Chicken boy senses a love fest going on?

Opposites Attract

Key blinked a few times. He was having a hard time believing what Jonghyun had just said. Jonghyun? Like Key? Is that even possible? They're completely two different people. Different personalities. Key was a sweet innocent kid, and Jonghyun was a bad boy. How does a bad boy come to like a sweet innocent boy?

"Would you like me to say it again? I like you. I'll keep saying it for as long as you want me to," Jonghyun whispered into Key's ear. Key blushed and stepped back a little quickly. 
"W-wait, you're kidding right? Are you messing with me again?"
"If I was, would I have done this?" Jonghyun walked forward and kissed Key's forehead. Key quickly stepped back a little again. 
"W-what do you think you're doing?!" Key put his head to his forehead. His face was redder than ever. Jonghyun laughed at him a little. 
"So is that a yes?" he asked. 
"To what?"
"To go out with me on Saturday?"
"O-of course not! W-why would I do that? That's just weird! Plus I'm already going somewhere with Taemin on Saturday, so you can forget about it," Key stuttered. He didn't mean to say it like that. It sounded kinda mean. He covered his mouth. 
"N-no, I mean- what I mean- is-" he said under his breath. Jonghyun smiled at him. 
"Okay, I'm going too."
"I'm going with you on Saturday."
"What makes you think I'd want you to come with us?"
"Cause its gonna be our first date." Key slapped Jonghyun's arm lightly and continued blushing. 
"Yah!" Jonghyun ignored him and walked past him, He kept on smileing, and left Key standing in the same spot being flustered. "Aish, I hate him..." he said to himself. "Who does he think he is, making stuff up on his own? Why can't he just be serious with me?" Key pouted and started walking to class by himself. While he was walking, someone patted his shoulder from behind. He turned around. 
"Ah, so it is you. Yo! He's over here!" Minho shouted behind him. Key looked past him to see Taemin running towards him. 
"Taemin? What are you guys doing out of class?" Key asked. Taemin stopped to catch his breath. 
"Hyung...don't you know? None....of the teachers the school," said Taemin in between breaths. 
"What do you mean none of the teachers are here?"
"Someone sent all of the teachers somewhere for the rest of the day. The students are still required to stay in school until they figure out where all of the teachers have gone," Minho said as he looked away. 
"Hyung, what are you doing out here?" Taemin asked. Key gulped. Was he really going to tell him that he had to walk all the way to the restroom top find his desk, then almost about to get stabbed by a freshman until Jonghyun had to save him and then "ask him out"? Key could never tell Taemin something like that. It would worry him and get him confused. Key just gave him a smile. 
"I just had to use the restroom, that's all."
"Oh Hyung! Guess what? Minho hyung is gonna go with us on Saturday!" Minho turned to look at Taemin. He looked shocked. 
"Yah! I never said that I was going with you! I don't want to anyway. Go by yourself!" he yelled. 
"But but but! It won't be as fun! Please go with us~!" Taemin pouted his lips and gave Minho puppy dog eyes. Minho tried to look away from him, but he knows that its hard to resist. "If you don't go, then I'm forced to ask my other friend to go with us."
"What other friend?" Key asked. 
"Oh! Hyung, I made a new friend today! Her name is Haneul. If Minho hyung doesn't go with us, can she come instead?" Suddenly, Minho's jaw dropped. 
"Um okay, su-"
"Fine I'll go. But only because you keep asking me to go and its getting really annoying," Minho muttered. 
"Really?! Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Taemin hugged Minho from behind and he blushed. 
"Yah! What do you think you're doing?! Let go of me!"
"But this is how I thank people!" Taemin smiled and still didn't let go. Key looked at the two of them, and smiled. He thought it was nice of Minho to do something for Taemin. He was starting to think he's not a bad guy after all. 
"Key~~~" Jonghyun came up behind Key and hugged his waist. Key blushed and slighty pushed him away. 
"Yah! What do you think you're doing?"
"You didn't come back to class so I came looking for you~~" Jonghyun pouted to make himself look cute. 
"What are all of you guys doing out here? Having a love fest perhaps?" Onew came up behind Jonghyun and smiled. Minho and Key blushed. 
"Of course not! Why would you think that?!" they both shouted. Jonghyun continued to smile and Taemin wasn't even paying attention to what Onew said. 
"Well if you guys are done here, since none of the teachers are here, let's go get some chicken in the lunch room." Onew walked past Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin towards the lunch room. And everyone just decided to follow him. 
Chicken boy sees everything *w* Lol.
Sorry that this chapter was kinda boring xP 
Next chapter coming soon! I love people who subcribe <3 And love people who comment more <33
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Chapter 21: Nice Story ☺
jarilove #2
Chapter 2: my favourite is onew
Chapter 19: rereading <3 wat I dont get is >< wat happen? like when jong hug hyun jae to make her drop the gun then what happen after key left?>< why did jong end up at the roof?><
KPOP10 #4
Chapter 21: This story was just AMAZING!! OMG! You are a great writer and can't wait until you write some more awesome stories!
Soo cute :D
SuDarkWind #6
Chapter 14: Well that was an unexpected plot twist. O_O Wasn't expecting keytae of that degree.
tyasme #7
Chapter 21: thank u so much author-nim!! such a cute story <3
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 21: Ah this was such an amazing fic :D, I like your interpretation of Onew (or what you imagine/want him to be) he seems really wise in ur fic XD but yet still the fun loving person that we all know :) to the sequal~~
Chapter 21: OnewxChicken 5eva lmao btw it was great