Episode 1


(A/N: I'm just going to let everyone know that I'm trying to emulate the format of WGM (mostly season 1's) through the style of the story. So from now on, there will be some bits of dialogue and stuff interlaced throughout the story as the couple watches their stuff and comments about it.... Umm, I guess to make it easier, black will be the normal coupling, blue will be the couple commenting on their words and actions as they watch themselves in the studio, and green will be the stuff that's said/done in the studio. That's from now on. ^^ I hope that also explains the lack of descriptions because this is gonna be based more on dialogue, especially in the latter parts. I'm experimenting here, so please bear with me. XD) 


"We Got Married" 

October 2018: 

It was a rather gloomy day; the clouds didn't really want to go anywhere, but they didn't let go of it's snow. So they just sat there in the sky, blocking any light that the earth could hope to receive. In the middle of it all, a bright yellow head towered over the rest of the students on campus. Kris was heading to meet his wife for the first time, wearing a simple cardigan and jeans. 

"Woah, he looks like a ray of sunshine!" exclaimed Shin Young. Much to Kris's amusement, as he watched Amulya, a darker shade of red graced her cheeks. 

Kris headed towards a particular building; it wasn't a very unique one or anything. After all, how unique can a university library be? Taking his time, he climbed up the stairs. 

"Ahhh, he must have been nervous," Jae Suk commented. He turned to Kris, "Were you?" 

Laughing a little, he answered, "Yes, a little."

"Why was that?" Boom asked.

"Well, I didn't know who it was so..." Kris trailed off; the rest was implied. 

Kris opened the door, and wandered into the large library. The maze of bookshelves amazed him and he stood there for a moment, giving him enough time to let it sink in. "Hm, where is she?" he murmured softly, curiosity written blatantly all over his face. 

Meanwhile, diligently studying was a very stressed out student. Amulya just started working on formulating an argument for her thesis, but she was going nowhere. Letting out a sigh, she let her head fall down and rest against the open encyclopedia. "Of all the crazy ideas I could have chosen, I had to choose this one?" she questioned, letting out another sigh. 

At this time, Kris had wandered over to where the stressed Amulya was. "They only said that she was researching her thesis, but other than that, they didn't give much," he whispered to the camera, still mindful of the location. He turned around, still looking when he saw something. "Ah! Maybe?" 

"Ah did he see her?" Boom asked. 

Amulya laughed suddenly, causing the MCs to turn their attention to her. 

"Why are you laughing?" Shin Young asked. 

"Because," Amulya said in between giggles, "my outfit." 

"She was wearing a shirt and sweatpants at that time." Kris clairified. 

"Well, that's better than what my wife wore the first time I met her," Myung Soo commented, bringing laughter to the studio.

Kris slowly walked towards the one whom he thought was her. She was deeply engrossed in the encyclopedia in front of her, biting the cap of her pen as she read. He hid behind a bookshelf, observing through the open spaces between the books. "It looks like her." He half-laughed, half-sighed, "Ah I'm so nervous." Taking a deep breath, he walked towards her, the bouquet of flowers in front. 

When he was in front of her, Amulya looked up. Her eyes widened, partially from recognition and partially from surprise. A soft "eh?" escaped from her. 

"Are you Amulya?" Kris asked. When she nodded, he continued. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kris, your husband." 

She laughed softly, still not believing. "Really?" 

"Did anyone tell you about this new program?" 

"Yes, but I didn't expect to be on it." Embarrassed, she hid her face in her hands. 

Jae Suk turned to Amulya, "You weren't warned about this?" Amulya shook her head. 

Amulya smiled, "When he appeared, I didn't know why he was there. And when he said that he was now my husband, my mind went blank." Laughing, she continued, "He was very understanding of my position though, which is very sweet." 

"Ah, my first impression of her?" Kris asked. "Hm, well... I thought that she looked very beautiful, even though she only wore a shirt and sweatpants." 

At this, Amulya's face turned completely red, resulting in endless teasing from the MCs

"But even with that, her beauty shone through. I think it's her eyes." Kris wondered. 

Kris stood there awkwardly. "So now what?" 

"Oh!" Amulya stood up. "Should we go somewhere?" At that moment, a card arrived. "A mission card?" 


Congratulations on your marriage! As a married couple, you would need to live somewhere together. Here is the address. Have fun! - WGM staff


"Wow. Shall we go?" Kris asked. "Or do you still want to research?" 

