1.5 Interval I

Dead End Oblivion



Ishimaru Tadayoshi is not remembered nor seen. He is not heard. His presence is not felt. Ghost is not the term to describe him. He is alive. His heart beats, his hunger is real, his body is solid.

Tadayoshi, really, can't remember a day when his life wasn't like this.

It's a lonely life, but Tadayoshi doesn't know that it's lonely. How could he miss something he never had? Instead, Tadayoshi has spent the majority of his life watching other people, wishing he to know what it's like. Watch how they would interact and react. Tadayoshi has never spoken to anyone in his life, but understands humans better than anyone else.

Tadayoshi talks to himself, instead, as he indulges himself in individual activities. He can never focus on one thing, but has tried his hand at everything. Drawing, writing, athletics, sewing, reading, exploring, music- the list could really go on. But he never stuck with anything, growing bored of it after enough time had passed. There's no point to anything he does other than to entertain himself.

Tadayoshi was born of a peasant family – whom thought Tadayoshi was stillborn; he doesn't understand it much himself – but lives like a king. He can get away with anything he wants, taking anything he wants, and never really feels much guilt.  He had no reason to.

Tadayoshi understands people more than anyone, but has never learned to feel emotion himself. With no one to interact with, that only person that effects him is himself, and so his feelings are basic – easy. He knows when he wants something. He knows when he's bored. He knows when he likes or doesn't like something. And that's all Tadayoshi's life requires of him.

He lives in the kingdom of Ka, where he was born, although he had no real reason to stay there. He roams the palace, where royalty lives, and there is plenty of food to go around. No one even seems to notice when he takes food right in front of their eyes, or when he knocks something over. Nothing he does can get anyone's attention, no matter how ridiculous or obvious. Flicking the lights and making lots of noise, knocking everything off of the table and letting it break against the floor, setting the building on fire and letting it consume everything in it's path; none of it mattered. Solid and previously very real objects would fly through people who got in their way, and the people would act as though the moved object was still in the exact same place, sipping on an invisible cup of tea or sitting in a nonexistent chair. And when he closes his eyes for a second too long, the harmed objects reappear like they had never even been moved to begin with.

Tadayoshi bears charcoal black hair and warm skin, just like everyone else of his kind. He wonders what makes him invisible to them, then? No, not invisible. Nonexistent.

One day, though, he had met someone who could see him.

Six people that could see him, actually.




The chapter turned out to be even shorter than I planned for it to be, but I don't think much more really needs to be said.  The next chapter won't be posted until next week, maybe this weekend.  But, it'll be long like the last one, sooo...

Any ideas on who Tadayoshi is?  I can't tell how obvious it is.  I'm trying to make it as obvious as possible without seeming out of place, but it's proving to be harder than I thought.

@iamanonymous: Yeah, I get that feeling too... Which is why I'm trying to not exagerate his personality like a lot of people like to.  But, when all you see is the Kevin on TV, it's kinda hard.  Thank you for reading!  :D

@sseonflower:  Thank you! ^^  I'm glad you see it that way, since that was my intent.  The relationships will be slow moving, so I hope you'll have some patientce with me.

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sarako #2
Not at all! Since you're revealing everyone with different names than what we're used to, slow is better, rather than dumping it all on us at once. lol! You're doing a great job. Plus I like longer stories. :D
sseonflower #3
I got really excited when I saw you updated :D
Wow this was a great chapter. Jaeseop meets Dongho! It took me a moment to realize who Jaeseop saw because I haven't read this in a while lol. I wonder who they're recruit to their group next~
Oh and I don't mind if the future chapters are rated ^^
sarako #4
Ooo I liked this!! I love how each of the characters are revealed one by one.. ^^
sseonflower #5
Hmmm, I'll take a guess and say Dongho? I can picture him because of this description you've set up, but then again it could be someone else lol. It makes me sad though, that he's had to live most of his life alone in a way :/
And don't worry, I'm patient when it comes to the plot development ^^
iamanonymous #6
I think it's Dongho... or possibly Kiseop. I'm really confused though, so like... is he living in a different dimension? Or is he the only one alive in a world of ghosts? hmmm. Maybe he is really a ghost who thinks he's alive, or he's really in a comma and his brain is hooked up to a cyber computer making him think that he's actually living or...
sseonflower #7
This chapter was really good. I don't think you made Kevin a bad guy, he's reacting like any other person would in my opinion. And his attitude is from how he was raised - he can't help it. Looking forward to seeing their relationship progress and how they end up meeting the others ^^
iamanonymous #8
Nice chapter. And Kevin totally gets angry sometimes. Everyone gets angry sometimes. The members have also said that Kevin acts the most different on and off camera. I get this feeling that Kevin isn't quite as innocent as he likes to portray himself on tv... :)
iamanonymous #9
it looks like this story could turn out to be pretty good. :)