` This Call Is Long Distance . Please Try Again `

The next morning you woke up a bit earlier than usual .. Your reason being so ?

TO STUDY .. Even more!

You were always like that whenever you had a test the morning of. You went over your notes [ that you already memorized by heart ] just make sure that you`ve got everything down. To be honest, this studying wasn`t always a habit of yours. Your parents didn`t enjoy the fact that you wanted to attend a school whose majors were singing and dancing. They wanted you to be a .. Eck .. BUISNESS WOMAN. The thought of a bit wasn`t so bad .. It was real bad. Could you imagine ? Waking up everyday just to sit on your for 7 hours ? It was not your ideal job at all. But, to make up for the burdon of them moving  just for you to attend the school of your dreams, you worked extremely hard. You studied for hours just to make them content with the whole decision. And, through out your entire 4 years, they`re very happy with the marks you`ve achieved. This made you happy too. And maybe, just MAYBE, they would consider on letting you join the entertainment industry. Gosh, could you imagine yourself on stage ? With all the sunbaes and surrounded with screaming fans yelling your name an-

`____________. Get down here ! You`re gonna be SO late ! `

It was your mom yelling from the kitchen. You had spent a little bit too much time reviewing that you were practically gonna be late before you got to the front door ..

`OMG .. I gotta .. go! `you screamed frantically as you pack all your books and slip into your uniform. You run down the stairs with your bag full of 5 pound textbooks and grab a piece of bread from the fridge. Not the best thing to fuel up on before a major test .. but, you had absolutely no time to make a hearty breakfast. You then reach for your lunch money and keys from the kitchen table then head out the door. You sprint down the sidewalks and as you crossed the stree-


The loud screech of the cars wheels and the sound of its horn made you jump 3 feet onto the sidewalk. You must`ve crossed the street so quickly that if you were to have gone any faster you were to be runned over like a piece of  hoddeok dough.

`Almost .. there .. ` you say as you try to catch your breath. You continue running at the same pace and see the outline of the school roof in the distance.

Once you stepped through the front doors of the school you spotted Hyeri instantly. Just waving at you like some crazy person [.. although she already is .. Shh .. ]

`Where were you ? ! I was so worried you weren`t gonna show up .. On a exam day . `she said as she ran down the stairs and through the crowd of people to get to where you were standing.

`I .. was - ` you panted so heavily that she decided to cut you off.  Again.

`You don`t have time to explain right now .. You need to get ready for first period or - `

The bell rang.

`Go! Go! `she yelled as she pushed you into the direction of your locker. You were far too tired to run .. Instead you casually jogged to your locker. 

[Hey, better than slugging along the halls right ? ]

You empty the contents of your bag and grab the necessary supplies for your first exam of the day.


You run to class and expected to arrive late and be stared down by everyone already writing the exam. Surprisingly, you weren`t. `Ah. ______, you made it just in time. Please take your seat so we may begin writing.` It was Mr. Yu Joon. The math teacher. He was tall, handsome and rarely, if not - NEVER  got mad at his students. Whether they were late, forgot their homework, etc ..

He was the ideal teacher. You walk over to your desk and slump into the chair. You take out a small pocket mirror about the size of those mini purses ahjummas use to hold their precious coins and checked to see if you still looked decent. Cause after a hectic morning like that, you never know what your hair could turn into. `________ , please save the hairstyling till AFTER  the exam. ` Mr. Yu Joon said as he walked around the room passing out the papers to everyone. You take a deep breath and once you laid eyes on the exam you ..

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LOL. High expectation parents.