jabter wan: Nice Meeting You

I Tripped and Fall to you

jabter wan: Nice Meeting You

Jung Jinyoung and ShinYeong’s mother died because of cancer when ShinYeong was born. Their appa was a business man. Even though his daughter and son were happy, he still knew they needed a mother’s care. So he married again with a woman of a good family with two daughters as ShinYeong’s age- Ha SooMin and Soojin.

As time pass by, their appa died due to heart attack cause of stress at work. And there, their stepmother’s true nature revealed- cruel, rude and bitterly jealous of ShinYeong’s charm and beauty. She focused their riches at her two daughters.

8 Years pass…

Jinyoung was still sleeping peacefully when his phone started the ring. He groaned as he answered it.


Jinyoung: YOBOSEYO?!

Other Line: Hyung! Hyung! Oh, hyung!

Jinyoung: Gongchan? WAE?!

Gongchan: Baro-hyung’s mother was at the hospital so there’s no one to cook. Come here! CNU-hyung call you too!!!

J: Arasso! Arasso. Just give me a rest.


Jinyoung hang-up the phone and stretch a bit. What about ShinYeong? He thought. He headed towards the bathroom and get washed. After that, he walked towards ShinYeong’s room. He knocked first.

“ShinYeong-ah?” he entered the room and saw ShinYeong at the bed still sleeping. He slowly shook her. “ShinYeong-ah.” He shook her again. “Mom...” she mumbled. Jinyoung chuckled. “ShinYeong-ah.”

ShinYeong slowly opened her eyes and saw her oppa smiling sweetly at her. “Annyeong oppa.” She greeted and smiled back. She sat and rubbed her eyes. “Waeyo oppa?”She asked. “I’m going to the dorm for a short time and do you want to come? I don’t want you to be lonely here.” Jinyoung said. ShinYeong chuckled. “Don’t worry oppa, gwechanayo. You can go on your own.” She smiled.

“Aigoo!” Jinyoung pinched her cheeks. “My dongsaeng is so cute.” He chuckled. “And you’re handsome.” ShinYeong put her tongue-out and laughed. “Let me help you pack, oppa.” ShinYeong said.


After packing, Jinyoung headed towards their stepmother’s room. He knocked first before opening it. “Stepmother?” he peeped in. “Yes? Jinyoung. Come in, child. Come in.” his stepmother said. Jinyoung entered the room and bowed a little. “I’m going to our dorm for a short time and I’m going to leave ShinYeong here.” He explained. His stepmother looked at him and sips her coffee. “Arasso.” She said and Jinyoung smile widely. “But! But don’t let her be a burden here.” She said. “Nae, stepmother! Kamsahamnida.”he bowed again.

When he went out the room, ShinYeong is waiting for him. “Oh! What? Does she allow you?” ShinYeong asked. Jinyoung can’t help but smile widely and hugged his dongsaeng. “Oppa...” she hugged him back. “Don’t be a burden here, arasso?” Jinyoung broke the hug and cupped her face. “As long as you know how to do it, do it, arasso?” Jinyoung said. ShinYeong chuckled and nodded. “Nae oppa! You can count on me.” She clenched her fist and giggled. Jinyoung kissed her forehead before picking up his bags. ShinYeong waved her hands while Jinyoung came in the taxi. “ShinYeong-ah, pai pai!” Jinyoung said.

When ShinYeong closed the door and turned around, she saw her two stepsisters glaring at her with their folded hand. “Annyeong, Soomin and Soojin.” ShinYeong greeted happily. The two scoffed and looked at each other and back to ShinYeong. “Why? Are you going to be separate forever?” Soomin said mockingly. ShinYeong’s face fell.

“What’s the big deal?” ShinYeong asked. “The big deal is, you’re such a plastic. You know it? P-L-A-S-T-I-C. Jinyoung-oppa told you to do what you can so, cook breakfast for us now.” Soojin rolled her eyes. “But there’s ahjumma. She can cook.” ShinYeong said. “Ahjumma left the house yesterday. I fired her.” SooMin said. “So now, there’s no more maids here...” she paused. “Except you.” Soojin continued.

