
Like Brother, Like Sister.

Jiyeon felt the cool autumn breeze run through her head, as she remembered yesterday. 
Somehow, it was a day she never wanted to forget. She barely did anything that day, but Myungsoo was right. 
He made her a memory she would never want to leave behind. 
Just like L.Joe did.... 

Jiyeon slowly pulled out the old polaroid of herself and L.Joe, another memory that she could never leave behind. 
She examined the picture as her memories with L.Joe flashed through her mind. 
She had Myungsoo to care for her now, but for some reason she couldn't let go of him. 
She missed his hugs and cheesy love sayings. 
She missed his clumsiness. 
She missed him. 

"Pabo..." Jiyeon sighed as she flicked the picture. 
"You stupid pabo. Why can't I ever let go of you?" She muttered. 

Little did she know that L.Joe was watching her. Her words struck him like lightning and he finally had some confidence. 

He quickly walked towards Jiyeon and placed his hand on her shoulder, lightly. 

"I can't ever let go of you either." He confessed. 

L.Joe pulled her into an embrace. 
He finally got a hug from Jiyeon, a hug where she didn't struggle to get away since she had no excuse to. 

"L.Joe...." Jiyeon whispered. 
"Don't say anything." He said. 
"Why did you come back?" 
"I told you, don't say anything." 

L.Joe hugged Jiyeon even tighter, as tight as he could to where Jiyeon couldn't budge. 

"L.Joe.. I think we should go." Jiyeon mentioned. 

L.Joe let go of Jiyeon, but with his hands still on her shoulders. 

He smiled...for once. 

"Okay, let's go." He said, intertwining his hands into hers. 

Jiyeon enjoyed the moment and went along with L.Joe. 
She ignored that uneasy feeling she got and just continued on. 


Sungmin applied some ointment onto Sunny's cheek. 

"There. The red mark should go away." Sungmin then put the ointment back in the small basket. 
"Care to tell me what happened?" Sungmin asked. 

Sunny stayed silent. 

"Thank you." She said. 
"...You look like you just saw a ghost." Sungmin commented. 
"A ghost? I saw something much worse than that..." Sunny muttered. 
"Ah, nevermind. Anyways, I'll get going now." 

Sunny quickly left the house, leaving Sungmin dumbfounded. 

Sungmin felt hurt, knowing that a person he cherishes so much won't tell him anything. 

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang. 

As Sungmin opened the door to see a high school student with white skin and jet black hair. 

"Are you Park Sungmin? Park Jiyeon's sister?" The boy asked, while catching his breath.
"Yes, why?" Sungmin responded. 
"I'm Myungsoo, a friend of Jiyeon's. She... she's in the hospital." Myungsoo stated. 
"We need to hurry... and go there..." 

Sungmin quickly grabbed his car keys and Myungsoo followed him into the car and Sungmin started driving. 

"Do you know what happened?" Sungmin asked. 
"I don't know what happened to her, but I just know she's in the hospital." Myungsoo responded. 

Sungmin picked up his speed and finally made it to the hospital. 

"Excuse me, do you know where patient Park Jiyeon is?" Sungmin asked the nurse. 
"Park Jiyeon? She's in surgery now. Please wait in the waiting room over there." 

Myungsoo and Sungmin sighed and went to the waiting room. 

But what Myungsoo didn't expect, was to see L.Joe there. 

"Yah, Lee Byunghun." Myungsoo called. 
"Kim Myungsoo, why are you here?" L.Joe asked. 

Sungmin got a look at L.Joe's face, and he immediately recognized him as L.Joe, the one that shattered Jiyeon's heart into pieces. And also the one, that burned away the cute and bright Jiyeon. 

"The question is, why are YOU here?" Sungmin interrupted the two. 
"Why are you here when you're the one that shattered Jiyeon's heart into pieces? Why are you here when you're the fire that burned away that cute and bright Jiyeon?" Sungmin continued. 

L.Joe stayed silent. 

"If you can't answer my question, get out of here." Sungmin stated. 

L.Joe unwillingly left... he was speechless. 
He never thought about the bond between Sungmin and Jiyeon, he's never had a family bond before. 
He's never had his mom come home and ask him if he had a girlfriend. 
He's never had his dad come home and ask him to watch a movie, or do some boy things together. 
He's never had a sister that would yell at him and make fun of him around her friends. 
He's never had a brother that he could look up to, or a brother that could look up to him. 
Sure, he did have a mom, dad, brother, and sister. But they never bonded. They didn't have that thing that Sungmin and Jiyeon had. He couldn't rely on them for anything.

Sungmin sighed and sat down, along with Myungsoo. 
A few seconds later, a nurse came out from the operation room. 

"Excuse me, is anyone here for patient Park Jiyeon?" The nurse asked. 
"We are." Sungmin and Myungsoo stood up. 
"Do you know what happened to her?" Myungsoo asked. 
The nurse sighed," Park Jiyeon.... was shot in the shoulder." 

"WHAT?!?!?!" Sungmin and Myungsoo shouted in unison. 

"We don't have much information, but the police will be coming soon to discuss it. Anyways, Park Jiyeon survived. The bullet didn't hit any vital organs, it's just her shoulder is much weaker. So try not to let her climb or do anything that involves much shoulder moving. She was moved to a room now, but the doctor doesn't want anyone to go in. So, I suggest to let her rest here and guests will be able to visit tomorrow morning." The nurse explained. 

"That's a relief..." Sungmin sighed. 

"Excuse me, Nurse Kim the police officers are here." Another nurse called. 
"Oh, really? Okay, you two should come with me." Nurse Kim instructed. 

