled his eyes.

"I just thought you guys might want to hear my voice." Hyerin shot back.

"Like it's anything special......" Youngjae scoffed. 

"Alright kids, stop fighting! Yerin and Hyerin, follow me, I'll bring you to your rooms." Mrs.Kim motioned the girls to follow her.

"You think you're so smart...." Hyerin muttered under her breath as she walked past Youngjae.

"You-!" Youngjae glared at Hyerin. Oh yeah? You want war? I'll give you war! Cold girl, it's on!


After settling into their new room, Mrs.Kim demanded everyone to gather in the living room again.

"Boys, your daddy and I will be going out on a business trip and we're not sure when we're going to back.... Take care of your sisters and don't get hurt! Stay healthy and listen to Yongguk!" Mrs.Kim lectured before leaving.

"Yerin and Hyerin, don't be shy, this will be your new home from now on!" Mrs.Kim smiled at them before leaving.

"Home my ..." Hyerin muttered, loud enough for Youngjae to hear. 

"Tsk, ungrateful ....." Youngjae muttered back.

Hyerin shot him a glare and he smirked. "It's on." Youngjae mouthed.

Hyerin was about to swear him out when Himchan suddenly interrupted. "Since we're gonna be living with each other from now on, we should get to know each other!" 

"That sounds great!" Yerin agreed. 

The others shrugged. Since they had nothing else better to do, might as well.

"I'll start it off! I'm Himchan, I'm 22 years old, and I love you Yerin!" Himchan did a heart shape with his hand.

"Hyung, you're so greasy!" Zelo complained.

Yerin giggled. "I'm Yerin and I'm 18 years old. Hm...." She tapped her chin. "I like to eat and cook!" 

"Good, then you'll be cooking from now on!" Jongup clapped his hands in glee.

"Yes! Finally! I won't have to cook anymore!" Zelo and Jongup celebrated.

"I'm smart, obviously." Youngjae praised himself.

"Smart people obviously don't state that they're smart." Hyerin rolled her eyes.

Youngjae glared at her. "Obviously smarter than you." He said in a "duh" tone.

"I don't like Youngjae. You guys should remember that." Hyerin said. 

"Well I don't either, Miss Know-it-all." Youngjae retorted, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Alright, stop it you two...." Yongguk snapped. "How old are you, Hyerin?"


"So I'm older than you! You should respect me, you punk!" Youngjae pointed at Hyerin.

Hyerin rolled her eyes. "I respect who I wanna respect! I refuse to respect people who think they're smart, but aren't!" 

Youngjae's blood boiled. "Why you little-"

"Gosh you both are so stupid and immature...." Himchan butted in.

"Oh oh, I'm Jongup, you remember that right? I like to danceeee!" Jongup beamed.

"I like skateboarding and rapping... CHYEAH!" Zelo did a peace sign.

God they're so noisy..... Hyerin thought.

"Wow, oppas are all so interesting...." Yerin beamed.

"Actually, I think Jongup and Zelo are you dongsaengs." Yongguk pointed out. 

"Noonaaaaa~~~" Jongup sang.

I'm loving this family already! Yerin thought.


As the day progressed, Yerin got to know more about the guys, except for Daehyun.

He refused to talk to her and just ignored her when she tried to talk to him.

Tch, just like Hyerin..... Yerin thought as she watched Daehyun from afar.

They were all seated on the couches in the living room, all watching TV.

Yerin was seated in between Yongguk and Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae were seated next to Himchan and Jongup and Zelo were laying on the floor.

Hyerin was sitting alone, on the couch next to Yerin's.

"Hah, look at that loner girl. Sitting all alone." Youngjae snickered.

Hyerin shot him a murderous look before looking back at the TV.

"Hello Baby" was playing on the channel.

"Aw, that baby looks so cute!" Yerin pointed out.

Himchan puffed up his cheeks and pouted. "Am I cuter?"

Yerin laughed at his silliness. "No, the baby is~" 

Himchan frowned cutely and pouted. 

Hyerin stared at the screen blankly. How come I wasn't like that? My childhood..... was . Bad memories starting coming back to her again, haunting her again and again.

Slowly, tears started to brim her eyes. She tried her best to hold in the tears.

Yerin noticed that her sister was fidgetting around and noticed the wetness b her eyes. 

"Are you okay, Rinnie?" She softly asked.

Everyone's eyes focused on Hyerin, who turned around to avoid everyone from seeing her tears.

"Nothing." She lied. She hurriedly ran up to her shared bedroom and slammed the door.

Yerin watched worriedly as Hyerin ran up the stairs. I've never seen her like that.... Is she okay?

"What's with her?" Youngjae was the first one to speak after Hyerin left.

"I'm not too sure either....." Yerin sadly replied.

"But aren't you her older sister?" Jongup commented.

"I am.... but our parents got divorced and my mom took me and ran away, leaving Hyerin with our dad.... That's why she's like that....." Yerin explained.

The guys nodded. "I guess all of us went through that too...." 


omg that was like the tiest thing i've ever written in my whole lifeeeeee. al;fjl;j
; ___ ;
i'm sorry guise, i'll try to improve! ><
bap gifs to make it up~

omg daehyun y u so kute

omg jongup you're such a dorkkkkk.

comment and subscribe, thank you~ SARANGHAEE. <33

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Normally a guy and a girl who are quarrelsome at the beginning will be together in the end...Let's see Am I right... ;P
Oh youngjae
new reader here ! Update soon please !! This is sweet ! :33
Update agian please!
Cute start (:
Aigoo! This just started and I already like it! Update again soon!^ ^