Some Things Are Meant To Be

Some Things Are Meant To Be

“Taemin?” Kibum opened the door to find his roommate’s best friend slash crush standing at the door of their apartment and frowned in confusion. “Minho’s not at home… he has classes now, I thought that’s something you should know?”

“Yeah, I know…” Taemin smiled nervously as his fingers fiddled with the hem of his jacket. “I have nothing on for the rest of the day so I thought of just coming here first and hang out with Minho hyung later. Do you mind if I come in and wait?”

“Of course not Tae!” Smiling, Kibum resisted the urge to ruffle the younger’s hair and moved aside to give way for Taemin to walk into the apartment. “You didn’t even have to ask, I was just puzzled because you don’t normally come unless you know for sure Minho’s at home…”

“Yeah…” Taemin let out an awkward laugh. “Sorry if I’m bothering you, Key hyung.”

“Save that for the times you play those soccer games with Minho.” Kibum replied jokingly and gestured for Taemin to sit on the sofa while he walked to the fridge and grabbed drinks for the both of them. “Banana milk for you, Tae?”

“You have that?” Taemin asked incredulously, wondering at the same time if his love for banana milk was known by everyone around him.

“Of course, Minho always stocks the fridge up with that for you…” Kibum answered matter-of-factly as he joined Taemin on the couch with drinks, passing the bottle of banana milk to the younger guy.

“Thanks Key hyung.”

“No problem.”

It wasn’t awkward between them, it never was because Kibum and Taemin knew each other considerably well. Minho and Taemin had been best friends since they were young, practically growing up together, so when Minho had taken up his offer to share rent for an apartment they both could call their own while they were studying in the same university, it didn’t take long for Taemin to be introduced to Kibum. Kibum liked the kid because you really couldn’t hate Taemin just by looking at him alone and if you got to know him better, it’ll be even harder to find something to dislike about Taemin. It had already been almost three years since he first met Taemin and if the years he got to know Taemin better taught him anything, Kibum knew there was something up with the maknae especially from the way Taemin kept stealing glances at him.

“Taemin, you know you can talk to me about anything right?” Kibum decided to initiate the conversation because one, he was the hyung and two, he was never the type to beat about the bush.

“Actually, Key hyung…”  Taemin’s eyes lit up. “There’s something I want to ask you…”


“Does Minho hyung talk to you about relationships? Like has he ever told you that he’s interested in someone or if he has been, is or wants to be in a relationship with anyone? Because I’m best friends with him but I’ve never heard him talk about relationships or about a person he likes so I’m just curious if he does that with you…” Taemin would have continued to blabber on if not for the amused expression on Kibum’s face.

“He hasn’t said anything to you before?” Kibum couldn’t help but double check.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” Taemin sighed. “I’m starting to believe Minho hyung isn’t interested in getting into relationships at all… at least not in the near future.”

Kibum laughed. “Nah, I can vouch that that isn’t true.”

“You can?”

Kibum nodded.

“Does that mean Minho hyung talks to you about relationships?”

Kibum nodded again.

“Why doesn’t he tell me anything about that then?”

Kibum smiled. “It’s not that he doesn’t want to, Taemin, he can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Why do you want to know anyway?” For the sake of Minho, Kibum decided it was better for him to change the topic. Besides, he was curious about Taemin’s motive of asking such questions too.

Taemin crossed his arms and pouted. “I’m his best friend. I should know stuff like this.”

Kibum shrugged, accepting the answer even though he had a hunch there was more to it than just that and replied. “Well Tae… I can only say, best friends have their own secrets too.”

Taemin had more questions to ask but the look on Kibum’s face told him that he wasn’t going to say anything more. Their conversation had ended and Taemin was left to think about the vague answers Kibum had given him.


“Minho hyung?”

Upon hearing his name being called, Minho stopped in his footsteps and turned around to the direction where the voice came from. There, he saw Kai coming towards him and then bowing a hello when he had reached where he was.

Minho returned the greeting, as formal as Kai had greeted him. “Hey Kai, I haven’t seen you in a while… what have you been up to?”

“The usual… school, dancing… besides that, nothing much.” Kai answered politely. “You?”

“About the same as you, just minus the dancing and add the sports.” Minho smiled. “The life of a university student isn’t really interesting actually.”

Kai nodded and laughed. An awkward silence surrounded them before Minho decided to break it with something he had been meaning to say to Kai after he found out about his break up with Taemin. Now that the chance had presented itself albeit a little too late, Minho decided it was better late than never.

“Hey, listen Kai, I heard about you and Taemin and I think I owe you an apology.”

Knowing that Taemin hardly kept anything from Minho, Kai knew exactly what Minho was apologising for. He immediately shook his head and stopped Minho from going on.

“No hyung, there’s nothing for you to be sorry about… and if there’s any apologies to be made, Taemin has already said enough. I can never hold it against him anyway. He just didn’t know how he truly felt.”