“Bwoh? Maid?” ShinYeong asked. “But I’m the ow-“ she was cut when SooMin spoke. “Not now. We’re the new owner of this house now.” She said. “Now, are you going to cook or not?!” she said. “Mianhae,” ShinYeong bowed and headed towards the kitchen.

She cooked breakfast, cleaned the house, ironed their uniforms and she already took a bath. “SooMin, Soojin. The breakfast is ready.”ShinYeong said. SooMin and Soojin went out of their room and sat on the table. When ShinYeong is about to sit, SooMin pulled the chair farther causing ShinYeong to fell on the ground. The twins laughed and high-five each other. ShinYeong looked at her and gave her a short glare then back to innocent face.

“Why? Who told you you’re going to eat?” SooMin asked. “For you to know, you’re not going to eat so get out of here.” Soojin said and pushed ShinYeong. ShinYeong stood up and went out the house. While walking, her eyes began to water all of the sudden.

I wish I just go with oppa. Why are they so rude to me?! Only me?! When oppa is there, they’re so sweet and kind but when he’s not around, you’ll accept them as goats. She thought and she bumped to someone. She looked up and saw a familiar face. “Go-gongchan-oppa?” she wiped her tears and saw Gongchan smiling at her. “Why are you crying?” Gongchan asked. “Aniya. It’s just dirt went on my eyes.” She lied.

“Jinyoung-hyung is already at the dorm, you want to come?” Gongchan asked but ShinYeong hesitated. “I’m going to school now. My new school.” She said. “I’m going with you.” Gongchan smiled. “Ani. No need, I can go on myself.” ShinYeong said.

ShinYeong continue walking. Gongchan watched her as she walked away from him. Annyeong, ShinYeong. He smiled and continue walking at his path.

Gongchan was one of the members where ShinYeong’s oppa, Jinyoung, was the leader- B1A4. He was the maknae. ShinYeong met him when Jinyoung introduced B1A4 at her- Gong Chansik, Lee Sandeul, Cha Baro and CNU. They are like family for ShinYeong.

Back to ShinYeong…

When she reached her new school, she bumped to someone again. She looked up. She bit her lip and bowed. “Mianhaeyo.” She said. She looked at the guy who’s glaring at her because his juice dropped at his uniform. ShinYeong bit her bottom lip and bowed again. “Mianhaeyo. I didn’t mean to.” She said. The guy straightened up. “Better look at your path, little girl.” He said. Bwoh? Little girl? ShinYeong looked at herself. Yeah, I’m short and his tall, I knew it. She bowed again and continued walking. Why am I so clumsy? She thought. She knocked her head and groaned.

She stopped walking and looked at her back hoping that the guy is still there but none. I don’t ask his name? She groaned again and continued walking. How pabo of you, ShinYeong!


Who do you think is that guy?

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Commenter will be appreciated, Subscribers will be loved! ^^

I really hope you’ll like it folks!

[ShinYeong & Pandalove345]

 Yah. I’m not a pabo

Yes you are. You just said it in the story.

You’re typing it! >.<

Yes. And I’m just typing what you just said. :P You’re such a pabo :P


Don’t believe with this idiot. You’re going to punish *glare*


ShinYeong sat at the bench waiting the bell to ring. She suddenly saw SooMin and Soojin at the gates, smiling. Then the group of boys ran towards them. What’s that? She twitched her eyebrows and saw the boys trying to touch them. Fanboys? She watched it carefully and saw the boys holding a pen and a piece of paper.

“They’re Ha twin’s fanboys.” A voice beside ShinYeong said. She gasped when she saw the same guy that she just bumped lately and she just stare at him. The guy noticed it and chuckled. “Yeah, I know I’m handsome but don’t stare at me like that.” He said. ShinYeong blinked and faked a cough. She rubbed her back neck and bit her bottom lip.

She looked at his uniform and saw it was clean. “I change it.” The guy said. ShinYeong looked at him with big curious eyes. Is this guy a mind reader or what? She thought and looked away. “I’m No Minwoo. Heartthrob of this school. You’re new here, nae? I never had seen you before.” The guy said. ShinYeong cleared . What does he say? Heartthrob of this school? She looked at him and made a large ‘O’. Yeah, his handsome. She thought. Oh snap it ShinYeong!