Amulya stared at him as if he grew another head. "Even if I read another article, I won't gleen any information. We're going." 

Kris laughed. "She seems to be very headstrong and sarcastic. I like it. It's seems like she's very comfortable and confident in her own skin, which is very good." 

Kris chuckled, but said no more, obediently following Amulya out of the library and to the awaiting van. He looked amused, since he could easily rest his arm on her head as if it was an armrest. Which he did, only to earn him a small, soft punch. 

"I know I'm short," Amulya said, "so don't tease me about it." 

"Why?" Kris teased, as they entered the van. 

Amulya directed a death glare his way. "Because if you don't stop teasing, you will get worse punches than the one I gave you." 

"Ah my height?" Amulya laughed. "Yeah it is something I don't enjoy talking about. And it doesn't help that Kris ge is practically a giant," she pouted. 

Shin Young exclaimed, "When I first saw Kris, I had to tilt my head so far back to see his face that it hurt a lot afterwards." 

"Sorry," Kris said sheepishly. 

"I kept on teasing her because I wanted to see what kinds of reactions she would give. And although she was angry, I still found it rather cute and amusing." Kris laughed. 

Once the van started moving, it became quiet again. A few moments passed, but the silence wasn't broken. "So how about we get to know each other more?" Kris asked. Amulya nodded. "How old are you?" 


"So you were born in 1992?" 

 "Yes, December 25." 

"Wow, on Christmas!" 

Amulya laughed. "Yeah." she paused, "Gege, can I ask a question?" 


"Is the image you show and maintain as EXO-M's leader your actual personality?" 

Kris stared, "Ah, you mean if I maintain a different image just because I'm the leader of M?" 

"Yeah, I'm kinda curious," she said sheepishly. 

He chuckled. "Well, my bandmates say so, but I'm not sure how differently I act at home." 

"Hm, well, I guess I'll find out." 

"So, I'm assuming your a fan?" 



"Well, I like some songs and dislike some songs." Amulya shrugged. 

"So what are your three favorite groups?" 

"Do I have to answer this?" Amulya looked even more embarrassed, now hiding her face behind the bouquet. 

"Yes. Number 3?" 

"Hmmm, Infinite and Teen Top are tied for third place... I guess." 

"Number 2?" 

"EXO. Although I'm more biased towards M than K." 

"Really?" His eyes crinkled as he smiled. "Okay, number 1?" 

Amulya looked extremely embarrassed. In a small voice, she whispered, "Dong Bang Shin Ki." 

A chorus of "eh"s and "really"s erupted in the studio. 

"Did you listen to Kpop when you were younger?" Jae Suk asked. Amulya nodded. 

"Ah! I'm not surprised," Kris said, still smiling. Tilting her head, Amulya just stared at him. "Because they've been around longer than EXO and all." 

"Yeah but I've been a Cassie since their debut." 

"So what did you think when they reunited?" 

"I was so happy." Amulya's eyes lit up. "It was the best day of my life. And when I heard the news, I immediately called my friend and we were happily crying over the phone." 

Kris smiled, "When she was talking about Dong Bang Shin Ki, it was as though someone the lights because she glowed. It made her so happy to talk about them and fangirl. It was rather cute." 

"Ah, Dong Bang Shin Ki," Amulya trailed off, looking off into the distance. "I've always been a fan. They were the first Kpop group I listened to and it was because of their broad range of styles and genres that they've dabbled in, I've grown to appreciate many kinds of music." 

"Favorite color?" Kris continued. 

"Hmmm... Brick red." 

"Wow, that's really specific!" chuckled Kris, watching as her face grew pink. 

"Oh be quiet gege. It's my turn..." Amulya stared outside for a few moments. "Favorite fruit?" 

"Peaches." (A/N: Lol. Does anyone get it? :D) 


"Well, I know a bit of a lot of things." 

"Like what?" 

"I play drums and African drums... I like to read a little and watch movies to name a few." 

Amulya smiled. "Ohhh, a well-rounded person."

Kris looked a little embarrassed, and asked, "What are your hobbies?" 

"Woah, is he blushing?" Shin Young asked. 

Myung Soo exclaimed, "Men don't blush. Their faces just get red sometimes." Shin Young just glared at him. 

"I like playing sports, mostly tennis. I used to be part of the cross-country team in college. Hmmm... what else?" Amulya paused, thinking. "I can play the clarinet. I like to read as well - oh I hope there's enough space for a library there! - and I enjoy drawing." 

Kris laughed, "Her speaking style is also very interesting. Her brain seems to work a lot faster than , so she interrupts herself." 

"When I'm excited, I do end up talking really quickly and interrupt myself. It's a habit," Amulya shrugged. 

"It would be nice if there was a library," thought Kris out loud. 

"I've always wanted one." 

At that moment, they arrived at the newlywed's new house. It was located in a more suburban area of the city, just a few minutes away from the downtown and university. The neighborhood was wellknown for its young couple population. The house itself was a semi-detached since each building had two houses, one on each side. Each house had a one-car garage and a small driveway. 

Amulya and Kris got out of the van, and stood in the driveway, staring at their new abode. "Wow," they said in unison, then looked at each other before breaking into grins and running to the door. 

"What are they really racing to the door?" exclaimed Boom as everyone in the studio laughed. 

"Yay! I won!" Amulya cried out in happiness. She looked behind her, amused. "Are you okay gege?" 

Kris panted, still trying to catch his breath after the sprint, "Yeah." 

At that moment, both took note of the house. Inside were beautiful arches accented by dark rich wood. The rooms were large and spacious; on the first floor, there was the living room, formal dining room, kitchen, and a small bathroom. The kitchen lead out into a beautiful patio with enough backyard space for a small garden. On the second floor, there was a master bedroom with the master bath and a guest room with a separate, detached bathroom, as well as a third room with a bay window. The master suite was large, with high ceilings and it was well furnished with walnut furniture. The master bath had a large tub, shower, and a small closet. 

As the couple was exploring, they pointed out a few things here and there. 

In the living room: 

"Oh, there's enough room for EXO," murmured Kris. 

"Ah yes, no carpet," Amulya said happily. 

In the dining room: 

"I love the color of the wood," Kris said as he examined them. 

Amulya pouted, "I don't like the color of the walls much. It's a grayish-white and makes the room feel gloomy." 

In the kitchen: 

"There's granite countertops!" Kris said, running his hands along the surface. 

Amulya inspected the cabinets. "The wood looks sturdy and there's enough space, especially with that island. And the appliances seem pretty new too." She looked around, satisfied. 

In the third bedroom: 

"The window let's in so much light," noted Kris. 

Amulya jumped up and down in happiness. "There's enough room here for a library! Yay!" 

"A library?" Kris sighed, "Yeah, but if it makes Amulya happy, I'll see what I can do to help build that library of her dreams." 

Amulya grinned, "I've always wanted a small library in my house. And with that bay window, that room was perfect. I can't wait to start painting and decorating that room!" 

In the master bedroom: 

Both of them couldn't say much besides "wow" and "daebak". 

In the master bathroom: 

Both of them were rendered speechless. 

After the inspections, the couple went back to the kitchen to discuss. Amulya sat on the island, while Kris leaned on the patio door. 

"What do you think?" Kris asked. 

"I loved everything, except the dining room color. I would like to repaint it.," Amulya pouted slightly. "What about you?" 

Kris smiled, looking around again, "Everything was really nice. But I don't know if we're allowed to paint the walls." He paused, "You really want a library upstairs?" 

Amulya nodded excitedly. 

At that moment, another mission card arrived. Now that you've seen everything in your house, it's time to move in! You have a few hours to move your stuff over here. ~ WGM staff. 

"Eh? How much time is a few hours?" Amulya asked, a confused look on her face. 

Kris shrugged, "And how are we supposed to move everything here?" 

Another card arrived. We prepared a moving van to haul all of your stuff. You have 4 hours. We also prepared a surpise. ~ WGM staff. 

An envelope was handed to them. The couple looked inside before staring at each other. "Woah! Daebak!" 

"What's inside the envelope?" Jae Suk asked. 

Boom asked, "Is it money?" 

Inside the envelope, the WGM staff prepared 600,000 won for the couple to spend on their house furnishings and decorations. "We should plan what we need and how much we're willing to spend on everything," Amulya stated. 

Kris heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that she's very money-conscious. I don't really have to worry about money around her, which really lifts a burden off of my chest." 

"I've grown up in a family that lived on a budget because my parents wanted to live well below our means in order to save money for my education," Amulya smiled. "So I've always been money-conscious." 

They managed to find a scrap of paper and a pen and began brainstorming. 

"We don't have to worry about this couple," Myung Soo said. 

Jae Suk laughed, "We? You mean 'you'." 

"Well, we already have much of the furniture," Kris pointed out. "Bed, dresser, formal dining table, etc. So for the big things, we just need to worry aobut a sofa, and bookshelves for your library." 

"Okay, how much are we willing to go on both?" 

They stared at each other. Kris shrugged, "I'm not sure how much a sofa or bookshelves are. So perhaps we should set aside 2/3 of the money." 

Amulya looked at him as if he grew three heads. "What kinds of sofas and bookshelves were you thinking about?" 

"Like normal ones?" Kris's face was slowly morphing into Kyungsoo's owl face. 

She shook her head. "Trust me, we will only need 1/3 of the money for sofas and bookshelves."

"Eh? You're that sure?" Boom asked. 

Amulya nodded. "The best part will come, don't worry." 

"Ya ya ya," Jae Suk scolded playfully, "don't steal my job." 

She quickly wrote down 200,000 won. "Now what else do we need?" 

Kris looked around, "Well, what do we have in between both of us?" 

"I have utensils and kitchenware." 

"I have lots of small pillows that we can decorate the sofa with." 

"Are they from the fans?" Amulya smiled. Kris nodded. "Okay then, bathroom stuff?" 

"I have an endless supply of EXO towels from our fans." Kris joked. 

Laughing, Amulya nodded. "Okay that's fine by me. I'll just bring my own set." 

"Hey!" Kris cried. Amulya simply stuck out her tongue. 

"Ahh, that 'mehrong'..." Kris sighed. "But it actually made us feel less awkward about our newly-wed status." 

Amulya laughed. "Well, I did want to make the atmosphere more comfortable, but I actually don't mind teasing Kris gege. It's really fun." She paused, contemplating about something. "I may just more in the future." 

Shin Young giggled, "This is will be interesting. Please do more Amulya-sshi!" 

"Got it, Unnie." Amulya gave a 'thumbs-up'. 

"So are there any other items that we need?" Kris asked, bending down slightly to peer at the list. 

Amulya glanced up, before focusing on the list. "Not that I can think of." 

"Uwah, she's blushing!!!!!!!" Boom got really excited, even tipping over his chair in the process. All the while, Amulya hid her face in her hands as Kris just simply chuckled. 

"Oh be quiet," Shin Young said, "You would too if Kris-sshi did that to you." 

"Thank you Unnie," Amulya said, gratefulness clearly in her voice. 

It took them forty minutes but in the end, they had a very specific list that would keep them on budget. 

Shopping List: 

Sofa - 140,000 won 

Bookshelves - 60,000 won 

Plates/bowls/cups - 40,000 won 

Paint and supplies - 40,000 won 

Misc. - 120,000 won 

"Okay, then, shall we go get ready?" Kris asked, straightening up. 

Amulya nodded, "Yeah, let's get our stuff first and then go shopping." 

"Alright," Kris said, taking the list and heading for the door. 

"So our first couple is gonna be the most productive couple?" Myung Soo asked, "So, can the next one be the laziest couple?" 

Jae Suk said, "No, what we need is another Seo In Young-Crown J couple." 

"Mission: Get another Ant-Witch couple," Boom pretended to write it down. 

Shin Young sighed, "Oh guys, let's just watch." 

"Where's the fun in that?" Myung Soo asked, only to be quickly shush-ed by Shin Young. 

Due to time contraints, the video fastforwarded to the shopping section, with the promise of uploading the moving footage on the SBS "We Got Married" website. 

The couple walked down the street that was full of small bargain shops. 

"Should we go there?" Kris pointed to a shop that had furniture. They entered the shop and began browsing. But after a while it looked as though they had a problem.

Kris sighed, "We seemed to have different styles of furniture. Amulya likes the more ancient looking ones while I like the more modern ones." 

"He called it 'ancient'?" Amulya asked. She gave a grunt of disapproval. "Well, this is how I see it. I like the ones that will last for generations, so it tends to look more 'ancient' as Kris gege calls it. Gege just really likes the ones that will last for only a year or two at the max, and then we'd end up throwing it out and adding more garbage. I'm just trying to be eco-friendly." She shrugged. 

"Well, how about this," the shop owner proposed, "Why don't we look at something that is made of wood but on the modern side?" 

"If this is what happens with the sofa, how long will it take for them to get the rest of the stuff?" Boom asked. 

After another thirty minutes of compromising, the couple chose a sofa. It had a solid oak frame with a cherry finish and the cushions were made of a soft blue-gray leather. In the midst of their search, Amuly found a small table that she fell in love with and wanted for the library. 

"How much is this table?" she asked. 

The owner looked at the table and named a price. "19,500 won." 

Amulya pursed her lips in thought. "If I get it with the sofa, then could you lower the price a little?" 

The owner nodded. "With the sofa, it would be 18,000 won." 

"Okay, and how much is the sofa?" Kris asked. 

"The sofa is 72,100 won." 

"Eh that's it?" Jae Suk asked. 

"Do you have any floor-to-ceiling bookshelves?" Amulya asked. 

The owner motioned for them to follow him. He led the couple further into the shop, to where the bigger items were displayed.

"Ohhhh I really like this one!" Amulya murmured excitedly, running her fingers across the wood. It was a majestic piece, with intricate trim along the sides and top. There was paneling along the back of the piece, peeking through the shelves. "How much is it?" 

"It's 567,400 won." 

Kris whistled, "I hope you don't beg me to buy this." 

Glaring at her new husband, Amulya asked, "Are there any bookshelves that are like this but a lot cheaper?" 

The shop owner gave a small chuckle, but pointed to the one to the left of the couple. "This one was made back in the 1800s, but unfortunately people today don't really like the style." It was bigger than the one before, made entirely of walnut with a dark brown finish. There wasn't much design because the beauty was within the wood itself. "We have four of these actually." 

"I really like it," confessed Kris. 

Amulya glanced up at him. "Really?"

Kris nodded, "How much are all four together?" 

"Well," the owner sighed, "they were originally 400,000 won all together. But since no one was willing to buy them, I had to drop down the price a lot. So now they're priced together at 100,000 won." 

"So that would mean we were still under budget by about 25,000 won," Amulya murmured. "Do you have a small sofa to go with these bookshelves in a small library?" 

The owner nodded and led them back towards the front of the shop. He pointed to a louge sofa made of a soft beige leather and dark walnut wood. "Since you're buying in bulk, I'll give it to you for 15,000 won." 

"That means that the total amount is 205,100, right?" Amulya asked. The owner nodded. Amulya and Kris glanced at each other. "What do you think? Should we take them all?" she asked. 

"I didn't know how to ask if we could have them all," Amulya stated. She shrugged, "I was never very good at expressing myself, and I have been hurt in the past. So now when I want something, even if it is only a couple thousand won, I ask myself twenty times. Questions like 'do I really need it?' or 'will I use it often?' and stuff like that." She paused, trying to find the right words, "So now ... even though I wanted everything ... it felt as though I needed some sort of ... 'okay' signal from Kris gege. It felt reassuring." 

"There's a lot about her that I learned in the first day," Kris commented. "How she likes to teased but doesn't like to be teased. How she's good at decorating. How she really loves books. How she's good at finding the right stuff at cheaper prices. But at the same time," he hesitated slightly, "it seemed as though she is really uncomfortable to be in a relationship. I don't think it's just me, but I think it's the relationship itself." 

"Yeah, I've had trouble with my past relationship." Amulya looked at everywhere but the camera and the interviewer. "I really liked him but I couldn't express myself well and we had many miscommunications. So now with Kris gege, I'm afraid that the same thing will happen again." 

Kris looked at everything and then checked the list. "Since we put aside enough in the misc. section to offset the 5,100 won here, I think it should be fine. These are all big items anyway; we just need to be extra careful for the smaller stuff," he consented. 

"We'll take them." 

A few moments later, and with the WGM truck in the process of loading, they exited and continued down the streets. The next shop was similar to a general/pawn shop, with everything from statues to pillows to toothbrushes. 

"We can find everything else here; we just need to look." Amulya led them inside. They started browsing, and an hour later, they found everything they needed. 

Dining set for twenty: 34,900 won 

Curtain material: 18,100 won. 

"Eh, can you sew?" Boom asked. 

She nodded, "My mother taught me how when I was younger. And material was cheaper than the curtains themselves." 

"In the things that she packed was her sewing machine and ....," he turned to his new wife. "What is it called? A serger?" Amulya nodded, chuckling softly to herself. "Yeah, and her serger as well." 

