Episode 2


OH MY GOD SUN, people actually liked this? O_O I need to like bear cyber hug you guys. >3< I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ <3 

Okay, so I got this idea while rewatching the Ssangchu couple's early episodes. :) I love this couple so much! They are just so adorable and sweet and caring and it's obvious that they really like each other. XD <3 /forever a Ssangchu couple shipper/ But anyways, I don't know how this will end up; I just have rough ideas about everything. So bear with me. And continue to comment. Comments give me strength and motivation! ^^ 


"The new wedding variety," started Jae Suk. 

"We Got Married!" exclaimed all four MCs. 

"Ahhhh, welcome welcome welcome," Boom announced, "Last week we saw how our newlyweds got along at the first meeting." 

Shin Young butted in, "How did you guys feel?" Boom stared at her. Looking at him, she asked, "What? I'm just asking them." 

Chuckling softly, Kris answered first. "Well, it was very fun because Amulya-sshi is an interesting wife." 

"Well," Amulya paused, "It was fun, but I think gege tries too hard to be cool." 

Myungsoo said, "That's true. He needs to get drunk." 

"We wish Amulya-sshi the best of luck in getting Kris-sshi drunk. But now let's watch the next episode," Jae Suk announced. 

The newlyweds returned to their house after shopping and a truck full of furniture and boxes to unpack. Amulya stood by the doorway, staring at the truck. "Gege?" 


"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?" 

"Not till the evening, but I have to go to the practice room by 1 pm. What about you?" 

"I don't have classes tomorrow. I just have a lab in the afternoon." 

Kris walked over to where Amulya was standing. "Why did you ask?" 

Amulya pointed to the truck. "It's gonna take us the entire night to unpack." 

Kris laughed. "Don't worry. We'll get it done before 2 am." 



Amulya laughed. "Yeah, that was rather sweet, but at that moment, I felt like it would be really hard to keep that promise. We bought and brought a lot of stuff, so I'm worried that he'll go overboard to keep that promise." 

"Actually, I have a confession to make." Kris looked a little sheepish. "Earlier, I called some friends to come over and help. We did buy a lot of stuff, but there won't be only 4 hands working. They'll be closer to .... 20?" 

"Is it the rest of EXO?" Myungsoo asked. 

Kris said, "Just wait and see." 

"Ah, let's get started on the smaller stuff then," Kris said. Amulya stared at him for a minute and then followed him to the truck. They took out the boxes first and brought them inside. 

"Yours first or mine first?" Amulya asked. 


"Okay, we'll do yours first." Amulya went to the EXO boxes. 

"Ya! What's the point of asking me then?" Kris asked, but followed her all the same. 

Amulya simply stuck her tongue out and opened the first one. "Uwah, what is this?" She took out the first item. 

"This?" Kris took it from her, "This is something my mom recently gave. It's supposed to be hung on the wall." 

"Oh!!!! Like a shelf?" Amulya asked. Kris nodded. "Wow, it's so pretty. Let's put it in a place where we can show it off." 

"Your library?" Kris asked.

"You guys get along well," Shin Young commented. Boom just looked at her. 

Amulya gave a small punch, laughing. She turned back to the boxes. The next one she opened was a much bigger one. Inside was a drum. "You play drums right?" 

"Yeah. Do you want me to show you?" 

"Aren't you tired?" Amulya countered softly. 

"No, it's okay." He took them out of the box and placed it in the center of the room. 

"Ah wait!" Amulya scrambled to her feet and went to her backpack, pulling out a professional looking camera. "I wanna record this." 

Kris sighed, "I was a little tired, but because Amulya asked that question, I suddenly got a lot of energy. But then," he paused laughing, "she gets her camera, wanting to record it. And suddenly ... I felt more nervous. I wanted to look cool playing the African drums just for her." 

"Gege, please stop trying to look cool!" Amulya muttered. "He's human, I don't care if you show me your strange sides. Actually," she paused, thinking about her wording, "I want see his random sides. Besides," she shrugged, "there has to more sides to his personality besides being cool. That's why I decided to record it... to see if I could see another side of him." 

