Afternoon Tea

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel

I stared at the brown clock as the hourly ‘cuckoo’ echoed loudly around the café. 2pm. Okay, I still have six hours. That’s plenty of time, I’ll just carry on with what I do every day, like it’s a normal day.

But of course it’s not a normal day, it’s not just any day. I’m going on a date with the stranger I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since. Since, well um, he ordered that horrid drink. Oh god, what am I going to do when I see him. I feel like running myself into a wall whenever I open my mouth to say something.


I stared down at my plain black skinnies and my light blue cardigan. Yeah, I guess they’ll have to do. At least I made a little effort with my hair today, thank goodness. I guess it’s true what they say about Sunday mornings then. Or maybe that was Friday nights.

Oh whatever, same difference.  


I sighed deeply and watched as a certain Lee Sungyeol skipped into the café. Like I said, here’s his grand introduction, arriving promptly at 2pm. Not like he needs one though.


Lee Sungyeol, Age: 20. Quite the exact opposite of his boyfriend, Myungsoo. Sungyeol’s loud, crazy, obsessed about coffee, and will only have the strongest espresso my coffee machine is even capable of producing. Oh, and on occasions, a choc chip cookie. He slave drives Myungsoo around at 7:13 am, to get his daily caffeine boost, before he naps for another six hours before getting up and then coming into the café for his daily 2pm boost, the day in the life of a college student. He studies an art major in acting, and ever since university invented the electronically podcasted lectures online, he hasn’t been to class since he got accepted into university two years ago. Instead, he comes and bums around at the café. Not that I complain though, he is arguably one of my favourite customers.


“HYUNG” he screeches into my ear, totally oblivious to all the other customers staring at him and shaking their heads with amused smiles. They, of course, were used to it, just like I was having my left ear ripped apart every day.

“Yes, yeol? Your coffee’s already waiting for you at table number six”.  

“Have I ever told yo-“

“How much you love me? yes. You tell me every day, at 2:03pm”

“Hyung, you need to stop doing that. It’s creepy. Do you even know when I go to the-“



He opened his mouth as if to say something but immediately closed it as he gave me a strange look. I chuckled and gave him a playful smile.

I just paid a lot of attention to detail. That’s all. It was a gift, my grandma told me.


She was the one who left this café for me to takeover. I used to think she owned the world, she had everything within her finger tips. She had a coffee brought to her with the snap of her fingers, and she was as wise as the combination of all those encyclopaedias put together. I used to think she was the strongest, bravest, adventurous and humourous old lady there was. But then even the best of us aren’t invincible. And it seemed Lukemia was what beat her to it.


But that was five years ago. Since then, I graduated high school, studied part time at University and spent most of my days in the coffee shop. I wasn’t one to complain though. I love it here, I love the environment of the oak tree smell lingering around with the aromas of coffee beans and vanilla, and more than anything, I love the feeling of a customer leaving with a smile on their face.


I didn’t even realise that I had zoned out, once again, reminiscing and reflecting upon my nonexistent social life and lack of purpose in life, until Sungyeol lightly punched me in the arm.

“I hear you have a date tonight.” He gave a smirk and a light wink.

I immediately felt my face heat up and let my fringe hang over my eyes as I grabbed the first thing I saw and used it to wipe the bench.

“N-no. I mean..hold on, did Dongwoo tell you? He seriously needs to learn to keep his mouth shut” I clenched my fist to express my anger but failed as I was too embarrassed to do anything more than to watch Sungyeol laugh his head off.

“Oh shut up, Yeol. What, can’t a man have a break sometime?”

“No. I mean yeah, but you’re Kim Sunggyu, you’re the most uptight-“







“not a word, yeo-“

“all you ever do is read books”

“and make coffee”

“but you love my co-“.

“even my cat gets more action than you”

“you don’t have a cat.”

“exactly my point.”

“yah, do you want to di-“


“Hyung. You need to get laid.”


You know something’s seriously wrong when even Lee Sungyeol advises you on your ual life.

Which is, afraid to admit, pretty damn nonexistent too.




i know you're all expecting the woogyu date, but wait a little longer! i just finished my exam, and i have the worst headache. i'm going to get my daily dose of medicine and watch ranking king hehe :)

please comment, and oh, tell me where you want them to go on their date? :D

thanks to all my new subscribers! <3

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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710 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
710 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
710 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE