
Like Brother, Like Sister.

Right as Jiyeon entered the school's gate, she felt a strong hand grab a hold of her arm. 

"Park Jiyeon, let's talk." L.Joe called. 
"I have nothing to say to you." Jiyeon responded, coldly. 
"Well, I do." L.Joe stated. 
"The last time I let you talk to me that easily, you threw me away." Jiyeon lisped as she removed L.Joe from her. 

Jiyeon walked away, hurt in the moment. But as she got closer and closer to the door L.Joe grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around, holding onto both of her shoulders. 

"Just hear me out for once...please..." L.Joe begged. 
"I don't want to hear your explainations, let go." Jiyeon commanded, struggling out of L.Joe's grip. 
"Just listen to me! I'm begging you!" L.Joe pleaded. 
Jiyeon took a deep breath,"Let go of me." 
"I won't ever let you go, ever." L.Joe blurted. 

Jiyeon somehow felt alive again, but the fear of L.Joe leaving her came back and told her,"He's a bad man, don't listen to him." "He left you, Jiyeon." 

"I SAID LET GO!" Jiyeon shouted. She used all of her strength to get L.Joe off, but it was no use. 

"I TOLD YOU TO LET GO!" Jiyeon screamed. 

L.Joe ignored all of the students gathering around the both of them and continued holding onto Jiyeon's shoulders, squeezing tighter and tighter. 

He wasn't ready to let her go yet, 
Even though he was the one that left her. 
He still wanted her, 
Actually... he still needed her. 

Suddenly, L.Joe felt an even stronger force pull him off of Jiyeon. 

"She told you to let go." The man spoke. 
"Yah, Kim Myungsoo. Found another toy, I see?" L.Joe scoffed. 
"No. This time, she's no toy. She's something different." Myungsoo responded. He then wrapped his arm around Jiyeon and held her tight. 
"Let's go, Jiyeon." Myungsoo instructed. 

The two turned around and went inside the school building. The crowd of students that watched the whole event followed, leaving L.Joe behind and his broken heart. 

"Why can't she be happy with me again?" L.Joe thought to himself, on the bridge of crying. 

"Shouldn't you be getting to class?" A voice called from behind. 
"Uhh yeah.... Min Woo hyung." L.Joe responded. 
"Didn't I tell you? Not to call me hyung at school?" Min Woo asked. 
"But no one's around..." 
"Sorry, then. I'll get to class now." 


Sungmin entered the lecture room, happily. For once, his sister was somehow able to warm up his cold personality. For once, his sister actually worried for him.

"Oh, Sungmin. You're here..." Sunny stammered. 
"Hi Sunny." Sungmin greeted. 
"You're smiling too, what happened recently?" Sunny asked. 
"My sister, she's worrying for me~" Sungmin cooed. 
"Is that not normal?" Sunny questioned. 
"No, she's never." Sungmin chuckled. 
"Well, alright then." 

The professor entered the room and took notice of Sungmin's presence. He smirked a bit and started his lecture, with Sungmin happily listening and taking notes. 

After the lecture, the class left and Sunny quickly approached Sungmin. 

"Feeling better, I see." Sunny smiled. 
"I am much better. Thanks to two people." Sungmin said. 
"And who would those two people be?" Sunny asked. 

Sungmin stood up and started walking, with Sunny following behind.

Sungmin started,"A little girl named Park Jiyeon.... and...." Sungmin then turned around to face Sunny. 
"A girl named Lee Soonkyu, who I now cherish a lot." 

Sunny smiled at the fact that Sungmin cherished her, and saw that Sungmin was finally the Sungmin that she always watched from a distance. 

"Well, I guess I'll get going first then." Sunny greeted. 
"Okay, see you later, Sunny." Sungmin smiled. 

Sungmin watched Sunny leave his sight and chuckled. 

"Smiling because of her, I see." Kyuhyun accused. 
"Oh, Kyuhyun! Long time no see." Sungmin greeted. 
"Missed you, buddy~" Kyuhyun wrapped his arm around Sungmin's shoulder and smiled. 


Myungsoo led Jiyeon to class and they both took a seat. 

"You okay?" Myungsoo asked. 
"I'm fine..." Jiyeon sighed. 
"That's a terrible lie." Myungsoo accused. 
"You look like you were about to cry." 

Myungsoo knew Jiyeon wasn't fine. He could just see the hurt flowing out of her eyes and it hurt him, too. He hated seeing Jiyeon hurt and hated to admit that Jiyeon wasn't willing to let go of L.Joe. 

"I guess I was..." Jiyeon sounded. She looked down. 
"If you're upset, how about we ditch class?" Myungsoo offered. 
"WHAT?" Jiyeon choked. 
"Let's ditch class." Myungsoo stated. 
"Yah, but exams are coming up...." Jiyeon put in. 
"Let's go." 

Myungsoo grabbed Jiyeon's hand and dragged her out of the classroom and somehow snuck out of school grounds. 

"Where are you taking me?" Jiyeon asked. 
"I don't know, but we're out of that prison now~" Myungsoo laughed. 

Jiyeon and Myungsoo looked down at their hands and saw that they were still intertwined with each other. 

"Ah, sorry about that..." Myungsoo apologized. 

Jiyeon stayed quiet and followed Myungsoo to the street vendor. Myungsoo led Jiyeon to the table and went to the Ahjumma at the counter.

"Ahjumma, two orders of dumplings please!" Myungsoo requested. 
"Yes, but aren't you two supposed to be in school?" The Ahjumma raised an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, but... the girl over there is going through depression. I thought I would help her..." Myungsoo explained. 
"Ah, is that so? Okay, I'll make the dumplings really good for you two then." The Ahjumma chuckled at Myungsoo and went off to cook. 

Myungsoo went back to the table and sat across from Jiyeon, who looked uncomfortable. 

"Don't be uncomfortable. After today, there will be a memory that you will never want to leave behind." Myungsoo stated. 

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YAAAAAY I finished another update! <3 

So, some more LJi and Myungyeon drama, eh. 

Don't worry, SunSun's side of the story hasn't quiet ended yet, so stay subscribed! :D 

Dara Hello Cartoon Animated GIF

ANNND, I hope you guys are enjoying 2NE1's new song, I Love You! TEEHEE <3 



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Oh when will my chapters come back? T.T --YouAreLoved.


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Squaresofpanda #1
Chapter 13: Well I liked this while it lasted... too bad you're discontinuing it :(
hope you're still supporting t-ara though :)
Chapter 12: I don't really understand the Seulong part...buuut I really like this ff:) It's really interesting! Please update ASAPPP!!!!!
I hope it a L. Ji hixhix
Update soon!!!
jamoua #4
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Update soon! Can't wait to read soommmeeee moreee!
I love jiyeon, i love t ara, i am a "crazy" fan of Myungyeon ;))))) and ............. I love your storyy :)) look forward to your update :)
Glad to hear tht...loyal queen should support them..
not like some those fake queen, who claimed no 1 fan of t ara but turn their back after the scandal. .the fake fan also ended their t ara ff abrubtly and burn their cd...come on. .everyone we should have more faith on t ara. .
bluemoon #7
WTF!! >.<
i srsly hate min woo!! gaaaahd! you call that love?!!?!?
if you really love her... you wouldnt hurt her... and you would've let her go and let her be happy! but.. no.. you didnt! you are so selfish!!! you can NEVER have jiyeon as long as Myungsoo is there!!!
bluemoon #8

Myungyeon sweet moments!!! <3333