Kris started a slow rhythm, one that causes everyone to clap, snap, tap to the beat. But then, he sped up, adding more difficult and technical rhythms, and ending with a flourish. "Well?" 

Amulya shrugged, "You just killed a billion fangirls with your awesome mini-solo." She turned back to her backpack to put her camera away. 

"I don't know if she was complimenting or being sarcastic," Kris wondered out loud. "Sometimes, it's hard to tell if she is telling the truth or just being sarcastic." 

Amulya sighed. "It's hard for me to express my feelings. I don't know why, but I always hide them behind either a smile or sarcasm. But when I said that, I was trying to say that he played extremely well. But because of my own inhibitions, it kind of came out sarcastically." 

"It seems as though both of you are the types that hide their feelings." Jae Suk commented. 

Amulya nodded, "Yeah because of my past relationship." 

"Relationship? You only had one relationship before?" Shin Young asked. Amulya nodded. "It's a pity he hurt you. You're such an awesome woman." 

"Thank you Unnie," Amulya laughed. 

Boom asked, "What about you, Kris-sshi?" 

"Well, I'm just someone that can't express myself very well." Kris commented. 

"Okay, now let's look at your boxes," Kris said. He went to the biggest one she brought and opened it. "Woah, is this the serger?" 

Amulya sat down next to him. "No, the serger is the smaller one. This is a very expensive sewing machine." 

"How expensive?" Kris asked. 

She cocked her head to the side, contemplating the exact price. "Well, it was with my student discount... about $1500. But that's because it's computerized and does both sewing and embroidery." 

"And the serger?" 

"The price?" Amulya carefully took both of them out of the box. "About $600." 

Kris just shook his head. "I didn't expect them to be that expensive. I will have to be very careful around them now, especially since they are Amulya's treasures." 

"I enjoy sewing," Amulya commented. "I like making things with my own two hands. It gives me a sense of accomplishment when people compliment the outfits I make. Most of my dresses and nice blouses are ones that I've made." 

"Wow, I didn't know these can be that expensive," Kris commented. He looked in another box, where she stored all of her threads and other equipment. 

Amulya laughed, "Gege, the good quality stuff are always expensive." 

"That's true." He helped her put her prized possessions in a corner, near his drum. Then, he went back to her boxes. "Are there any other treasures in here?" He opened another box up, and peeked. "What is this?" 

"What's inside?" Boom asked. 

Jae Suk wondered, "Could it be EXO related?" 

"What?" Amulya pouted, "I can't be a fangirl?" Inside the box, were albums and concert DVDs of a lot of Kpop idol groups. Infinite, Teen Top, DB5K, EXO, SHINee, SS501, Young Saeng, Psy, Tablo, Block B, X-5, The Boss/DGNA, Hwayobi, Hwanhee, Fly to the Sky, Shinhwa, the list goes on and on. 

Kris stared at her, "I didn't know you where this into Kpop." 

Amulya blushed slightly, "Well, I am. I prefer old Kpop, although I do listen to newer songs and groups." 

"That, my lovely wife," Kris started as he put the albums he was looking at before back in the box, "is something that we have in common." 

"Really?" Amulya's eyes grew wide as Kris nodded. "That's so cool!" 

They finished most of the unpacking and organizing by 9 pm when the doorbell rang. Amulya looked at Kris, "Did you invite someone?" 

"Just some friends to help us move the furniture," he said nonchalantly as he went to open the door. "Hey guys, thanks for coming." A chorus of "no problem" and "it's our pleasure" and "you're weclome" rang out in the night. "Well guys, say hi to my wife Amulya." 


Amulya playfully covered her ears. "Hey guys." She turned to Kris, "When you said 'some friends', I thought it would be just some friends. Not the entire group." 

"Well, what can I say?" Kris grinned. "I'm that awesome." 

"Yeah.... no." Amulya scoffed. 

"He really invited all of EXO?" Shin Young asked. Amulya nodded. 

Boom said, "Wow, he really is a man that delivers." 