Myungsoo added, "At least she came prepared." 

Paint and supplies: 52,150 won 

Statue: 98,000 won 

Placemats: 12,300 won

Floor lamp: 78,490 won 

Mirror: 57,600 won

Wall clock: 43,020 won

~ 340 won left ~ 

"Now that's smart shopping!" exclaimed Jae Suk. 

"Oh I'm tired," Amulya sighed. 

Kris grinned, "Want me to carry you home?" 

"No. I can still walk," she stated, getting into the WGM van. Kris followed with a rather disappointed expression. 

Kris sighed, "I actually really did want to carry her home. But she outright rejected me, so I thought 'Does she not like being carried?'" 

"It's not that I don't like being carried," Amulya pursed her lips in thought, "It's just I don't feel comfortable enough to let him carry me. I guess I'm still ... afraid of what could happen if I open up to him." 

The van left for their new home.

"Wow, these guys have a lot of potential, right Boom-sshi?" Jae Suk asked. 

"Exactly, considering we got to see a lot of both Kris-sshi and Amulya-sshi." He paused, "Now tell us, what did you guys think of your first day together? Honestly?" 

"Honestly?" Amulya tilted her head. "Well, Kris gege seems very dependable and easy-going. And he seems to be quite a trickster, so I think it will be interesting." 

Kris laughed, ducking his head. "For me, honestly, I didn't know what to expect. But I do like the many sides of Amulya that I saw on the first day. I think we'll have fun together." 

"We will watch as our first couple grows and develops together," Shin Young said. "I'm sure, like many couples, you will have your bad days and also your good days, but I know that you two will get through it. So let's anticipate the many adventures waiting in the future for our first couple for the new 'We Got Married'!" 

"Until next time," Myungsoo said.  

"We Got Married!" 


Ah that was rather hard to type. I think I spent like 2-3 hours on the days that I worked on it. >3< Oh my god sun! I acutally started rewatching WGM for the 20th time in order to find ways to capture the growth of relationships that we see in variety shows in writing only. 

Sorry for taking so long, but I was trying to think of as much stuff to happen as it would fit in a WGM episode. O_O I don't think I managed it this time, but I think it'll get better as it progresses. >3< 

I honestly don't know when I'll update with Episode 2, because I have to think of stuff to happen and then type about 30 min of film worth of writing. But please keep waiting and don't give up hope on me. This is something that I have major plans for (somewhere in the tangly messes of my brain >_>). Keep waiting and suggesting stuff below in the comments! ^_^ I would need all of the suggestions I could get if I run out of ideas. 

COMMENTS ARE SO WELL LOVED! IT GIVES ME MOTIVIATION TO WRITE MORE! /hands out lots of chocolate and hugs/ 


Meh, so for people that are interested, I posted some reference pictures below. (I changed bits and pieces to fit the story obviously): 

House: http://www.insidedaejeon.info/images/a/aa/Daejeon420.jpg  

Sofa: http://www.3dmodelfree.com/imguploads/Image/0911/3d/zy/05/23/5.jpg

Small Table: http://souhantq.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/0102.jpg (not as intricate or as old, but you guys get the idea) 

Bookshelves: http://www.thefurniture.com/store/images/fusiondesigns/nouveau/1551-3280dod.jpg (without the cabinet doors) 

Louge sofa: http://www.galleryxiv.com/media/img/galleries/Mid_Victorian_Sofa.jpg

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Chapter 2 is up! :D


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I love this. Sadly you stopped updating :( I hope you'll update this soon. :(
Chapter 2: I LOVE IT upsate please
Defhouseconvict #3
When DBSK does get back together i'll throw a world wide party(well if i get the money by that time). All the members kinda gave Kris up didnt they LOLZ. It was fun to read your story as always. I hope this hole brick wall thing wont get in the way of Kris and Amulya's realtionship. I agree with everyone eles BREAK DOWN THE WALLS. Update soon!
Defhouseconvict #4
I really appreciated the pics at the end cause sometimes I can be a visual thinker. Plus at one point I was like WHAT WHEN DID DBSK HAVE A COME BACK then I had to realize this is set in the future and I really wanted to face palm myself, then since I live in American when it came to the money I seriously had the thought to convert wons into dollars.

I really like the relationship between Kris and Amulya it's really cute to me. Take as long as you need love I'll patiently wait out the next chapter. Thanks for the chocolate and hugs by the way!