
Like Brother, Like Sister.

Sungmin and Jiyeon looked at each other, eyes full of worry. The moment was tense, and they couldn't sit still. 

"Who's here for Mr. and Mrs. Park?" A doctor called. 
"Both of us, we're his children." Sungmin responded. Jiyeon followed him. 

The doctor has a disappointed look on their face, they knew that their beloved parents were gone. 

"I'm sorry, they've passed away...." The doctor sighed. 

Jiyeon fell to her knees and bursted out crying, Sungmin knelt down and hugged her while crying as well. 

"What happened to them...?" Jiyeon asked. 
"The police are going to investigate the crime scene. You can't go home now, so please find a place to stay for the night. If you can't, we don't have any rooms but you can sleep in the waiting room until a place opens up for you. " The doctor informed. 

Sungmin bowed , while Jiyeon barely had the strenght to sit up. 

"Jiyeon-ah.... W-we can stay at Kyuhyun's house.... come on... let's go." Sungmin stuttered. 
"They're dead......" Jiyeon sighed, tears continously flowing out of her eyes. 
"Come on, Jiyeon-ah. Let's go..." Sungmin instructed as he helped her up. 

The two children were devistated, they couldn't imagine their lives without their parents. 

The next day, some officials met up with the two to discuss their parents' will. 

"Your mom and dad shared a will..." The man stated. "Park Jiyeon, half of inheritance. Park Sungmin, half of inheritance. Both of you get the house, but you can't seperate from each other until you've both turned 30." 
"Yes sir." Sungmin and Jiyeon said at the same time. They stayed expressionless and cold, but the man understood. 
"That is all, you two can go now." The man stated. 

They bowed and left. 

"Looks like we're on our own now, Jiyeon-ah." Sungmin sighed. 
"We'll have to get jobs." Jiyeon stated. 
"We'll talk about that later, let's just go to school now. I'll drop you off." Sungmin offered. 

They climbed into Sungmin's car and Sungmin dropped her off. They both decided to continue school, even when they're in the midst of depression and sorrow. 

Jiyeon slowly walked to her classroom, each step closer she was her heart sank lower. When she opened her classroom door, the kids stared at her knowing her position. 

"Jiyeon, you came?" The tall, and handsome teacher asked. 
Jiyeon nodded and bowed, she took her seat without saying a word. 

Words started to fly throughout the classroom. 
"She really wants to do well, doesn't she?" 
"Why did she come in that state? She should rest." 
"She's even beautiful when she's depressed." 

"Guys, quiet down. Let's continue the lesson." The teacher stated. 
"Yes, Mr. No." The class responded. 
"Call me Mr. Min Woo, kids." Mr. Min Woo instructed. 

The class continuted their lesson, Jiyeon sat expressionless and cold. She didn't take notes like crazy like she usually did, she just let Mr. Min Woo's words flow through her head. Unaware of her surroundings, even ignoring the fact that Kim Myungsoo was looking at her, unaware of what happened to her. 

"Okay, class. We finished early. Just sit and talk for a bit until the bell rings." Mr. Min Woo finished as he took a seat at his desk. 

All of the students swarmed around Jiyeon, asking her questions like,"Are you okay?" "Do you need a hug?" "Do you want to lean on my shoulder?" "Want to go eat lunch together?" 

Myungsoo just watched her from afar, he could tell she was getting annoyed. 

"YAH, Can't you see she's getting annoyed?" Another student shouted. 

The other student grabbed Jiyeon's wrist and took her out into the hallway, Myungsoo watched him... feeling jealous even though he shouldn't. 

"Jiyeon, you shouldn't look this pitiful..." The student sighed. 
"L.Joe, why are you caring about me all of the sudden?" Jiyeon asked, coldly. 
"I'm worried about you. You don't look so good after that happened yesterday." L.Joe explained. 
"Lee Byunghyun..." Jiyeon started. 

L.Joe's heart started to flutter, He always loved it when Jiyeon called him by his real name. 

"You left me, yet you still worry for me like that."  Jiyeon continued. 
"I care about you." L.Joe stated. 
"Don't pity me, just forget me. You're the one that left me, anyways." Jiyeon insisted as she went back to the classroom. 

L.Joe looked at her. He felt heartbroken seeing her like that, he didn't mean to break up with her... it just, happened like that. 


Sungmin busted into the lecture room and took his seat. His professor didn't mind, knowing his position and continued the lecture. 

"Yah, Park Sungmin! You should go home and rest! You're in such a bad state right now!" Kyuhyun whispered. 

Sungmin ignored him and tried to focus on his lesson, but memories of him, his parents, and Jiyeon kept running through his head. It was too painful for him, like thousands of needles stabbing his head. He couldn't take is anymore, and busted out of the room.

"OMO, can someone go comfort him?" The professor requested. 
"I'll do it." Sunny immediately responded. 

Sunny went out to the hallway, where Sungmin leaned against the wall hugging his legs. 

"Sungmin-shi, are you okay..?" Sunny asked. 

Sungmin looked up at her, with his wet eyes. 

"I know how you feel, Sungmin-shi." Sunny mentioned. "But never forget, there are still people who are willing to care for you." 
"Are you one of those people?" Sungmin asked. 
"......Yeah. I am, so don't forget that." Sunny responded. 

Sunny knelt down and gave Sungmin a light hug. 

"They just left the world like that..." Sungmin wept. 

Sunny sighed and continued patting Sungmin's shoulder, letting him cry under her watch but protecting him at the same time. 


DogChapter 2 is up! Dog

I changed L.Joe's character a little bit, so go look at that. [In the foreword] 
So L. Joe is Jiyeon's ex, Jiyeon hates him for leaving her behind. But, he still loves her. 


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Oh when will my chapters come back? T.T --YouAreLoved.


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Squaresofpanda #1
Chapter 13: Well I liked this while it lasted... too bad you're discontinuing it :(
hope you're still supporting t-ara though :)
Chapter 12: I don't really understand the Seulong part...buuut I really like this ff:) It's really interesting! Please update ASAPPP!!!!!
I hope it a L. Ji hixhix
Update soon!!!
jamoua #4
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Update soon! Can't wait to read soommmeeee moreee!
I love jiyeon, i love t ara, i am a "crazy" fan of Myungyeon ;))))) and ............. I love your storyy :)) look forward to your update :)
Glad to hear tht...loyal queen should support them..
not like some those fake queen, who claimed no 1 fan of t ara but turn their back after the scandal. .the fake fan also ended their t ara ff abrubtly and burn their cd...come on. .everyone we should have more faith on t ara. .
bluemoon #7
WTF!! >.<
i srsly hate min woo!! gaaaahd! you call that love?!!?!?
if you really love her... you wouldnt hurt her... and you would've let her go and let her be happy! but.. no.. you didnt! you are so selfish!!! you can NEVER have jiyeon as long as Myungsoo is there!!!
bluemoon #8

Myungyeon sweet moments!!! <3333