Amulya clapped her hands. "When they all started coming inside the house, a thousand thoughts flitted across my mind." She paused, "Hmmm, things like 'Oh my goodness, EXO is here' and 'I'm meeting EXO personally' and 'Wow, all of them really came.' And I knew before that they are really close brothers, but this really shows how close the EXO members are." She nodded, "It was really cool." 

"Haha, initially," Kris started slowly, choosing his words carefully, "I invited three members; Tao, Kai, and Chanyeol. But then, right before they came, I got an SMS saying 'We're all coming.'" He sighed contently, "It was nice though, seeing Amulya's face as they entered. Her eyes said it all." 

"Okay guys, if we wanna finish by 2 am," Amulya stared pointedly at Kris, "we're going to have to move and place the furniture where they're supposed to be. Tall guys - Taozi, Kris gege, Chanyeollie - I want you guys to bring in the bookshelves. Kai, Sehunnie, Baekhyunnie, bring in the sofa please. Suho gege, the statue please. Chen chen and Xing Xing ge, the table please. The rest of you will help me carry whatever is left in the truck. Good? "  

"Kris hyung, you weren't kidding." Chanyeol's deep voice boomed. "She is a tiger." 

Kyungsoo nodded, his eyes wide, "Yeah, it's a little scary." 

"Thank you; I take that as a compliment." Amulya stuck out her tongue. "Let's get started!" 

She shrugged. "Well, because of my career, I have taught myself to be more aggressive. But I never thought that I was scary," Amulya laughed. "I know that Kyungsoo-sshi didn't mean it in a mean way; actually I found it adorable how he said it." 

"Hmmm, I like how she is so confident in her own skin and how she's good at giving directions," Kris laughed, outright laughed. "And I did nickname her 'Tiger' because of that. But as for what D.O said about her being a little scary... Let's just say that I didn't think that she was this good at giving directions when I first met her." 

The EXO members sans Kris scrambled to do as their new sister-in-law asked of them. Amulya cocked her head in confusion at Kris while he continued to stare at her. "Is something wrong gege?" 

He shook his head. "No nothing. Let's go outside to help." 

Bit by bit, the furniture came inside the home. There were very few problems with bringing the first floor furniture. Just a few problems with where to place them, especially with the sofa. Amulya wanted it along the window whereas Kris wanted it in front of the TV. In the end, Amulya agreed with Kris, and it was placed in front of the TV, with the drum by the window. Amulya's treasure -- the albums -- were showcased along the windowsill; her other treasure -- the sewing equipment -- was placed in the library. 

"Amulya-sshi," started Suho, "is a very strong woman." 

"HAHA they even asked him to talk?!?!" Myungsoo cracked up in the studio amongst the laughter. 

"But at the same time, she's very caring towards others. Like, while we were helping move the furniture, she was always asking if we needed anything, like water or a break, and things like that." Suho nodded, "It was very sweet of her." 

"Amulya-sshi really is a tiger," Chanyeol's derp voice boomed out again. "I'm excited to see how Kris-hyung grows as a person," he grinned widely, clearly anticipating. 

Baekhyun's laughter filled the speakers. "Amulya-sshi is definitely someone worth having around. She has a lot of depth as a person. I think we'll be very good friends!" 

"Are they asking everyone?" Jae Suk asked. 

"Well, when Duizhang said that his wife is like a tiger, I expected someone that is very aggressive," Luhan said shyly. "But her aggressiveness is very subtle and is based in her caring nature." He nodded softly to himself, "She's someone that I would like to talk to." 

"Amulya-noona," Kai voice trailed off. "Amulya-noona is interesting. I'm watching to see if she'll break Kris-hyung's shell. Noona, fighting!" 

"Hmm, Noona is very," Sehun paused, "Noona is very blunt, but has a very dry sense of humor. It's cool." 

Chen's laugh brought a smile to everyone's faces. "Ahhh, Amulya-sshi is definitely someone with a good sense of humor. I'm excited for Kris-hyung's and Amulya-sshi's future conversations." 

Yi Xing didn't say much for a few moments. "Well, I'm just hoping I get time to tell Amulya-sshi Duizhang's secrets." 