Sungmin and Myungsoo followed and met up with the police officer, who was tall and skinny and resembled Super Junior's Siwon.

"So you two are closest to Park Jiyeon?" The police officer asked. 
"Yes sir, I'm her older brother, Park Sungmin." Sungmin introduced himself as he shook his hand. 
"I'm Kim Myungsoo, a close friend of Park Jiyeon." Myungsoo also shook the police officer's hand. 
"That's good, I'm Officer Choi. Did you two bring a vehicle?" Officer Choi asked. 
"Yes sir, I brought him here in my car..." Sungmin responded. 
"Okay, take your car and meet at the police station. There, we can discuss in further detail what happened." Officer Choi instructed. 

The three went to their cars and drove to the police station, there the two were instructed to go to Officer Choi's office which was nicely decoration with a large wood desk and two gray chairs in front of it. 

"So, you probably knew that Park Jiyeon was shot... right?" Officer Choi started. 
"Yes, sir." Sungmin replied. 
"Well, I'll tell you the story. I interviewed the only witness, and his name was Lee Byunghun, otherwise known as L.Joe. He claimed that he was walking with her when she was suddenly shot in the shoulder. He says he looked around and saw no one that looked suspicious and claimed that no one has been acting strange around her lately." Officer Choi explained. 
"Who would do such a heartless thing..." Myungsoo sighed. 
"Why was L.Joe walking with her in the first place?" Sungmin asked. 
"We thought they were in a relationship or something, he was crying and holding onto her hand in the ambulance." Mr. Choi responded. 

Myungsoo clenched his fist. 
He only wanted Jiyeon for himself. 

"There's no relationship between L.Joe and Park Jiyeon, I can assure you that Officer Choi. In fact, L.Joe broke up with her a few months ago and left her heart shattered." Sungmin announced. 
"Huh..." Officer Choi sounded. 
"Isn't that a little suspicious?" Myungsoo asked. 
"It is..." Officer Choi replied. "Well then, I think we'll have to talk to Park Jiyeon before we can add him on our suspect list. Thank you for the information." 

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No Min Woo looked at his gun, that was laid in on top of his dresser in front of the mirror. 

He couldn't believe that he shot Jiyeon. 
He didn't want to believe that he shot Jiyeon. 

Jiyeon was precious to him, but she broke his heart. 

His mind kept flashing back to those scenes he caught of Jiyeon smiling and laughing, scenes that he would treasure forever. 

His mind kept telling him, revenge... revenge.... revenge... get her back. Make her feel the pain that you felt that day. 

But he couldn't let anything harm her. 

He took a look at himself in the mirror. 

What has he just become? 

He became a monster. 

He knocked off everything on top of the dresser. His keys, wallet, the gun, the candles, EVERYTHING. 

He groaned and huddled into the corner, hugging his legs tightly and sobbing. 

"She deserved it." 

                                                  "She's innocent." 

"She broke your heart." 

                                                      "She didn't mean it." 

"She made you like this." 

                                                                                 "She didn't want to make it awkward."

"She's the reason you're like this right now." 

Voices kept roaming through his head. His good side, and his evil side were battling out for dominance. 

He stopped sobbing and stood up. 

He took an angry and deep breath and started rampaging on everything in the room. 

He messed up his nicely made bed, 
He threw portraits and painting off of the wall, 
He threw books off of his bookshelf, 
and stopped when he stumbled upon a wooden box. 

He caressed the box slightly, and lifted the latch to open it. 

Inside, were all the pictures that Min Woo could get of Jiyeon. 
Yes, they were stalker pictures but for some reason he didn't feel guilty at all. 

He dug around the box and slowly picked up what he thought was the best picture he caught of her. 


"She hurt you." 

"She left you behind." 

"She broke your heart." 

"You meant nothing to her." 

Voices started to roam his mind again, and he quickly threw the picture down back into the box. 

He went over to the floor and picked up a candle. He pulled a lighter from his pocket and then lit the candle. 

He glanced over at the box, and grabbed the picture once again. 

He slowly moved the photo closer to the fire, and once the fire touched it it slowly started to devour it. 

"You'll regret this........." He muttered as he watched the picture burn. 


Another update. <3 

And I'm not using my computer, so I feel really uncomfortable for some reason. 


Anyways, I hear B1A4 is having a Hello Baby. 

Anyways, thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! <3


Myungsoo loves you!
[But he loves Jiyeon more, HEHEHEHE.]  




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Oh when will my chapters come back? T.T --YouAreLoved.


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Squaresofpanda #1
Chapter 13: Well I liked this while it lasted... too bad you're discontinuing it :(
hope you're still supporting t-ara though :)
Chapter 12: I don't really understand the Seulong part...buuut I really like this ff:) It's really interesting! Please update ASAPPP!!!!!
I hope it a L. Ji hixhix
Update soon!!!
jamoua #4
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Update soon! Can't wait to read soommmeeee moreee!
I love jiyeon, i love t ara, i am a "crazy" fan of Myungyeon ;))))) and ............. I love your storyy :)) look forward to your update :)
Glad to hear tht...loyal queen should support them..
not like some those fake queen, who claimed no 1 fan of t ara but turn their back after the scandal. .the fake fan also ended their t ara ff abrubtly and burn their cd...come on. .everyone we should have more faith on t ara. .
bluemoon #7
WTF!! >.<
i srsly hate min woo!! gaaaahd! you call that love?!!?!?
if you really love her... you wouldnt hurt her... and you would've let her go and let her be happy! but.. no.. you didnt! you are so selfish!!! you can NEVER have jiyeon as long as Myungsoo is there!!!
bluemoon #8

Myungyeon sweet moments!!! <3333