First Snow

The Library

Many months later. It's the year's end. 

'Gee, why are you so persistent?' she rolled her eyes at him before slapping the wet cloth onto the table.

He placed his book down. 'It's my fault for getting you punished by the head librarian, so let me stay, okay?' he flashed a silly grin at her.

She scoffed. 'Really Kris, but you're just sitting here blocking me,' she looked at him, trying hard not to smile. His smile was making her squeal on the inside. 'Look, It's the festive season! Shouldn't you be dating a girl, enjoying the snow with her? It's no fun being in here..' She pointed at the window.

It had just started snowing in the city. She loved to see snow, but thanks to the punishment duties her head librarian gave her, her mood was ruined. His smile fell as he sat straight, gazing at her.

''re my friend, like my brother, so...I shouldn't ditch a bro for a girlfriend right?'

'Hey! What are you trying to say! ' she glared at him and threw the cloth at him. He deftly caught it and chuckled. 

'I'm joking! Chill chill!' he held out his hands in a surrender pose. She turned away from him and looked outside. The snow outside the window was captivating. She placed a finger on the glass, feeling the coolness of the glass. First snow...she smiled to herself. She was amazed by the beauty of snow.

A long arm arm hooked over her shoulder. She turned and see her giant of a friend smiling at her. 'Remember the first time we met? You were like the first snow...' She trailed off, drawing circles round the glass.

'How was I like?' Kris placed his large hand onto the window at a spot where a snowflake lay.

' were cold, but in that cold you were warm, friendly...and...' she stopped again. a first love. Subconsciously the words formed in her head, but she never gave it a thought.

'Aand?' he pestered on. He was really keen to know her thoughts. She giggled, 'And you were really awkward. May I add, geeky! ' That earned a playful poke from him. She laughed heartily and enjoyed her little joke.

When she regained her composure, she saw him with a really held back expression. Immediately she knew he wanted to say something. Quickly she went silent and waited for him. She'd knew him enough by now to stop and wait for him when he wants to say something important.

He cleared his throat. 'You know, I think you're right, I should get going with my date to enjoy the snow now.'

His announcement was really sudden. She didn't know how to react. She was a little disappointed hearing that, but she was sure that disappointment was because he was going to leave her.

That's what she thought. 'So, who's the lucky girl? I've never heard of her.' She smiled a little, punching his arm lightly. He suddenly turned around and grasped her shoulders. Her eyes widened in shock.

'Kris what are you-' 

'I wish...' He quickly cut her off.

'I wish that girl is you.'

She was stunned. She looked up at him. He was looking at her softly. It wasn't friendly, it was something more.


His was smiling gently at her. He was like an angel now. For all these months, she knew him as her good-looking but ridiculously awkward and nerdy book friend...but now, it was different. It felt way different. It was a new feeling, like the first conversation they had.  But, it felt right. Her tears hazed her vision. She quickly blinked it away, as if fearful of not able to see him clearly. Her heart seemed to have been waiting for this. She saw his expression changed into worry. 'Are you alright..?' He cautiously asked. At that moment, she went forward and hugged him.

Instantly, all his worries vanished. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, gently running his fingers down her hair. She let her tears run. They embraced for a good long time.  She rested her head on his chest. Scould hear the beat of his heart. It wasn't calm, like hers. She gently pulled away and gazed deep into his eyes, which were locked into hers as well.

'I thought you'd never asked.' She smiled, tears round her eyes again.

The library was peaceful and silent, but she could hear the sounds of snow falling, angels singing in the distance. 




A/N: i dislike this chapter the most...but  This is the end of my little oneshot! I'm glad I've gained some support from readers out there(: thank you so much and I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I've been writing this!(: all comments are welcome~


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nuest4ever #1
this fic was soo good
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys!! o(> <)o
awww :( sobs.. hope there is a Sequel this is really cute!!! I love it superrr ^_^
Oh it was soft and gentlely written!

I enjoyed this!!!
aaaww~ it's so cute! <3 I love it, it's gentle, sweet, ad sooooooo ffflluufffaaaay~ <3 :D thank you for writing this wonderful story, author-nim! OwO
nice, gentle and cute! I love it!
StringsandHoneys9 #7
So sweet and gentle!!!
Thank you for the comments I really am grateful >< I'm glad you guys have enjoyed it so far!
-katya #9
i love this story <3 kris is so cute!
hehhe 'miss librarian'