"She even called me 'Baozi' a few times," Xiu Min laughed. "I liked how she said our nicknames during filming and called us by our real names in private." 

"Ah, it's cool," Kyungsoo said in his imitation voice. He laughed sheepishly, "Ahh, Amulya-sshi seems to be good at everything. It will be interesting." 

Tao smiled shyly, "Noona is ... how do I say it?...." 

"Aww, he's so cute!!!!" Shin Young squealed softly. 

Amulya laughed, "He really is pure and innocent, even now." Kris looked her knowingly, and they seemed to exchange a few words through their eyes. 

"Noona is like a stone wall," Tao continued in his soft voice. "She has a strong image to -- almost -- frighten away those that aren't courageous. But there are tiny cracks to her image of a Tiger. She easily blushes around Duizhang, and there are some topics that can get her riled up. I wish Duizhang the best of luck in breaking Noona's stone wall." 

"Ah, the maknae of EXO-M has such wise words," Boom complimented. "What do you think Kris-sshi?" 

"About what?" 

"About Tao-sshi wishing you luck." 

"Well," Kris glanced over at Amulya, "I don't think I need much luck." 

Amulya scoffed silently and simply said, "We'll see." 

After finishing, everyone sat in the living room, with an adequate amount of space to walk around. Amulya and Kris sat on the sofa, with the rest of EXO sitting on the floor around the room. 

"Are you guys hungry?" Amulya asked. Xiu MIn raised his hand quickly, a sheepish grin on his face. Chen, Kai, Sehun, Tao, and Chanyeol followed. 

Suho frowned slightly, "Are you sure it's alright?" 

"To cook for you guys?" she shrugged, "It's not like I haven't made stuff for 12 guys before." With that, she got up and went to the kitchen. 

She chuckled. "I actually have a lot of male cousins, so whenever they're is a family reunion, I am one of the few people that cooks," Amulya sighed. 

Kyungsoo and Yi Xing scrambled to their feet. "We'll help," they said in unison. 

Kris also wanted to get up and help, but Baekhyun stopped him. "Wait hyung. Let's talk." The remaining EXO members nodded their agreement. 

"About what?" Kris asked, sitting back down. 

Kai said bluntly, "About Amulya-noona." 

Chanyeol nodded, "Didn't you say that you wanted to break her shell?" 

"Oh the brothers are giving advice! This will be interesting!" Jae Suk became excited. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"What!" cried Myungsoo. "It was just getting interesting!"

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Kyungsoo, Amulya, and Yi Xing were busy. Staring at each other. 

"Well, we could make fruit custard, but I'm not sure if you guys are allowed to have sweets now," she sighed. 

Yi Xing deadpanned. "We will anyways." 

"Is there anything else we could make? I know Tao and Baekhyun like meat." Kyungsoo asked, his eyes still wide. 

Amulya checked the now stocked fridge. "We have meat for samgyeopsal, along with the lettuce, kimchi, garlic, and ssamjjang." At the mention of 'samgyeopsal', Kyungsoo and Yi Xing perked up. She laughed. "Samgyeopsal it is then." 

"I'll cook the meat," Yi Xing spoke up. 

Kyungsoo offered, "I'll help cut everything then." 

Meanwhile, back in the living room, the remaining EXO members were in a deep conversation. 

"Ohh I hope this is good," Boom straightened up in his seat. 

Luhan was hugging Sehun, both currently dying of laughter. Xiu Min and Chen were trying to keep a straight face. Kai and Baekhyun made no attempts to hide their amusement. Suho simply shook his head at s antics, smiling slightly. Even Kris was laughing. 

Shin Young asked the question that was running across everyone's minds. "What happened?" 

Moments before, Chanyeol asked Kris, "Didn't you say that you wanted to break her shell?" Kris nodded. "The best way then," he trailed off. 

"Is to have more skinship." Baekhyun finished for him, his eyes twinkling in merriment. 

Kris looked confused. "How do I do that?" 

Tao suddenly got up and when to his Duizhang. "Oh jagiya," he threw his arms around Kris. "I missed you." He then straightened and said confidently, "That is how you do it Duizhang." As a result, the laughing scenerio erupted, shown before. 