“Yeah… that’s Tae for you… always living in his own world.”

Kai and Minho shared a smile at the thought of their common friend.

“Well, it’s good that he’s clear about his feelings now.” Kai said with a look that Minho couldn’t understand and as if that wasn’t enough, he had to confuse Minho even more as he went on to say, “And at least I know you’re someone I can trust.”

Minho’s expression was enough to tell Kai that he was hoping the younger would explain his words but Kai chose to pretend not to see it, choosing instead to bow goodbye to Minho.

“Sorry hyung, i’ve got to go now. I’ll see you around!”

Minho could only watch as Kai waved and turned around, walking back in the direction where he came from. He didn’t miss the smirk on Kai’s face though. He had the urge to pull Kai back or at least run after him but his rational side prevented him from doing so. If Kai had wanted to explain himself, he would have done so instead of leaving. Minho knew this and so, he could only carry on with his journey home, puzzled with Kai’s words.


Upon reaching home, Minho threw his keys on a nearby table, kicked off his shoes and was about to head back to the comfort of his own room when he spotted Taemin sleeping on the couch in a rather awkward position. He had the back of his arm pressed on his forehead while his leg hung off the sofa. Amused, Minho walked towards the living room instead and stood next to the couch, looking down at his sleeping best friend. His eyes travelled from the long lashes that rested on Taemin’s chubby cheeks to his cute button nose and then finally stopping at the alluring full lips that were always out to tempt him. This time was no different as Minho’s heart stopped as well. He gulped, his own lips nervously and forcing himself to freeze in his position as he willed himself to not bend down and feel how soft and warm Taemin’s lips could be with his own. Minho had unconsciously clenched his fists tightly at his sides as he compelled himself to look away. After taking in a deep breath and ensuring he was in the right mind, Minho reached out a hand to gently nudge his best friend awake.

“Taemin ah… Tae… don’t sleep here. Sleep in my room instead.”

“Hmm…” Taemin slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his face and then grinning when he saw Minho looking dotingly at him. “Hey hyung.”

“You didn’t tell me you were coming over… Kibum let you in?”

With the help of Minho, Taemin got up from lying down and nodded, “Yeah, I talked to him for a bit and then he had to go out so I fell asleep.”


Minho laughed, sitting down next to Taemin as the younger smacked him on the arm.

While Taemin took the time to adjust back to being awake, Minho let out a breath and leaned back into the sofa, turning slightly to look at the younger as he spoke. “I met Kai on the way back just now.”

“You did?” Taemin instantly sat upright and looked directly at Minho.

“Yeah, he said some stuff that I can’t quite figure out…”

“You too?” Taemin’s eyes widened.

“What me too?”

“I was talking to Key hyung and he told me stuff that got me thinking...”

“What were you two talking about?”

“Umm, nothing important… just you know, life and all.” Taemin laughed it off and quickly diverted the attention back to Minho. “What about you and Kai? What did he say to you?”

Minho looked at Taemin for a few moments, deciding to credit Taemin’s weirdness to his normal usual oblivious self before he answered his best friend’s question. “Kai thinks I’m someone he can trust.”

“Why would he say that?”

“Beats me.” Minho shrugged. “I thought you would know since you’re close to Kai…”

Taemin instantly shook his head.

“Oh well, maybe I’m just thinking too much into things…”

“Maybe you are, hyung…”

Minho nodded and shared a smile with his best friend.

Sometimes in life, it would be better not to read so much into things but for Minho, it would have done him good if he had probed more because he would have found out Taemin had lied to him, that Taemin actually knew why Kai had said that to Minho. Yet, Minho wouldn’t find out… at least not for the time being.

Author's Note: sorry for taking so long to update, and yet, it's only a short one. :/ got caught up with life and couldn't find the time to write. plus i'll be heading off for my holiday tmr and will only be back on Sunday so i thought it'll be best for me to post what little i have now! hope you enjoyed the update though and i'll be back as soon as i can to complete this story! have a good week everyone! :)

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hey guys! thanks for subscribing! i'm still trying to get over the fact that i saw SHINee live yesterday so give me time, and i'll update as soon as i can! XOXO


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Chapter 3: soooo cuteeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: This is sp cuteeeee thanks to kai and kibummie
Chapter 3: Aaah cuteee..
Drunk bummie is too cute
Chapter 3: this was amazing and just.too.cute T-T lolol drunk kibum is cute~
Chapter 3: It was really beautiful. Simply, but amazing <3
Chapter 3: There we go leaving me speechless again in the morning.*sighs* you are stories are going to be the death of me eonnie ....
@SHAWOLWorld hehe, i love Key indirectly pushing 2min together too! thank you! glad you enjoyed it! :D
@SanaKyu thank youuu! and yes! that's exactly how i think of 2min with Key. hehe. ^^
I loved this soooo much <3 When I watch shinee interact I can picture minkey hating each other but not more than loving each other as being best friends, and 2Min being a stupid awkward cute couple <3