Some Things Are Meant To Be

Some Things Are Meant To Be


At that high pitched drawn-out squeal, both Minho and Taemin immediately stopped what they were doing individually in Minho’s room (Minho was trying to complete his assigned readings on his bed while Taemin was using his laptop at his desk) and looked at each other. They had only locked eyes for one second when the door to Minho’s room flew open and revealed a rather flushed Kibum with the brightest smile that showed all his teeth prancing towards Minho like there was no stopping him. And indeed, nothing had stopped him because before Minho knew it, Kibum had jumped onto the empty space beside him on the bed and grabbed him by his shirt with two hands to pull him so close that Minho could smell exactly what Kibum had drunk from his breath.

“Minhooo~ Kibummie just drank~~”

“I know…” Minho helplessly replied as he tried his best to create some distance between Kibum and himself.

“You’re so cute like this.” Kibum giggled, moving to straddle Minho to stop him from struggling.

True enough, Minho stopped all movement when Kibum ended up sitting comfortably on his thighs with the most satisfied smile on his face ever. Minho let out a sigh and decided to look at Taemin for help. However, he knew he wasn’t going to get any when all he saw was his best friend frozen like a statue with an unreadable expression on his face. Actually, it wasn’t that unreadable because Minho suddenly remembered he had seen that expression before. It was the exact same look Taemin had when his attention got caught by a dancer they came across in a street one day and if Minho remembered correctly, the exact words that Taemin had muttered was ‘I wish I could be him’.

At that moment in time, Minho could understand Taemin’s expression (because Taemin always wished his shy self had the guts to dance in public) but now, in his room with Kibum so close to him, he couldn’t. He didn’t even have the time to ponder anyway because Kibum had pouted and released his grip from Minho’s shirt to grab his face, turning it back so that Minho’s eyes were directly on him.

“Bummie’s right here! Look at me~” Kibum demanded with a whine.

“Kibum, how much did you drink tonight?” Minho asked, his curiosity clouding his previous thoughts, while his hands held onto Kibum’s waist to keep him still because his roommate had seemingly lost his sense of balance.

“A lot!” Kibum laughed and swung his arms around. “But I still want more!”

Looking as if a light bulb lit above his head upon Kibum’s exclamation, Minho’s eyes shone with hope because he finally figured out how to deal with his whiny and clingy roommate.

“Then how about you go check if we have any more in our fridge?” Minho suggested, although he knew their fridge had anything but alcohol in it. The trick was that an intoxicated and high Kibum wouldn’t be able to think straight and realise that they hadn’t stocked up on alcohol recently.

“You’re right!” Kibum squealed in glee and rolled himself off Minho.

True enough, Kibum jumped off the bed and in less than a minute, Minho and Taemin were left alone in the room all over again as if nothing had happened. Minho’s laughter filled the silence in the room as he sat upright and smoothed out the creases on his clothes before looking at Taemin. As soon as his eyes met Taemin’s unfocused ones, Minho stopped laughing. There was just this sadness and anger in Taemin’s eyes that Minho had never seen before for all the years he had known Taemin. Somehow, it gave Minho an impression that this was how his best friend should look like if he had his heart broken. Yet, to Minho’s understanding, that obviously couldn’t be the case so why on earth would Taemin’s eyes convey such a message? Minho’s mind was in overdrive and so, in the next second, he found himself linking this thought to the previous expression he saw on Taemin when he wanted to ask him for help and all of a sudden, everything clicked.


Minho’s voice instantly brought Taemin out of his reverie and the maknae looked at his suddenly serious best friend. Taemin recognised the tone in Minho’s voice; it was a tone he only used when something grave happened.

“What’s wrong?” Surprisingly, it was Taemin who asked the question that Minho had been meaning to ask.

“Please tell me that I’m wrong to think you like Kibum.” Minho said in one breath.

Taemin choked on air and when he finally recovered from his coughing fit, he stared at Minho with eyes so big that they looked like they were about to pop out.

“Of course you’re wrong!” Taemin shouted as he sprung out of the chair. “Why on earth would you say that?!”

“I don’t know, I just saw the expression on your face and you looked miserable like you were jealous when you saw Kibum so close to me and I-“ Minho stopped himself, swallowing back what he originally wanted to say, when a sudden thought surfaced in his mind.

Minho gulped, looking straight at Taemin who was looking right back at him with the same expression Minho knew was on his face as well. It was an expression that was mixed with realisation, excitement, fear, anxiety and hope. And if the years they’ve known each other as best friends meant anything, that complicated expression alone was more than enough to reveal that they both understood the meaning behind it.

“Tae… you…” The keywords that formed his question were floating in his mind but somehow, Minho lost the ability to string them all together to form a proper sentence.

“Yes. You.” Taemin breathed out, looking down on the floor like he was pleading guilty for a crime, and mumbled his confession. “It’s you.”

Although Taemin was no better than Minho, at least he could still get his message across clearly.

Minho sat on the edge of his bed, unable to move from the ground-breaking statement Taemin just made. It was two words but it was enough to tell Minho that he was right. It wasn’t Kibum who Taemin liked, it was him. That explained Taemin’s behaviour. He was jealous when he saw Kibum so close to Minho that he got upset because it wasn’t him who shared that sort of closeness with Minho. And for that moment in time, Taemin actually believed Minho and Kibum had something going on. Minho wanted to shake Taemin just to punish his best friend for having such ridiculous thoughts but he stayed where he was because he himself had to try to calm his racing heart. Besides, he had the time to do so since Taemin had found his courage to look up and storm his way towards him.

Standing directly in front of Minho, Taemin huffed and decided to let everything he had kept to himself out.

“Hyung, trust me, I was as shocked as you are now when I realised how I felt about you… I know we’re best friends and I shouldn’t be feeling this way and that’s why I didn’t tell you about how I felt. I didn’t plan for you to find out like this either but when Key hyung was all over you just now, I just felt so envious that you guys could actually be that close to each other. It made me so afraid that I was going to lose you and I guess I didn’t manage my expressions well so you saw right through it and now I’m just a blabbering mess and could you please say something before I leave and we end up not talking or seeing each other for as long as I can’t find the courage to face you because this is so embarrass-“

Taemin’s eyes grew wide as Minho suddenly stood up and grabbed his shoulders. The next thing he knew, his body was turned around and pushed to lie down on the bed while Minho bent down, hands still firmly on his shoulders, and hovered above him. The elder remained silent and just simply stared down into Taemin’s eyes. 

Unable to handle the intense look Minho was giving him, Taemin fidgeted in his trapped position and mumbled, “I asked you to say something, not do something…”

A smile crawled onto Minho’s face. He reached out to tilt Taemin’s face to the front and slowly minimised the distance between them, only stopping when he could lean his forehead against Taemin’s.

“Before I kiss you, Tae, I think you should know I like you too.”


Silence. And golden it was because the time for Minho to finally feel with his own lips how truly soft and warm Taemin’s lips were had finally arrived, and Minho could now even add that Taemin’s lips were addictive as well. Their first kiss was nothing but simple, it was just a light press of Minho’s lips to Taemin’s that lasted for a few seconds before Minho pulled away enough to look into Taemin’s eyes, but it was nothing short of spectacular.

“Was that… alright?” Minho asked uncertainly in that low y voice of his.

Taemin wrapped his hands around Minho’s neck and grinned, his eyes shimmering with tears that had unconsciously formed. “Hyung, alright isn’t good enough a word.”

“But I barely did anything…” Minho frowned.

“You didn’t have to.” Taemin smiled. “It just has to be you.”

Minho sighed and let out a laugh at the same time. “Why couldn’t I see that you love me this much?”

“Right back at you, hyung.” Taemin pulled Minho down, both of them rolling to their sides so that they were now lying down and facing each other on the bed before reaching out to touch Minho’s face. “Why couldn’t I see that you love me the same way I love you?”

Minho grabbed hold of Taemin’s hand and held it tightly in his but before he could say anything, someone, of whom could only be one other person, had very rudely interrupted their moment, feeling no shame at all as he announced his presence.

“Because you’re both stupid!”

Kibum stood at the door with his arms crossed and a mocking grin on his face and then going on to exclaim, “And Kibummie is the smartest!”

He even flashed a peace sign in a way he thought looked adorable at the couple who was now staring at him as if he had grown another head.

Minho messed up his hair in frustration, and pointed at Kibum. "You!"

"Me? What about me?” Kibum smiled like an innocent little kid.

"Get out of my room now!" Minho shouted.

Taemin instantly looked at Minho, completely taken aback that his best friend (and maybe something more now) had actually lost his temper. This was definitely one of Minho’s rare moments when he lost his cool.

“Minho hyung...” Taemin Minho's back in an attempt to soothe the older. However, Minho ignored Taemin, opting instead to send silent death threats to his roommate through his eyes.

“Fine!” Kibum sniffed. “You didn't have to shout, Choi Minho. Good night!”

And with that, Kibum left but not before he slammed the door tightly shut with all his might.

Now that peace and quiet were here to stay, Minho fell back onto his bed in relief. “Thank god he's finally gone.”

Taemin bit on his bottom lip as he tugged on Minho’s shirt. “Hyung… should we check on Key hyung?”

Minho immediately shook his head. “He's fine, he won't even remember anything tomorrow morning.”

“Now, where were we?” Minho beamed as he took Taemin's hand and placed it on his own waist. “This isn't weird for you, is it?”

Taemin shook his head as a blush appeared on his cheeks. “Actually... I've dreamed of stuff that you won't believe I could dream about…”

“Like what?” Minho asked, more than curious to know what went through Taemin’s mind.

“Well…” Taemin cleared his throat. “It involved me, you, and umm, our hands, our bodies... .”

Minho coughed, his body freezing up and he couldn't even look at Taemin in the eyes! The exact same Taemin who was now rubbing his neck sheepishly with a smile that tilted unevenly towards the right…

“Maybe I shouldn't be too honest with you...” Taemin chuckled nervously.

“No Tae, being honest is good!” Minho quickly said. “In fact, I wanna know how you realised you loved me… you know, more than a friend… a best friend.”

“If I tell you, will you tell me?”

“Of course!”

“Alright then... It's actually because of Kai.”

Minho smiled. “Would you believe me if I told you Kai's the reason why I realised I love you too?”

Taemin widened his eyes, clearly showing he didn't expect that at all.

And the new couple shared a laugh with each other, among other things that they would share with each other in the coming future together, not only just as best friends, but something more than that too… a love that was unbreakable.

Author's Note: The End! Took forever to complete this and i'm sorry for the wait guys! but i hope it's worth it. lot of fluff, i know, i tried not to but i can't. major fail. hahaha. anyway, thanks for reading and subscribing if you did! most importantly, hope you enjoyed the story! :)

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hey guys! thanks for subscribing! i'm still trying to get over the fact that i saw SHINee live yesterday so give me time, and i'll update as soon as i can! XOXO


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Chapter 3: soooo cuteeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: This is sp cuteeeee thanks to kai and kibummie
Chapter 3: Aaah cuteee..
Drunk bummie is too cute
Chapter 3: this was amazing and just.too.cute T-T lolol drunk kibum is cute~
Chapter 3: It was really beautiful. Simply, but amazing <3
Chapter 3: There we go leaving me speechless again in the morning.*sighs* you are stories are going to be the death of me eonnie ....
@SHAWOLWorld hehe, i love Key indirectly pushing 2min together too! thank you! glad you enjoyed it! :D
@SanaKyu thank youuu! and yes! that's exactly how i think of 2min with Key. hehe. ^^
I loved this soooo much <3 When I watch shinee interact I can picture minkey hating each other but not more than loving each other as being best friends, and 2Min being a stupid awkward cute couple <3