Kris sighed. "Tao didi is the type of dongsaeng that continues to surprise me the more I watch him grow older. He is 24, but he still acts as the sweet and pure 18-year-old he was at debut. But then, he has matured so much that EXO members go to him for his advice." He laughed, "He does give really good advice, though." 

Meanwhile in the kitchen, the three cooks were busy. The meat was nearly cooked, the fruits all cut and the custard was cooking. 


"Oh please Kyungsoo, call me Amulya," she insisted, chuckling. 

"Alright then." Kyungsoo paused to pop a grape into his mouth. "Amulya, what do you think of Kris-hyung so far?" 

She smiled softly to herself. "Well, he is definitely someone on whom I can lean and depend on. And I really like how he doesn't treat me like something delicate or fragile; he treats me like an equal, which is something I've wanted in a husband. I just don't like how he tries to be cool all of the time." 

Yi Xing spoke quietly, "I've been around Duizhang the longest, and I guess one learns to read his expressions. But you're right. He does try too hard to be cool all of the time." 

"But at the same time," Kyungsoo broke in, "he does show more expressions to s than to fans and the camera." 

Amulya muttered, "Just my luck." 

Both Yi Xing and Kyungsoo laughed. "Don't worry Amulya," Yi Xing said soothingly. "He's rather easy to break. All you have to do is to show your charm." 

Kyungsoo nodded, "He says that he wants a girl that is good at taking care of others, so perhaps that means that he wants to be relieved of the leader responsiblities. So, as a result, he wants someone that will take care of him." 

Yi Xing finished cooking the meat and moved to transfer it to a plate. "Duizhang is someone that likes being taken care of, even though he doesn't show it. Perhaps his shell will break if you look after him more." 

Amulya gave a spoon with some of the custard to Kyungsoo to taste. His eyes widened, "It's great!" 

"Is it sweet enough?" 

"Yeah, it's perfect." He gave a thumbs-up. 

She laughed. "Thanks for everything Xing Xing ge, Kyungsoo." 

"Sister-in-law is someone that I feel will succeed in breaking Duizhang's shell." Yi Xing said confidently, "Especially with my help." 

Kyungsoo smiled softly, "She is definitely like a tiger, caring but aggressive when she wants to be. I wish both of them the best of luck." 

The three cooks brought the food over to the living room, along with the utensils. "Food's ready," Kyungsoo announced. 

"Oh I'm curious yeah~~" Baekhyun sang as the food was laid in front of them. 

"Uwah, there's so much!" Tao grinned happily before digging in. "Thank you Kyungsoo-hyung, Yi Xing-ge, Amulya-noona!" 

Amulya handed Kris chopsticks before going to eat some as well. "Oh! Xing Xing ge, if this kimchi is too spicy, I have a less spicy version in the fridge." 

"Ah, I'll get it then." He smiled his gratitude and scrambled back to the kitchen. 

Kris smiled, "Ah so this is how she takes care of others. With Lay, she knew that he couldn't eat spicy food, so she already prepared less spicy food for him. It was really endearing." He lapsed into a momentary silence. "Like when she handed me the chopsticks and then went to eat... She really tries to express her feelings through actions rather than words. Yeah, I have to be more observent from now on in that case." 

"Are you worried?" Shin Young asked Amulya. 

She shook her head, "Not really, but I'll try to be more subtle from now on." She stuck her tongue out at Kris who chuckled. 

"Noona," Kai spoke up, "Can you give Kyungsoo-hyung some cooking lessons?" 

Amulya burst out in laughter while Kyungsoo smiled in embarrasment. "Why? Has his spaghetti not gotten any better?" 

"No," Kai deadpanned, "It's his kimchi now." 

She glanced over at the subject of the conversation who just concentrated on his samgyeopsal. "I'll see what I can do." 

"Teach me some new recipes as well!" Yi Xing said as he plopped back down with his kimchi. 

"Only if you promise to teach me some Chinese dishes," Amulya countered. 

Yi Xing smiled, "Deal." 