“You are?” the guy asked.“Jung ShinYeong imnida.” ShinYeong introduced and let out a hand. Minwoo shook it and smile. He quickly yanked the hand when he felt something strange he never encounter before. What the hell is that shock? He looked at ShinYeong who’s whistling and tapping her foot. She’s beautiful. Oh!!! Minwoo, stop it!

Suddenly the bell rang. “Oh! I’m going now. Nice to meet you, Minwoo-ssi!” ShinYeong said as she ran. “Nae! Let’s meet here again, nae?” he said and ShinYeong smiled.

Minwoo walked towards the classroom and he saw the Jo twins, Kwangmin and Youngmin. “Hey dude.” Youngmin greeted and bumped fist with Minwoo. “Hey.” Kwangmin slang his arm around Minwoo’s neck and dragged Minwoo in the classroom. As they went through their seats, girls are screaming. Scream there, scream here and everywhere.

“It’s Minwoo-oppa”
“-giggle- They are so handsome.”

The murmurs and screaming stopped when their teacher opened the door. “STOP! Stop what you’re doing.” She yelled. Let’s just call her, Oh Seonsaengnim. She walked to her table and glared at the students. “Now. We have our new student. Miss Jung.” She called and one girl entered the room. She wasn’t wearing uniform. She was wearing a pink dress.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Jung ShinYeong imnida.” The girl bowed and flashed a smile. Minwoo’s eyes bigger and he slowly looked at the front and as he expected, he saw ShinYeong. “Class, be nice to her, arasso?” the teacher yelled and the class nodded. ShinYeong looked around and saw Minwoo staring at her. She smiled and looked at the teacher. “Miss Jung, you may sit between Mr. No and Mr. Jo Youngmin.” Oh Seonsaengnim said. “Now! Get back to the lesson.” Oh Seonsaengnim yelled.

During discussion, ShinYeong was listening attentively while Minwoo and Youngmin kept on starring at her. She felt awkward. “Uhh...” she cleared . “Is there something on my face?” she asked. Minwoo straightened himself and Youngmin  blinked. “Ani. Aniya.” Youngmin laughed nervously. “You don’t tell me you’re also a 3rd year high school.” Minwoo said. ShinYeong giggled. “You don’t ask it.”

Minwoo faked a smile and faded when he looked away. This girl is pissing me off. She didn’t know that she bumped with the kingka and the heartthrob of this school.


ShinYeong was at the school’s garden under the big tree when Minwoo entered it. He walked nearer her and saw she was sleeping. There’s sketch pad and a pen beside her. Her hair is mess up around her face. Minwoo bend down and arrange it. He noticed something, a tear. What’s this? Did she cry? He wiped it. She really is beautiful. I can’t deny it anymore. He thought. Too bad. I’m getting married.

Minwoo’s appa was a business man. Their company was going down BUT when Minwoo marries his appa’s business partner’s daughter, their business partner will help them recover their business. BUT IF MINWOO FINDS HIS WIFE, THE OFFER WILL BE TRANSFER TO HIS HYUNG, NO SEONGJO. By the way, their business partner’s daughter was Minwoo’s noona and childhood friend, Kim SeoHyun.

Minwoo’s eyes travelled around her face and down to her lips. A peck won’t hurt nae? He lean closer to ShinYeong but his phone suddenly rang. He groaned as he straightened himself and sat beside ShinYeong. He answered it.


MINWOO: Yoboseyo?

OTHER LINE: Yoboseyo. Oh! Minwoo-ah, it’s me. Kwangmin!

MINWOO: Oh come on, hyung. What is it?

KWANGMIN: Donghyun hyung is calling you. Come here now!

MINWOO: Aish. You’re in a wrong time hyung. T.T

KWANGMIN: Waeyo? Wrong timing?

MINWOO: Yeah, very. Aish! Arasso, I’m going.


Minwoo hang-up the phone. He noticed that ShinYeong fell on his shoulder, still sleeping. Maybe I’m going later. Wicked smile stretch at his face and turn into a sweet smile.

