Leaving Home

Keep On Smiling =)


"Promise that you'll call everyday. Or at least text me. I swear Jay Mee Cortez, if you even think about ignoring one of my calls I will come over there and shove your cell phone so far up your-" Kay started but got interupted by Mikey.

[A/N: Jay Mee's best friend. Kay Smith]

"KAY!!! Give Jay a break! I mean she is leaving us alone. She'll probably find new friends, ignore our calls, and who knows, even forget about us..." Mikey was panicking. "...MEEMEE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" 

[A/N: Jay Mee's gay best friend. Mikey Anderson

She sighed and rolled her eyes. These guys are so lame, she thought.

She pulled them into a hug and hit them."Is all this drama really necessary?"

"Oww~ Meanie!" said Kay.

"But promise you won't forget us, okay?" Mikey said.

"Am I really that shallow to you?" Jay Mee said with a fake hurt look on her face.

She gave them a tight hug.


"Well, I guess that's my cue."

Jay Mee gave them one last hug, "Hey, even if he begs, don't tell him the real story, okay?"

Kay hesitated, "Okay..."

She turned around and left.

'I wonder if he'll do anything stupid. I wonder if he'll ever forgive me. I don't deserve him'




Jay Mee was at the baggage claim.

"Why did I pack so many things...? So heavy..." she mumbled to herself.

She was oblivious to the people staring at her.

"Still talking to yourself, Jay?" said a familiar voice.

She turned around and saw her close cousin and friend standing there smiling at her.

[A/N: Jay's first cousin on her dad's side. Sam Conception] 

"Kuya Sam!!" Jay ran and hugged Sam.

"Woah... You've... uh... grown..." he said, eyeing Jay's  body.

"Gross... ," Jay said covering herself up, smirking.

Sam was speechless.

"N-No! I-I-I didn't mean it like... THAT!" he said nervously.

"I'm just kidding. You should've seen your face. Priceless! Like I say, you can look, but you can't touch," Jay said with a wink.

"You are a mean little girl..." he said.

Pouting, she said, "I'm not little, I'm 17!! And I'm about to turn 18!"

Sam patted her head, "And yet you call me Kuya even though I'm younger. Why is that?"

"Uh... um... Because even though your younger, I'm still way smaller than you..."

"Haha, what was that? I didn't hear you," he said laughing.

Jay glared at him."Just get my bags. Now."

"Okay," he picked one up, "what is in this thing? Your whole room?"

"Weakling," Jay mumbled walked away.

"Hey!! I'll have you know that I've been lifting weights lately!" he said, defending himself.

"Hmmm... Well it sure does show..." Jay said sarcasticly, rolling your eyes.

"Well, hurry up slowpoke!" Jay yelled with an evil smirk.


Sam is was already behind her, sweating from the heat and the bags he's carrying.

"Could you at least help me? I mean, these are your bags."

She pretended to think about it then simply say, "Nope" in her cutest voice.

She reach the car and asked for the keys.

"Uh, I'm kinda busy."

She sighed and went to him.

"Where are ur keys?" Jay started feeling his pockets.

Sam starts laughing, "Haha! That tickles!!! S-stop i-iiiitttt!!"

"Well where are your keys???" Jay said, getting annoyed.

Ahhh. I forgot how hot it is here, Jay thought.

"Aigoo, so hot," she mumble.

Sam looks at her funny because she just spoke in Korean.

She heared someone behind her and found Kaycee holding a drink in one hand and an ice cream in the other.

 [A/N: Jay's other cousin on her Dad's side. Kaycee Cortez]

"Oh, you guys are here. Sorry, I got thirsty and got carried away when I saw a guy selling ice cream and I was thinking, ohh maybe Jay Mee would want some and-"

"Kaycee, honey, we need to get inside the car or else we will die from the heat and I think Sam is about to pass out," Jay says.

"Oh, okay!" she says, opening the door.

They all get in and crank up the a/c.

Sam is in the drivers seat, "Finally, I thought I was gonna die!"

"Oh, quit complaining and drive," she said.

So, during the long drive home, you and Kaycee catch up from the years you've been in the states.

Author's Corner:

Hey, guys! How you like the first chapter? Hopefully it wasn't that bad. >///<

Thanks for the... 3 subcribers! =.= Not much but at least we have some. ^^

Comment and Subscribe so we know people are actually reading this! XD

<3 <3 Zee & Kay <3 <3

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Daragonhwaiting #1
You're not continuing the story? :(
Chapter 6: Omg the cake looks good O_O
Dont say that your chapters were boring. Cheer up! I like it ^-^<br />
Wow. I know these Filipino artists! (because im filipino xD kekeke)<br />
Mabuhay! :DD the colors just makes me confused @.@<br />
kya~! update soon! Hwaiting :3<br />