"I really," Amulya started before pausing. "Ah how do I say this? ... Let's just say that I wanted to learn some regional Chinese dishes." 

"Noona, is there anything you want to know about Kris-hyung?" Sehun asked, wrapping up the lettuce before stuffing it into his mouth. 

She cocked her head slightly, pondering. "Ah, I kinda watned to learn his quirks on my own, but if you are willing to spill them, I am willing to listen." 

Suho laughed his angelic laugh. "Kris-hyung, good luck." He turned to his sister-in-law. "What do you want to hear then?" 

"His random quirks." 

"He doesn't like to wake up before 10 am in the morning," Tao said suddenly. 

"And he likes reading non-fiction," Chen added. 

"He cleans his room once every two weeks," Xiu Min thought out loud. 

Luhan said shyly, "He likes to wear glasses to read." 

"And he says that he likes technology, although," Baekhyun paused dramatically, "although I have seen him struggle with the GPS once." 

"Ya ya ya!" Kris stood up irritated. 

Amulya laughed, and laid a hand on his wrist. "Ah thanks for the information guys." She removed her hand as quickly as she placed it. 

Suho glanced at the grandmother clock. "Ahhh, guys, I forgot my phone in the car. I need to call the manager to check something in our schedule." He jumped to his feet and with a "I'll be right back" went outside. 

"Something's up." Myungsoo immediately said. 

Shin Young looked at him, "You think so?" 

"Why else would Suho-sshi leave randomly like that?" Myungsoo asked. 

With the food nearly done, EXO sans Yi Xing and Kyungsoo (because cooks don't clean) played kai-bai-bo to figure out who would do the dishes. Much to Amulya's dismay, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were the lucky losers. They ignored their sister-in-law's protests and "It's okay, I will take of them later." 

Chanyeol grinned, "Like Lay-hyung and D.O umma said, cooks don't clean. Don't worry about it sister-in-law." 

"Kris-hyung?" Suho popped his head through the doorway. "Manager-hyung wants to talk to you." Kris excused himself. 

Once he left, Luhan relaxed considerably. "Now I can say it." 

"Say what?" Jae Suk and Boom wondered in unison. 

Amulya turned to him. "Eh?" 

Luhan leaned in, as if conspiring with his new sister-in-law. "Duizhang was a kind of bad boy in high school, from what we hear." Kai nodded. 

"He does have that aura," she commented. 

"Well," Luhan dropped his voice for effect, "apparently he wasn't exactly the type that would stay away from trouble." 

Amulya looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Really? He's so different now." 

"Yeah, you don't want to get him angry," Sehun said quietly. Everyone nodded solemnly. 

Amulya sighed, "This is great. I have a rather short temper, as much as I try to rein it in. But I really thank Luhan ge for giving me the heads up." She chuckled softly. "I will try to not get him angry." 

"Yeobo?!" Kris called from outside. 


"Can you come here?" 

"Here it comes! Here it comes! Here it comes!" Boom cried. 

Amulya looked at the doorway strangely before getting to her feet. The rest of EXO slowly followed her outside. Suho looked tried keep a straight face but failed. "Surprise?" The EXO members behind Amulya cheered and shouted "surprise" as well. 

Behind him, Kris popped up, holding a chocolate cake with 2 candles. On the cake was a scorpion and a goat with a fish tail. It also had a white horse and a black monkey. The animals looked as though they were tied together with vines and flowers, with small hearts throughout the sides of the cake. Small flowers were along the bottom of the cake. 

Suho moved aside and back to the other members; Amulya smiled shyly as she approached Kris. "Thank you," she murmured softly enough for only Kris to hear. 

"You're welcome," he whispered just as softly. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol cheered loudly, "Congratulations to Amulya and Kris!" Cheers erupted in the night, and the candles lit up the couple's faces as they leaned to blow out the candles. 

Kris leaned down to whisper in Amulya's ear, much to the amusement of the other members. He looked at them, "Ya ya ya, go away." He led Amulya back into the house and locked the door. 

EXO was still laughing as they climbed into the vans. Amulya came running outside. "Wait up!" 

Luhan looked back, half in the van and half out, "What's wrong?" 