ShinYeong moved a little and slowly opened her eyes and felt that she was sleeping at a shoulder and a head resting at her head. She looked up and saw Minwoo sleeping beside her. How did he get here? She slowly straightened herself causing Minwoo to wake up. He looked at ShinYeong. “Annyeong.” He smiled.

“Annyeong, Minwoo-ssi.”ShinYeong said as she rubbed her eyes. “Don’t call me Minwoo-ssi. Just call me Minwoo.” Minwoo said and ShinYeong nodded. “Nae, Minwoo.” She said. “How old are you?” Minwoo asked. “Uhh... I mean, how old are you to know who’s younger and older than the two of us.” Minwoo explained and chuckled nervously. “I’m only 17, August 01.” She replied. “Oh! You’re younger.” Minwoo chirped. ShinYeong looked at him with wide with curiosity smile. “Oh...” Minwoo chuckled nervously and cleared his throat. “I’m 27, too. July 31.” He said.

ShinYeong laughed. “You’re older than me in 1 day!” she said. “Do you have any sister or brother?” ShinYeong asked. “I’m the youngest. I have a hyung and one unnie. In total, we’re 3. You?” he asked. “We’re only 2. I’m youngest and I have an oppa.” She smiled. “But I have two more sisters, I mean, stepsisters. They are the Ha twins.” She sighed. Minwoo looked at her with big eyes. “Ha Twins? You’re the stepsister of the Ha twins?” he asked and ShinYeong nodded.

“Me and SooMin used to talk sometimes. She told me about her stepsister. She told me that she was jealous, angry and envy of her because she was more beautiful, smarter and she has a caring, understandable and humble oppa. She told me also about her mother and father. Her mother died because of cancer, her appa died because of heart attack cause of stress at work.” Minwoo sighed. “Is that you?” he asked. ShinYeong’s eyes began to water remembering the old times. Why did SooMin told him that? She asked on her mind. “Why-why and ho-how did you know that?” ShinYeong asked. Her voice was shaking. “Mianhae. But she doesn’t told me why. She just blurted it out.” Minwoo said.

“Yes. Yes it’s me.” ShinYeong said. “Does she mention anything more about me?” she asked. Minwoo shook his head. “Nothing more.” He said. ShinYeong sighed. She wiped her tears away and chuckled. “It was a horrible life. It was my destiny.” she said.

“My life is more horrible.” Minwoo said. ShinYeong looked at him. “Wae?” she asked. “My appa deal with his business partner that I’m going to marry his business partner’s daughter who is my childhood friend. But unfortunately, my hyung is in love with my noona and that makes it more difficult. I don’t want to hurt my hyung so I said that if I found a girl who will be my wife, the deal will be transfer to my hyung.” Minwoo explained. “Then, mu umma? My umma never been proud of me. Even if I achieve all medals when I was at elementary, she wasn’t accept me as her son.”

“Waeyo?” ShinYeong asked. “Because... she was angry at me and at my father. I don’t know why but I keep on hoping thst she’ll accept me for who I am.” Minwoo said. ShinYeong tapped his back. “Gwechana. Maybe she’s just shy to express it. My umma is like that when I was at pre-school but when I grew up at grade school, she told me that she’s just shy and forgive her then, we live happily nit until she died.” ShinYeong said. “Jinja?” Minwoo asked. “Nae.”



Hohoho... who do you think that guy is? Every chapter is like this T.T

Cliffhangers, nae? T.T I also hate cliffhangers so I know what it feels like. XD

Comments are appreciated, Subscribers will be love!

=saranghae=mahal ka kayo=I love you all- je’taime=


[No Minwoo, ShinYeong & Pandalove345]

Annyeonghaseyo! Nice to meet you all ^^

Glad to meet you too, Minwoo!

H-h-h-h-hi, Mi-min-minwoo. *fangirling attacked me*

Nae. Why are you stuttering?

Isn’t it obvious? Pandalove345 likes you.

That’s not the word! Its love <3

Hi. Nice that I have someone here.

Only someone?

Someone in my heart.

*fangirling, screaming, shouting* Gumawo, Minwoo. What about your love story?

It’s just an acting xD

You’re mean too, Minwoo! :P

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