First meeting.

The Library

She walked past the shelves of books, carefully searching for the right shelf.

'Fiction...P...' she mumbled to herself as she stepped into the aisle, putting back the books she needed to shelf. As she placed back the last book, long thin fingers grasped the other end of the book. She jumped in surprise. Cringing her neck, she looked in the direction of the owner's hand, only to meet with a pair of eyes who seem to be piercing right through her. This person was on the other side of the bookshelf, and happened to reach over to hers.

'D-do you want this book..?' she stammered, feeling herself shrink in his powerful gaze. The person on the other side of the shelf nodded, but it was curt and barely noticeable. She let go of the book, and it was taken away by that person. He gave a soft 'thank you' before disappearing into the other aisles.


After being intimidated by this small encounter, she has never failed to spot him during her shift in the library. She never saw him fully that day, but now she could describe him clearly. His height is probably the first thing that will catch your attention. Tall, almost gigantic. As you look closer, his face will make you take another glance. He has really defined features. Chiselled nose, that ever-so fierce eyes, and eyebrows that curved downwards that makes him look permanently angry. Looking at him would make one suddenly feel small, but the longer she noticed him, the more she wasn't fearful of his fierce looks. Instead, she always found herself observing him during her shifts in the library. He'd come punctually everyday. He would always be in his favourite spot -a little table near the windows- going over some book he found.

She was fascinated by him. Everytime she signed in, she would search for his tall figure first. She began to see his little traits. He was quiet and always alone. He carried the same backpack and wore the same shoes everyday. His earphones never left him, and when he reads, he always don a pair of black glasses. He usually goes through the English section of the library. It was a little creepy of her to actually take note of this stranger so much, but inside her heart was a desire to know this guy more. He had a dark mysterious aura that threatened anyone who disturbed. But as soon as he sat down with a book, there was a certain serenity exuding from him that calmed her more than the silence of the library. 

She peered at him for a split second before turning back to her admin duties. Even though she was staring at the monitor screen, her mind wondered off to him. Why such a good looking person chose not to hang out with a gang of boys and read instead of playing? And why does he read so much? It's not like finals are coming... Why does he not talk to anyone-

'Excuse me,' a male voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up.


A/N: re-edited. It finally looks decent. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter(: 

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nuest4ever #1
this fic was soo good
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys!! o(> <)o
awww :( sobs.. hope there is a Sequel this is really cute!!! I love it superrr ^_^
Oh it was soft and gentlely written!

I enjoyed this!!!
aaaww~ it's so cute! <3 I love it, it's gentle, sweet, ad sooooooo ffflluufffaaaay~ <3 :D thank you for writing this wonderful story, author-nim! OwO
nice, gentle and cute! I love it!
StringsandHoneys9 #7
So sweet and gentle!!!
Thank you for the comments I really am grateful >< I'm glad you guys have enjoyed it so far!
-katya #9
i love this story <3 kris is so cute!
hehhe 'miss librarian'