She paused, nervousness creeping in. "Um, thanks so much for coming; it was really fun. And thank you for the cake. How did you guys know my birthday though?" 

Chen piped up from the back, "Kris-hyung told us... Well, more like we nagged him until he told us everything." He gave Kai and Sehun high-fives. 

Amulya grinned widely. "That I want to see." She handed a small box to Suho, "Don't open it until you get home. And don't show gege what's inside. It's for you guys." She winked and moved back so that the members could all pile in and the vans could leave. Kris approached her, silently wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders. 

Lots of cheers and excited screams could be heard as the vans departed. 

"Wow!!!!!!" Boom cried, as he turned to the couples. Dark pink graced Amulya's cheeks and Kris looked very satisfied. 

Jae Suk commented, "You know, Kris-sshi doesn't look like the romantic type." 

"I'm usually not," Kris mentioned. "But for my wife," he laid his hand on top of Amulya's, "I will try." 

Shin Young asked, "Amulya-sshi, do you like the romantic type?" 

"Ahhh, about that," Amulya moved her hand from under Kris's larger ones to her lap. "As long as it's not overdone. I like simple romance." 

"But Amulya-sshi got along very well with the EXO members," Jae Suk noticed. 

Kris smiled, "Yeah, she told me later that she felt more comfortable around us than with her male cousins." Amulya laughed and hid her face in her hands. 

"That's a pity," Myungsoo said. 

"Shin Young-sshi?" Boom asked. 


"What are you looking forward to for next week?" 

"Well," Shin Young said, "I want to see a little bit of bickering between the two. And maybe some more of the simple romance Amulya-sshi likes." 

Boom announced, "Then let's hope that happens." 

"Until then, the new wedding variety," Jae Suk started. 

"We got married!" 


Oh man, most of that was typed up between yesterday and today. I don't know why, but the Ssangchu couple is so inspiring for this. XD LOL. Thank you so much to all of my subscribers. Please don't be a silent reader and comment! Comments motivate me to write more! ^^ <3 /bribes you guys with hugs and mountains of chocolate/ Ahhh, this was a fun episode to write. I tried to keep this as close to what we EXOtics know of EXO. But some things were obviously made up. LOL. Enjoy reading and don't forget to comment and subscribe for more! I'll try to update as often as I can! Inspiration needs to come though. :D 


Wall-hanging shelf: http://image0-rubylane.s3.amazonaws.com/shops/drury/8817AS.1L.jpg

My replies to my lovely subscribers who commented <3 : 

@Defhouseconvict: Haha, you're the only one that commented so far. Thank you! ^^ <3 Oh my god sun, thank you so much for your comment! Haha, well, since it's set in 2018, I figured that it would give both sides enough time to resolve their conflicts and for our lovely DB5K boys to be discharged from the military.... so yeah. 2018 = DB5K comeback~ ;) Lol. Haha, well, this is how I mentally worked on the money (since I'm also in America)... 1 USD = approx. 1000 won. :) Hehe, you're welcome for the chocolates and hugs! Thanks for waiting! <3 <3 <3 

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Chapter 2 is up! :D


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I love this. Sadly you stopped updating :( I hope you'll update this soon. :(
Chapter 2: I LOVE IT upsate please
Defhouseconvict #3
When DBSK does get back together i'll throw a world wide party(well if i get the money by that time). All the members kinda gave Kris up didnt they LOLZ. It was fun to read your story as always. I hope this hole brick wall thing wont get in the way of Kris and Amulya's realtionship. I agree with everyone eles BREAK DOWN THE WALLS. Update soon!
Defhouseconvict #4
I really appreciated the pics at the end cause sometimes I can be a visual thinker. Plus at one point I was like WHAT WHEN DID DBSK HAVE A COME BACK then I had to realize this is set in the future and I really wanted to face palm myself, then since I live in American when it came to the money I seriously had the thought to convert wons into dollars.

I really like the relationship between Kris and Amulya it's really cute to me. Take as long as you need love I'll patiently wait out the next chapter. Thanks for the chocolate and hugs by the way!