Second meeting.

The Library

(quick a/n: thoughts are in italics)

It was him.  

'H-how may I help you?' she quickly stood up, trying hard not to blush because she was fully aware (and embarrassed) that she was thinking of him just before.

'Umm...I was wondering if you could help me find...a book...' his weirdly accented Korean told her he wasn't a local. Her heart did a little flip at his voice. It was deep and mesmerising, like a mellow and soothing song. She gestured him to follow. 'So, which book are you looking for?'

He paused and hesistated, only to break out into broken sentence. 'Language book...a Korean-Chinese one...' Hearing his own awkward sentence, his lips curved upwards into an embarrassed smile, complimented with an eye-smile. It was possibly one of the first smiles she's ever saw from him.

And wow, he looked really cute.

Suddenly, she felt as if a mysterious ray of light had lit up the entire premises. A certain warmth filled up her heart. Little did she didn't notice her own smile warming up at the sight of his. 'You're not a local student?' she asked casually as she strode down the shelves towards the far end of the library. She turned and saw him nod sheepishly.

' speak Chinese?' she asked in fluent mandarin. She glanced upwards at him. His head was tilted towards her, eyes widened at the familiarity of the language.

'You know Chinese too?' he quickly switched to his mother tongue. She nodded, smiling at his wide eyes puppy-like expression.

'Wow, your Korean is really accurate.' His little praise made her blush.


He became more comfortable with her as he spoke in his native language. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him literally sigh in relief, as if relieved that he could stop using the foreign language. What an awkward and comical guy for such a charismatic look. She ran her fingers through the books, stopping at one and pulling it out swiftly.

'Here,' she said, handing him the book. 'This is the best I would recommend.'

He put on his glasses and flipped through the pages, scanning through each page briefly. She could see his brows furrowing. He was really concentrated on the book, and totally oblivious that she was looking at him. It was how he would always look like when he's reading, but this time it seems a whole lot cuter. Unknowingly, she giggled softly. This made him look up at her. He looked even more lost and confused as he squinted through his spectacles. She quickly bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

'Whats so funny?'

She quickly shook her head. 'Good luck with your Korean.' She straightened up, ready to bid farewell to him. 'If you need any more help I'll be at the counter,' 

She was only 2 steps away from him when he called out for her.  'Hey.....uhh...Miss librarian..?' She turned back. He was blushing slightly-she could tell that he was shy. She cocked her head to the side. 'Anything else I can help you with?' By this time, her heart was pounding and her stomach exploded into butterflies. Did he just call me...Miss librarian?

'Umm...Could you help me with my Korean, please..?' He asked. She met with his eyes. It was shy and warm.

As quick as her heart was beating, she agreed to help. 

' name is Kris.' he held out his hand. She smiled at him and held his hand firmly. 'Nice meeting you, Kris.'

He nervously pushed up his spectacles and grinned happily.


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nuest4ever #1
this fic was soo good
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys!! o(> <)o
awww :( sobs.. hope there is a Sequel this is really cute!!! I love it superrr ^_^
Oh it was soft and gentlely written!

I enjoyed this!!!
aaaww~ it's so cute! <3 I love it, it's gentle, sweet, ad sooooooo ffflluufffaaaay~ <3 :D thank you for writing this wonderful story, author-nim! OwO
nice, gentle and cute! I love it!
StringsandHoneys9 #7
So sweet and gentle!!!
Thank you for the comments I really am grateful >< I'm glad you guys have enjoyed it so far!
-katya #9
i love this story <3 kris is so cute!
hehhe 'miss librarian'