All Eyes On You

More Than A Bad Boy


Getting out in the morning was a pain and the worst part of it was that it was Winter. Last night you couldn't help but think how Baekhyun was doing before you went to sleep, you were hoping that he was going to be okay. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom, instantly grabbing your toothbrush and messily squirting toothpaste on it to brush your teeth. You smiled at the mirror after you rinsed and brushed your hair. But then you heard something outside the window. Motorcycle engines? Even though you were half , you got a towel and wrapped it around your front before heading to your window and opening it, leaning out a bit and squinting at the figure below. It was Baekhyun.

"BAEKHYUN, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" You yelled out to him as you tried to shade your eyes from the Winter sun. The towel fell and you bend down before it fell any further. You could hear Baekhyun laugh from outside and your face flushed. After closing the window, you headed to your closet and grabbed out your warm clothes to put on, including the leather jacket Baekhyun lent you the other day. You hopped on your foot, trying to get a shoe on.

"Honey, I can't take you to school, today." Your mom yelled out from the kitchen. 

"That's fine, mom!" You yelled out and ran to your bag to grab it, almost tripping on the way. Out the door you went and the cold air hit your face, it was freezing. You ran out to Baekhyun and stood infront of him.

"What?" He asked you as he leaned on his bike, crossing his arms. You thought he was a lunatic, taking you to school when you looked like you could be the Frankenstein's wife. "You're hair's a bit..." Baekhyun stated and looked at the mop on your head before reaching his hand over and running his fingers through a knot. You blushed at his actions and he coughed nervously before gesturing you to hop on.

"You got your bike back." You said to him as you hopped on.

"We have plenty at home." He said back to you.

"Where did you go yesterday?" You asked him.

"I went to my step-dad's." He answered dimly as he turned the clutch. "Please hold on." Baekhyun said in a lighter tone and so you did. His tone is strangely warm today, it was just the one to make your heart flutter even more. He felt warm in striking contrast with the outer environment.

"You're wearing my jacket." He stated as he stopped for a red light.

"I'll give it back to you when we get off." You said to him.

"Are you kidding? It's like 4 degrees (celcius)." He said before the bike went off again, leaving your words tangled in the wind. Unconsciously you held onto him even tighter, closing your eyes aswell. He was warm and you liked it. 

"Alright, we're here." Baekhyun pulled up at his parking spot and you still clung onto him like a koala bear despite the people that were looking at you. "Um, Eunhye..." Baekhyun awkwardly said as he took your hands and unwrapped them off him. 

"Oh right." You awkwardly said out as you rubbed the back of you head. "Are you going to be at school today?" You asked him as you hopped off the bike.

"Even if I'm not, I'm not letting you follow me." Baekhyun answered as he waited for you to catch up to him. Every eye in the courtyard was looking at you. No one knew who you were and that's how you normally liked it so you knew it wasn't going to be your cup of tea, walking through the middle of the student body with Baekhyun. Then you looked to your left and you immediately recognized the group of girls. It was Jiyeon's group. She let out an angry grunt and marched for what the sign said was the bathroom. You looked away and kept on walking. Baekhyun chuckled. He walked you to your locker and knowwing he had a different schedule, he walked the other direction.

"Please don't get into anymore trouble." You hesitated to yell out to him, he threw up his hand to gesture that he heard you.

God, he was perfect.

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jonginniee #1
Chapter 13: Omg i'm dying to read the next chapt.... Pls update
derpeggeu #2
misakinarumi #3
Chapter 13: Updated soon please..
Chapter 13: What happened!? Omgaawd you have to update -.-
Chapter 13: .....................................OMG
Chapter 13: what happen to baekhyun?it's so interesting and excited.please update soon :)
Please update soon!
omg omg what happened to him?!?!??! Update soon!!!!